Fallen Hero System

Chapter 4

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[Host, the Kyuubi is being extracted]

'Thank you System.'


Immediately the very earth began to shake and quiver. I can feel the house around me warp slightly as a rumbling appeared in the distance.


But the most noticeable things were the giant roar that came from the Kyuubi and the pressure of immense bloodlust that exuded from it and quickly covered the village in a thin film of it.

Everyone was affected, even me.


I cried out in a high pitched scream, everyone was running about in the streets and their homes.

My Father and Mother came to retrieve me and my Sister.

"Honey, you take care of the kids. I have to report to the Hokage immediately. I love you and please stay safe." He said all this in such a quick manner as he put on his green Konoha flak jacket, but in the end he seemed to forget that till now I was carrying his headband.

I held it tightly in my hands as my Mother quickly grabbed both me and my Sister. Mother was also shaking in fear at the immense bloodlust that surrounded us but she held strong and carried my tear stricken Sister with us as we escaped the house.



"My Son, has anybody seen him?!"

"Run Away!!!"

Everybody was in a panic, so was our Mother. She was trained to handle such situations but barely had enough energy to run much less help those in need. She wanted for all of us to survive no matter what.

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She carried us down several different alleyways as the Kyuubi was wrecking havoc behind us.

Its eyes still looked like a sharingan and I can tell it was still being manipulated.

It raged and let its inner beast out, destroying the village in the process.

It slung entire buildings about and devoured many people. Nobody who attacked survived.

Fear and panic is all that existed in this time of great desperation.

Until it happened, that was when it got even worst.

The Kyuubi was now preparing… A Biguu Bomb.

Every villager that could had saw it take this action, and knew of their fate. It fired the Bomb toward the Hokage Faces. Those who watched over the village to keep the peace, could do nothing but watch their villagers die.

And now they too will be destroyed by this beast.

The Kyuubi swept up its tails and shot out several buildings, all falling over the village in an attempt to distract the shinobi.

One happened to land on us, I saw it coming and I could do nothing.

At that exact moment I felt so puny and insignificant. I could do nothing but die.

As the building came down upon us, I could see it in the background… The Biguu Bomb had disappeared.

'It seems he finally showed up. Damn Hokage.'

I could feel the anger inside me grow to unmeasurable heights, until the building finally landed and we were unseen by the world.


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It was dark, far too dark. I could neither seen nor hear anything. I wanted to escape yet I could not move, I only wanted to be free from the despair that filled this place.

I don't want to die.

And then I cried. I cried a mournful cry. Any who heard it could feel my grievances, yet there was nobody.

Only crying can be hear as I cried and cried some more, until I grew to tired to even bother.

Hoping and praying for my family to be fine, I want to be with them more… I wanted the life I never had.

Why can I not have this I just wanted to have a family. WHY TAKE THAT FROM ME!!!

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted the world to know that I was here.

But all I truly wanted was my family, I wanted to feel the nice warmth of my Mother, experience training with Father and become the best of siblings with my Sister.

That was all I truly ever wanted, nothing more than this.

Dispair had overtaken me and as did a rueful need for the blood of that damn God who dared to put me where I'am. I will be the bogeyman that haunts his fucking dreams.

My anger had taken over all my thoughts, and so my mind was clouded. Now I was only the monster that bastard God wanted me to be.


The time that passed by was unknown to me.

Believing that it was just a few hours might not be what it was. It could have been days… But then I should be dead.

Maybe I'am only destined to die here. Maybe I was never meant to live.

But then it came from out of nowhere, I hear it… It was the sound of digging, the sound of chipping away at the earth surrounding me.

They were here to rescue survivors.

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I cried out in a desperate last attempt to get help. And I was the luckiest man alive when they managed to hear my small cry for help.

They dug and they dug toward me from the left side, I could hear their tools make a clack as they knock away the stone debris. They were shouting out and calling for others, they had found someone.

And then a little light trickled through.

I could tell that it was very bright and almost blinding, it was possibly noon of the next day.


Finally the last wall came down and my eyes slowly began to adjusted to the light from outside.

I was so happy, I couldn't contain my self and cried out even more.

I looked around myself to find my Mother and hold her… But as I did I looked up and I saw a scene I would never forget.

…Mother, she was crouched over me.

Blocking it all off.

She used her own body to block off the debris from landing on me, I could see the glass perch through her and wood sticking out of her.

My eyes welled up with tears at the thought of losing my Mother again.


I cursed the World and I cursed the Heavens. Why was my Mother resigned to such a fate. Had I only chosen another time to reincarnate this would have never happened!

All the emotions that filled me was anger.

From behind me though, appeared a hand.

The hand rested on my chest and held my blanket tight.

It was a slightly large hand, though nowhere near the size of an adult.

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My Sister had laid her hand on my chest.

I wan't alone, I wasn't alone, I wasn't alone.

This was the only thought that could make it through my mind. I had felt such despair. I only didn't want to be alone and that is what I got.

I'am not alone.

I was so happy, I could hardly control these emotions of mine. And I held her hand closely.

And so I calmed down, I observed my surroundings once again and noticed something.

My Mother, she was gazing at where we were. And she was smiling like the moment she had named me.

A gentle smile that made all my worries just go away.


After another hour of digging the rescue crew had managed to pull me and my sister to safety. My Sister though bruised was in a healthy condition. Same went for me.

But Mother, they simply laid her down, gave a salute and placed a cloth over her body.

She was gone forever.

Never in this time had I even learned her name.

And so, beside a broken building laid a girl of four years and in her arms was her baby brother.

Sleeping peacfully, they had just survived this deadly ordeal.

And as long as they had each other, then everything would be fine.

The sun shined down upon them. And the metal headband reflected the light.

Showing the world it existed.

Upon the headband was the symbol of Konohagakure, and the Kanji for Rei Muramasa.

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