Yi Ran swallowed her saliva and turned her head away, her restraint showing in her strained voice: “You…… Don’t……”

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Song Yu Meng latched her arms around her neck and exhaled gently in Yi Ran’s ear. “Mm, you don’t like it?”

“I do……”

“Then isn’t it fine if you like it.” Her voice was low and alluring, sounding particularly sexy.

Yi Ran was a mess with her erratic breathing and her flush spreading from her face to her ears, even the corners of her eyes had turned red.

Song Yu Meng committed the sight of this bashful, blushing Yi Ran to memory, her lips lifting in satisfaction. Yi Ran’s reaction was just as spectacular as she had expected.

She got off of Yi Ran’s lap and moved to sit back on the edge of the bed. Yi Ran’s face was hot and Song Yu Meng was afraid that if she kept on provoking Yi Ran like this, she might just lose control.

She had only wanted to seduce Yi Ran and see her reaction. As for all those… naughty stuff, it was a bit too soon and she hadn’t mentally prepared for it yet.

Yi Ran saw Song Yu Meng’s smug satisfaction and got a bit embarrassed and annoyed. “Where did you learn that from?”

“I thought of it myself, can’t I?” Song Yu Meng smiled mysteriously. “Didn’t you look like you were enjoying it too just now? You said you liked it.”

Yi Ran started to try and assert dominance: “Don’t do that in the future. It’s fine if you wear it for me to see, but you’re not allowed to wear this sort of clothing to school.”

“It depends on your performance.” Song Yu Meng drawled casually. “If you anger me one day, I’ll wear it out. I’ll wear it to school and anger you to death.”

Yi Ran looked at her helplessly, eyes filled with love.

Song Yu Meng rested her chin on Yi Ran’s shoulder and said: “It’s your 18th birthday today, is there anywhere you want to go?”

Yi Ran thought about it and shook her head. “I don’t want to go anywhere. Just stay home and revise, it’s going to be the end-of-term exams on Monday.”

Hearing her words, Song Yu Meng was suddenly depressed. “It’s your birthday and you’re stuck at home revising, it’s such a drag.”

Yi Ran shrugged. “The point is, I don’t know where to go either. We’ve gone everywhere that we should go. There aren’t any good movies showing now and we’ve been to amusement parks so many times.”

Continuing, Yi Ran asked: “Then where do you want to go?”

“Um……” Song Yu Meng hesitated, unable to decide. She felt that Yi Ran was quite right. They had already been to all the fun places in Sucheng, and it would be boring to go again.

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“Have you decided where to go?”

“Not yet. Actually, I don’t want to go anywhere special either. As long as it’s with you, I’m happy even going to school.” Song Yu Meng lowered her head, smiling slightly.

Yi Ran laughed. “Exactly, why must we go out to play? Isn’t it fine to stay at home with me and study? I’ll spot a few questions for the end-of-term exam for you so you can get more points, isn’t that great?”

“Do you still remember our promise? We said we’d get into C University together. We’ll be in our third year after the end-of-term exams. If we don’t work hard, how can we get in?”

Song Yu Meng was suddenly motivated by Yi Ran’s speech and she pumped her fist in the air.

“Yes! We said we’ll go to C University together, how can we not work hard!”

So the two of them started revising in the room. Song Yu Meng taught Yi Ran geography, patiently explaining the key points to her over and over again. She even took out a 2018 national paper for Yi Ran to practice.

Yi Ran didn’t look at the paper, choosing to stare at Song Yu Meng instead.

Flushing, Song Yu Meng said: “Why are you looking at me, look at the exam paper.”

Yi Ran licked her lips. “Can you put on something? You’re sitting next to me and wearing this, it’s very hard for me to focus on solving the problems.”

Song Yu Meng smiled happily. “No way, I want to wear this. Isn’t it fine if you just don’t look?

Yi Ran clicked her tongue, a bit of resentment in her eyes. She wanted to say, as if I can stop looking just because I don’t want to look? Even if she didn’t look, her heart and mind were in a mess, how could she study!

And this question……

Yi Ran looked at the diagrams in the national paper and the odd answer options, and she got even more frustrated. She always thought geography was metaphysics.

“Don’t just stare, work on it!” Yi Ran had stared at the paper for a few minutes without moving her pen, and even Song Yu Meng was starting to feel anxious for her.

Yi Ran looked at her in despair. “I wish I could do it too, but I don’t know how to!” She fluttered her eyelashes at Song Yu Meng and whined: “Geography is too hard, can I not do it?”

Song Yu Meng knocked her gel pen on Yi Ran’s head and mercilessly refused.

“No—— way!”

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She didn’t look like she could be negotiated with at all.

Yi Ran broke down[1] and held her head, rolling around.

“But I just can’t do it! It’s not like you don’t know what standard my geography is. I only can score ten-ish marks and you’re asking me to do a national paper, how could you be so cruel!” She cried out. “Hmph, I’m going to let you experience the despair of doing the national paper for maths too!”

Seeing her girlfriend like this, Song Yu Meng really felt like she couldn’t do anything.

She thought of an idea and held her index finger up. “How about this? For every question you do, I… I’ll kiss you once. Will that work?”

Yi Ran immediately perked up and smiled cheekily. “Really? You’re not kidding?”

Song Yu Meng raised her head higher and blushed. “Of course it’s real. When has this lady ever lied to you!”

Picking up her pen, Yi Ran set out working on the paper. After a ferocious bit of writing, she had filled in the answers for the multiple-choice questions within 10 seconds.

The answers were all scribbled on hastily, it was clearly all guessed.

Yi Ran capped the pen and looked at Song Yu Meng, smiling slyly. “You’re the one who said it, a kiss for every question. You’re not allowed to regret it. I did 15 questions, you need to kiss me 15 times.”

Song Yu Meng was so angry her cheeks puffed up. She pointed at Yi Ran and complained: “Yi Ran, you’re shameless! It doesn’t count if you did them carelessly, I’m not going to kiss you!”

Yi Ran smiled. “You’re the one being shameless. You said you’d kiss me once for every question I did. You didn’t say the answers had to be right.” She smiled cheekily while moving closer to Song Yu Meng, lowering her voice intentionally. “You didn’t say where the kiss would be either, so, I’ll be the one to decide……”

Sensing danger, Song Yu Meng wanted to dodge, but Yi Ran didn’t give her a chance. With her left hand on Song Yu Meng’s cheek and her right hand behind her head, Yi Ran kissed her soft lips.

Biting, sucking, licking, attacking……

The atmosphere started heating up.

At that very moment, Mrs Song came in to bring fruit juice for the two. In the end, she saw her daughter exposing her shoulders and back as she sat on Yi Ran’s legs.

Mrs Song froze.

The two of them had been frightened too. Song Yu Meng immediately got off Yi Ran’s thighs and Yi Ran quickly turned her head away, but her hand didn’t move to hide her face. She clamped it onto her neck, as if she was intentionally hiding something.

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It was so embarrassing.

She was thinking about how to explain. Song Yu Meng had straddled her lap while they were kissing, Yi Ran couldn’t even stop her.

“Mom! Why didn’t you knock before coming in! Yi Ran was discussing the questions with me!’ Song Yu Meng was embarrassed and annoyed, she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

What was more awkward than a parent walking in to see their child fooling around with their partner?

“You’re sure you were discussing questions?” Mrs Song couldn’t help her suspicions.

“Really!” Song Yu Meng quickly took the study materials off the table and showed it to Mrs Song. “See, I just finished explaining geography to Yi Ran!”

Mrs Song took a look, but she was still suspicious. She observed the two of them more closely when she was setting down the cups of juice.

There was no need to mention her daughter. Her face was red and upon closer inspection, her lips were red and swollen, with broken skin. Yi Ran had a hand on her neck and she was looking away, but Mrs Song guessed she was also blushing wildly.

Tsk, what was even going on in this room, she couldn’t bear to look.

Before Mrs Song left, she looked at the bedsheets.

Good, they were white as usual.

They probably really hadn’t done anything overboard, just… lovers sitting on each other hugging and kissing and discussing questions?

After Mrs Song had left and closed the door, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Yi Ran finally moved her hand away from her neck.

The left side of her neck had a red patch as big as the size of her thumb. It wasn’t purplish or deep red, it was a sort of pale red mixed with pink, like the pink peach blossoms in spring. It was particularly eye-catching against Yi Ran’s pale skin.

In the heat of the moment, Song Yu Meng had been unable to control herself and bit on Yi Ran’s neck.

She looked at the red spot and felt both happy and shy, lowering her head to smile.

Yi Ran knew what she was smiling at, knocking her head gently and scolding: “You’re still smiling? Isn’t this what you did? Thankfully I was smart enough to hold my neck so your mom didn’t see it, or we’d be dead.”

Song Yu Meng laughed. “This is my stamp on you to prove you’re my person. Nobody else had better even think of snatching you away.”

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“Don’t worry, I’m yours. Nobody can snatch me away.”


The seating charts for the end-of-term exams were random as usual. Tang Xiang Ping had pinned the chart at the back of the classroom the night before, and Song Yu Meng checked it excitedly to see if she would be sitting with Yi Ran.

She was disappointed in the end.

She was on the fourth floor while Yi Ran was on the fifth floor. It was far, but so be it. What was more frustrating was that Xu Yuan was actually sitting in the same venue as Yi Ran, and she was even sitting behind Yi Ran.

Song Yu Meng was jealous to death, why didn’t they let Yi Ran sit with her! What if that Xu Yuan purposely flirted with her girlfriend!

She walked back to her seat sullenly.

Yi Ran asked: “Did you see the chart? Which classroom am I in, and where am I sitting?”

“I saw it. You’re in 2503, the same one as Xu Yuan. Sitting in front of her.” Song Yu Meng folded her arms and said petulantly.

Yi Ran immediately knew she was jealous, and consoled her: “So what if she’s sitting behind me? Are you scared she’s going to do something to me to steal me away?”

“Yeah, she’s so good at hooking other people. I’m really afraid you’ll be deceived by her pure act!”

Yi Ran found Song Yu Meng’s jealousy incredibly cute. After looking all around them and confirming nobody was paying attention, Yi Ran pulled her collar away and showed that pale red “strawberry”[2] to Song Yu Meng.

She smiled. “Relax, I still have that stamp of yours on my body. Other than you, nobody else can steal me away. It only recognises you.”

Song Yu Meng finally cheered up.

“How can you be so sweet.” She lightly tapped her finger on Yi Ran’s lips.

Yi Ran laughed. “You’re the one who’s kissed it. If you say it’s sweet, it’s sweet.

[1] 崩溃 – The best translation for this would be a mental breakdown, but it’s usually not used in such a serious context. If you guys are kpop fans/watch k-dramas, it’s very similar to when you use 멘븋 or menboong (never thought my kpop days would be able to help me translate a term in Chinese lol). Jump back up.

[2] 草莓 – So this is internet slang that I find super cute. This means strawberry, and it’s a cute way to refer to a hickey. 种草莓 is planting strawberries, or giving someone a hickey. Jump back up.

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