Fallen Hero System

Chapter 31

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After Najenda tried to speak with Ace who promptly went into hibernation for the next few minutes, she noticed that something was wiggling inside of the bag that Ace was carrying on his back.

"What the? What is in the bag?" Najenda had her curiosity peaked at this bizarre sighting.

Curiosity had taken over her as she went up to the bag from behind. Slowly undoing the tassels that held the bag's top flap closed, as she did this the rummaging inside only got more proactive and almost caused the bag to flop about.

Now Najenda knew that something was truly off about what Ace carried inside.

After untying the tassels, Najenda slowly lifted the flap and… Out popped a flash of silver!

"WAAHH…!!" The sudden appearance of this thing caused Najenda to jump backwards out of fright, landing on her bottom.

"What the HELL!!!" She was a bit shaken up at this, but her experience as a soldier easily helped her heart calm down.

Now she could only raise her head and lock at what came out, but she almost felt that her eyes were playing tricks… Because what she saw before her was in fact just a puppy.

The silver puppy had its head slightly tilted to the left, wondering to itself why Najenda was so startled and it also wondered where it was.

"Kyuu~ Kyuu~(Master~Master~)" The little silver pup called out in a little voice.

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But getting no response for the first time scared the little pup, she began to shiver and shake from fear of her master disappearing!

"KYUU KYUU KYUU!!!(MASTER MASTER MASTER!!!)" The puppy truly began to freak out, scared out of its mind the pup whined and cried to no avail. And noticing the strange human before it, didn't help to calm it down in the least.

"Ah, agh, aahhh!" Najenda was lost as she had no idea what to do, was the pup Ace's pet? Then why doesn't she just care of it for the moment?

As the though came to mind, Najenda came close to the pup who was almost screaming out of fear to the stranger before it.

After Najenda neared her hand to the pup trying her best to keep it calm with cooing and soft words, sudden;y another hand latched onto hers. Raising her head, Najenda saw a pair of angry and eyes that seemed almost bloodshot.

"You dare to touch Nanami? Why don't I help you chop off this hand that committed the crime?" Hearing the words spoken by Ace, Najenda nearly passed out from the fear as fire began to leak from his mouth.

But soon enough Nanami stepped in an licked every part of Ace's face within but a moment. This stimulated Ace's mind that was a little drowsy at the moment and woke him up enough to realize who he was threatening.

Avoiding her eyes I spoke to Najenda and apologized "Hehehe… Sorry, I sort of went overboard there. I'm just a little protective of Nanami is all." Looking down at the pup before me I can only say that she is absolutely adorable.

Though she wasn't angry, she still couldn't stomach the humiliation she got from trying to help the pup and her questioning started.

Trying her best to look me in the eyes as I avoided hers, she ask in a deep tone "So, where exactly did you get this Pup? It seems to me that it is a wolf and wolves aren't exactly known for being house pets. But this one doesn't even seem to be a normal wolf, so what is it? Hmm~."

She seemed to have a soft spot for Nanami as well, otherwise she would leave it at a small scolding, but here she is asking what her breed and where I got her from.

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Looking down on the clueless Nanami I spoke to Najenda. "Well Nanami here, I picked her up after her pack was killed." Suspicious at what I said she pushed further "And how were they killed?" Lowering my head once again, I spoke "I - I don't know." Let me tell you how suspicious that was, very.

"Okay, since you don't know. Then tell me what type of wolf she is, most wolves are white. Not a bluish silver." *Gulp* swallowing my saliva I refrained from loping her in the eyes even more as I spoke out quietly "a - a water wolf."

Shocked by my claim Najenda screamed in her mind 'How the hell did this punk get a Water Wolf Pup!' she was obviously not taking the news well. This was probably because to get a Danger Beast in its newborn stage was far beyond rare as the breeding seasons only happen once a year and even then the rate of pregnancy is very low.

Seeing the water wolf pup licking Ace's face, she quickly conceded "I don't even care anymore. Just, be careful with the pup. Okay?" though she was still kind enough to give some advice.

And off she went to her tent for the remainder of the night.


"Fire Style: Fire Pillar!" *CRASH!!! FWOOSH!!!*


The earth shook and the temperature in the air rose to a near unbearable level, the apocalypse was upon them.

Najenda ran from her tent in her night ware that was a less lavish military fatigues, she was barking out orders. "Team into positions! We are currently under attack, make suer that the enemy keeps a distance and if not kill all who come!"

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Everybody in the camp was scrambling about and preparing for battle, wielding swords and spear alongside their shields that couldn't hope to save their lives against the truly strong opponents. Most soldiers only had enough strength to fight ordinary beast while some could take on a 3rd Class Danger Beast.

Looking around… They found nothing, only the original pillar of fire was what some had saw. And only after remembering the face of a certain sleeping individual did they began to calm down, one by one.

Even Najenda was off to the side almost slamming her head into the center pole of a tent out of frustration. But first she raised her head and looked at the man who was overlooking the now rising sun.

"Ace, I don't appreciate the crapy wake up call. In fact, it nearly gave me a heart attack." Najenda starred up at the silhouette that had the sun rising in front. She received a response only after a few minutes of watching the sunrise. "Well… Good morning to you too Najenda."

Hearing Ace speak only pissed her off more.

With a twitching mouth, she avoided yelling as much as she could. "Ace, is this a joke to you? Because it is not funny. My team needs some rest after all the traveling they did, you probably wouldn't know anything about that had you half a brain to think with or stayed awake long enough to do so."

Dumbfounded at what I heard, I looked down on the short silver haired beauty that was basically calling me retarded. 'Like bitch what you say?'

"Oh, I suppose you expected me to call down a phoenix and have it go 'cock-a-doodle-doo' just you did you not?" Telling her off I just jumped down from the tent pole I was standing on while I overlooked the rising sun. In all honesty, I found the location perfect for watching it rise and the only problem at the location was that a random dead tree trunk was in the way. So I turned it to ash with a C-Rank Jutsu.

The only thing that crossed my mind at this moment was 'I hate military personal…' and that will never change.


We set off two hours later after we packed up camp and went on our way. Today the adventure began, though I had no idea how these other bastards are going to make it out alive.

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From everything I have gathered about this Wasteland Battlefield is that it is overflowing with magic energy that will mutate the body of those it flows in and over saturates their cells inside their body.

This will in turn make them into a being that is not human. Turning them into something that is similar to a Danger Beast and Ghoul, basically they turn into a monster.

So I decided to have a small chat with Najenda about this.

Approaching her from behind I decided to give her a small spook… And so I jumped on her latching onto her shoulder and wrapping my legs around her waist. "HeyNajendahowyoudoing?!" "AHHHHH?!" *CRASH!*

And all the team members around could only show a wry smile at Ace's antics that they were now slowly adjusting to.

For this… I got a good beating. "And so tell me, what the hell were you thinking?!" Looking down on me from above, Najenda was a bit more than pissed.

"Well, I was just wondering how you guys were gonna survive on the battlefield, scaring you was just something I did due to my boredom." I innocently explained myself by covering up my actions with a question.

"What do you mean? The magic energy in the area is quite weak this time of year, all the of it will raise above into the clouds and create a large storm that will devastate the area. But all of us plan to leave before that happens, the storm should begin in roughly a week from now." Did I just hear right? A fucking magic storm will decimate the area? Now I have to take this little quest of mine even more serious. As the magic power in the area should be highly unstable and prone to destruction if any high power battles are to occur.

"But even so…" Najenda had a wide smile apprea on her face, looking up I see a hand land on my face *CLENCH* "GAH! Najenda, let go!"

"Yeah, trying to get out of the situation by changing the subject won't help you." Najenda had a very scary smile on right now, she's scary.

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