Fallen Hero System

Chapter 32

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As the group moved on we made decent progress of moving at a pace of five kilometers an hour. Not the fastest pace, but with the supplies we have it is more than fast enough as the battlefield is only at a distance of seven kilometers.

Marching on I observe the surroundings in secrete with the Sharingan, thorough this I have discovered the the magic energy in the area is exactly as I thought; very unstable and highly volatile.

A feeling of fear runs up my spine as I continue onward. This battlefield I'am heading into can literally blow-up from under my feet at any point. For the time being I can only hope that it will not happen as we search for the Imperial Arms hidden within.

'But what to do with her?' Looking over at Najenda whom I had reluctantly let carry Nanami in her arms, I thought this due to her Imperial Arm 'Pumpkin' that she carries on her back. If she were to hit an area where the magic energy was concentrated, an explosion is inevitable.

"Hah~" 'I'll deal with it when it happens.' Sighing out loud for no apparent reason turned some heads but they just assumed I yawned in the end.


Approaching an area that clearly had a higher content of magic energy per square inch told me that we were finally entering our destination.

Sucking in the air I can feel my body overflow with extra energy after it reaches my lungs, though I cannot turn all of this magic energy into Chakra at the moment due to my lacking of understanding of the energy source.

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So creating a larger reserve of Chakra will still take some time, even though it did multiply several times after I purified the Uzumaki Bloodline so much.

But ignoring my own problems I soon figure out a major problem associated with the task at hand… Just where are we supposed to actually look for the Imperial Arms?

Knowing that the Empire already had a plan to search for the Imperial Arms, I'am only left to imagine that this is not the first time that they have done this many times in the past. So they must have already cleared out many locations and found many Imperial Arms in the process.

"Ace, since you are a powerhouse then it would be wise that you be left in charge of taking out any hostile forces." Najenda had noticed that I was pondering over many things and that I was left with no job to keep me busy.

Looking her way I said out "That is fine, but I'm sure that you al can handle yourselves. And also, can anything actually survive such high levels of uncontrollable Magic Energy?"

She seemed to have expected such a question and willingly gave an answer"Normally that is the case. But after soaking up so much Magic Energy there have been beings that are quite abnormal. They have rotted skin and lack the ability to think and feel pain, they are monsters and are like cockroaches. If you find one, then a dozen are bound to follow."

So I was right… A Ghoul… I hate Ghouls.

"Damn I hate Ghouls…" 'I said it out loud…'

Najenda looked my way and had a quizzical look "Ghouls? What are those?" So of course I had to explain "They are exactly as you said, but in the case that I know of them they were not made from Magic Energy but from another more unnatural energy source known as Radiation. It is a type of energy that is something that one should never absorb in large quantities as it will cause many different problems with the body. And Ghoulification is one of them."

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She still seemed confused "Okay…?"

As we continued along the journey I have discovered that they had next to no idea as to where they are and so I decide to lend them a small undetailed map stating that I got it from Whitebeard for my journey.

This made my trip a little more bar able as they finally moved in a decent direction though because they lacked someone with serious navigation skill we were left in an approximate direction. Nothing more.

So I took the lead and pointed out many mistakes that they made, all these skills were taught to me by that old man. I just never put them to actions because I made those three friends of mine do it in my stead.

'I should probably stop doing such things' I could only be left to sulk off in the corner as Najenda was left wondering what I was doing.


We made it to the area where I wanted to be, only after nine days of traveling and navigating throughout this enormous battlefield. In fact, the number of soldiers that lost their lives in this battlefield was in the tens of millions. Just imaging the number of lives that were lost reminded me of WW2 back on Earth.

Navigating included many things as well, such as avoiding the Magic Energy hotspot, Ghoul Hordes and even just Natural Obstacles. Ie: Mountains, Lakes, Valleys. The Wasteland Battlefield stretched on for well over 900SqK, a monstrous region to search if you are moving at a snails pace.

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"Ace, we finally arrived. But are you sure we should be here? I mean, the Magic Energy is completely off the charts here! So much as stepping into that are will kill any common man within seconds. You will be walking into your own death." Najenda made a small habit of reporting to me after I took control of the unit nine days ago, though you know what?

"Najenda, I'd be much more touched by what you said if you only you weren't holding Nanami in your arms." I pointed to the napping Nanami who was held by Najenda.

Taking her eyes off of me and looking at the top right of her head she spoke "I have no clue what you mean~ I just wanted to give you a fair warning is all~" She had no intention of looking me in my eyes.

"Your intentions are practically seeping from your damn skin Najenda" "Oh~ and you would be more handsome if you let me keep this puppy~" "Not gonna happen you little witch" "That is rude, calling the beautiful and youthful me a witch" "You resemble that of an old hag" "What'd you say brat"

'Captain is gonna kill him'

'More like he is gonna kill Captain'

'Those two are almost always fighting nowadays'

'Get a room you damn newly weds'

"Hah~ but with all seriousness, Ace are you really going? Its almost certain death, hell even the corpses that died there hundreds of years ago are now immobile statues that were left as the remaining reminder of the once great Epic that occurred here." After fighting for well ver an hour Najenda decided to the grown-up and change back to the original topic.

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Looking at Najenda who was now sitting with Nanami speed out on her lap I can only accept defeat for the moment "Yeah, if I don't go then my trip will be wasted. Besides I can still work with this much."

As an active user of a mysterious energy I was confident in the fact that I can last on the battlefield. It was the greatest battlefield that occurred within, it was known as God's Descent and I'am far from the first to try and raid this place. But it is just that all others who had entered have died due to over exposure to Magic Energy, and therefore the place is actually left untouched in time.

This location was known as God's Descent due to the fact that back then over thirty Imperial Arms had congregated in the area and fought to destroy one another. Most wielders had managed to escape with their Imperial Arms but some of the unlucky fews were left here and made this place their tomb.

From the Information I have of this place, there should be approximately five or six Imperial Arms all depending on whether the deaths recorded are factual.

And for now I can only hope that the information I have in Rongo Rongo is absolute. But then again, nothing is absolute.

As I stare down at my hands… I can tell that not even death is absolute and can easily be changed…

There have been countless stories and the like showcasing the fact that nothing… Not even death, fate, future or even the universe cannot be left unchanged.

But only now do I truly begin to believe it.

And with a huge grin that looked absolutely goofy… I took off in the direction of God's Descent. All in hope of living to see tomorrow.

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