Stella, I'm sorry. I want to apologize in person. I will wait for you tonight at 8 pm, on the top floor of this hotel.

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- Noah

Ying Yue read the note that came with the roses with a light smile, ' Should I forgive him this easily? '

" Can I please ask your hotel to donate these roses to orphanage and hospitals for me? " Ying Yue smiled as she handed the staff a check.

" Yes, it is our pleasure. " the staff smiled and accepted the check.

After eating her breakfast at the hotel's restaurant, Ying Yue headed out and went to buy herself a new change of outfit along with a new temporary phone.

Her long-awaited weekend finally came but as Bo Jiang just quitted yesterday, she needed to personally take charge of Starlight and immediately find a replacement for him.

Ying Yue casually walked to Starlight Company and passed the front desk, going into the elevator.

The lift dinged at her floor and she strolled on the empty floor. It was the weekend so nobody was working.

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She sat down at her desk and not even the speck of dust could be seen. All the documents that she needed to go over were neatly arranged on her desk from the most urgent to the least.

Ying Yue sighed as she saw the huge piles of work: she was definitely going to be stuck here for a while.

Suddenly, she discovered a red notebook on the side of her computer that had a small post-it stuck to it: to Ying Yue.

Ying Yue picked up and quickly read through it. It was a notebook filled with advice, important phone numbers, project ideas and stock market data.

She sighed, maybe she was a bit too harsh on Bo Jiang...

Ying Yue dialled the number of Bo Jiang's assistant so that he would come to the office to help her set a few things right.

Meanwhile, she started going through a few pile of documents, quickly doing what she could and signing the documents needed.

When his assistant finally arrived, he informed her of all the important stuff that needed to be handled and everything Bo Jiang wanted him to tell Ying Yue.

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" Thank you for your hard work. " Ying Yue answered, " Until we find a proper replacement, I will ask you to work hard. It's going to be tough but you will be properly rewarded. "

The assistant nodded, " Actually, the ex-vice president already prepared a successor. "

" I see... " Ying Yue replied. Should she really trust the so-called successor he placed by her side?

" Let him come to work in the meantime. I'll see if he's fitted myself. I'll also send you two portfolios about potential candidates. I want you to contact them and offer them a two-week tryout in their positions. Show them the contract that I'll send you. If they request for more money, feel free to adjust accordingly but if it's too excessive, you can contact me and I'll personally handle it. " Ying Yue instructed as she continued to go over the document.

" Understood. " the assistant responded.

" I'll have to trouble you to help them during their two weeks and to also help me evaluate them as well as the candidate Bo Jiang proposed. I'll make my final decision when I see the final results of each candidate. Make sure to make them sign a contract of confidentiality too. " Ying Yue continued.

" I will do everything accordingly. "

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" Great, you can leave for today, I'll handle the rest of the documents here. " Ying Yue thanked him before he left the building.

After working all day and being nagged by Mina, Ying Yue looked at the clock.

6:30 pm

Ying Yue smiled and choose to go teach Jun Feng a lesson.

She wrapped up her work and went back to the hotel after buying a fancy dress.

Dressed in a sexy black high low dress, Ying Yue put on a bit of makeup and only after making sure she looked like an alluring devil did she leave her room for the top floor.

Jun Feng, dressed in a dark suit, nervously held a bouquet of red roses in front of the elevator's lift. He looked extremely handsome but his freezing aura around him made him look a bit scary.

He had booked the entire top floor to prepare his apology and was still a bit anxious to see his little devil. She really had the power to make him this anxious. Falling in love with a devil was such a hard thing...

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Abruptly, he heard the sound of the elevator arriving and his heart started beating fast. He couldn't mess this up.

When the doors of the elevator opened its door to reveal a splendidly dressed devil, Jun Feng thought his heart has stopped beating.

This kind of demoness was truly too overpowered. Jun Feng looked at the goddess slowly walking out of the lift with a seductive smile. Her black dress elegantly swaying to her graceful movements while exposing her long slender legs.

Her perfect looking face that had a thin layer of makeup was devastating his mind. How could his devil look this good? He never knew that a dressed-up devil was so lethal.

Ying Yue arrived in front of Jun Feng and looked at his dumbfounded expression, feeling very satisfied and proud of herself.

" So? You are just going to keep staring? " Ying Yue laughed at his frozen face.

Jun Feng finally managed to come back to the real world with this sentence and blinked confusedly, " I'm sorry, can you give me a second? "

Jun Feng said in an icy tone before turning away from Ying Yue and holding his forehead in vain. ' What the hell...what kind of illegal move is that? What am I suppose to do after that? '

Jun Feng scolded his heart inwardly and tried to calm himself down. Just as he was about to turn back around, Ying Yue's light smell came near him and she put his hand on his shoulder. Leaning her body onto his, her mouth approached his ear and she gently whispered with a seductive voice, " That suit is very becoming on you. Then again, I would be too. "

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