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" How about you buy her 999 roses? " He Chen proposed to his panicking boss.

" Too cliche, she wouldn't like it. " Jun Feng coldly answered.

" Then how about you fly her to France and apologize on top of the Eiffel tower? It can even be the Big Ben Tower! " He Chen suggested.

" She just ran away and now you want me to kidnap her and put her in a plane? " Jun Feng's eyes turned icy.

" You can also try to buy fireworks that form the words ' Sorry moon, I love you ' " He Chan advised.

" We can't prepare that quickly, I need to fix it by tomorrow night. " Jun Feng denied his idea.

" Boss...I think that if you are this picky you can only resign yourself to find yourself a washboard and kneel on it while begging for forgiveness. We can receive one in less than 12 hours! " He Chen cheerfully recommended.

Jun Feng finally turned to his dumb subordinate who's IQ somehow got lower and lower each day since they came to China and responded, " How is that romantic? You want me to be a clown or what? "

He Chen gulped down as he saw his boss' scary expression and shook his head, " Not at all! But on Baidu, it's written that it usually works..."

Jun Feng sighed and continued to search on the phone.

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After two hours of unsuccessful research, Jun Feng started to consider buying himself a red clown nose to match his role on the washboard...


In the five star hotel, on the 23rd floor, the waiter rang Ying Yue's doorbell.

Hearing the doorbell, Ying Yue happily skipped to the door and opened it, " My food is ready? "

" Yes, Miss Ying. Here is your bubble tea, your salad and your crème brulée. " the waiter politely answered.

" Wow! Thank you! " Ying Yue exclaimed as the waiter brought the food in her room.

She tipped the waiter a hundred bucks before sitting down and enjoying her meal without a single care about her stressed boyfriend.

After finishing her meal, Ying Yue opened the TV and started skipping through random channels when she was suddenly interrupted by the doorbell.

" What is it this time? " Ying Yue grumbled before walking to the door and peeping through the peephole.

Seeing the annoying face of the CEO dude, Ying Yue scoffed before walking back to her bed, " This jerk! Who bothers people in the middle of the night?! "

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She nestled back in the covers but the incessant doorbell sound made her unable to relax.

" Why is there no mute thingy here?! " she complained in her mind before reluctantly walking towards the door again.

Ying Yue pinched her nose and pretended to be a voice message, " The customer in this room is currently unavailable. Please come back in a few years. "

Hearing her silly voice, Chen Li wanted to laugh but restrained himself and spoke in a loud voice, " Ying Yue, I know you are here, stop pretending. "

" If you know that I am here why the hell do you need to ring so many times?! I swear you bother me one more time I will be freaking calling the security! " Ying Yue through the door.

" They won't help you. I own 60% of this hotel's shares. " Chen Li said confidently.

" You own? More like your company does you spoiled brat! " Ying Yue harrumphed.

" I just want to talk. " Chen Li wanted to retorque what she was saying but just got straight to the point. He knew that with her shamelessness, it would be impossible for him to win.

" Talk about what? Talk about how you are single? Don't want to! " Ying Yue said.

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" Just because you are jealous that I have a strong, handsome, nice and rich boyfriend doesn't mean you can hassle me like this! " Ying Yue bragged.

' How the hell did she come to the conclusion that I was jealous of her relationship?! ' Chen Li was about to go crazy in his mind.

" What are you saying?! I said I wanted to talk! Just open the door and let me in! " Chen Li huffed impatiently.

" Oh my! How impudent you are! A disgrace you are! Even though knowing I have a boyfriend you still want to force your way in? Shameless! I will see you in court for harassment! " Ying Yue spoked like a spoiled rich girl.

' This girl is definitely crazy! ' Chen Li thought desperately.

" Just give me five minutes. " Chen Li tried one more time.

" If I don't what are you going to do? Break the door? Kick me out? Ring my doorbell till it's broken? " Ying Yue still didn't resign.

" I have my ways. " Chen Li answered.

" Blablablabla... I don't care. Are you really freaking dumb huh? You just don't get the hint? I am basically telling you to scram and to stop bothering me! Bye! I am wasting saliva and brain cells just talking to you! " Ying Yue sassed before walking to the hotel's phone and dialling the reception.

" Hi, dear guest, how may I help you? " a professional voice said.

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" Hi I am the guest of room 2310 and I would like to deactivate my bell so I can sleep without being disturbed. Is this possible? " Ying Yue explained.

" Of course, we shall do it now, " the voice answered.
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" Thank you! Can I also ask you to not let anyone disturb me for the whole night and morning? I have a very clingy pursuer and I am scared he'll try to follow me into the hotel room." Ying Yue fluently acted as a panicked lady.

" I understand, we will do our best to not have anyone disturb you. " the voice replied reassuringly.

" Thank you for the great service! I'll be sure to tip you! Goodnight! " Ying Yue cheered before hanging up, feeling contented.

After a while, she peeped into the hole and saw that the CEO dude was gone and she sighed in relief.

That night, Ying Yue happily fell asleep


The following day at the reception desk, the staff told her, " Miss Ying, you have received 999 roses waiting for you in the Lobby. "

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