The first end-of-term exam was Song Yu Meng’s most-feared maths. But Yi Ran had spotted a whole bunch of possible questions that could come up and explained all of them to her beforehand.

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So this time around, she managed to finish quite a few. She finished two out of the six big questions at the back, and she was confident that some of the simpler multiple-choice questions were 100% correct.

The bell rang and the students started handing in their papers. Song Yu Meng quickly left the classroom, anxious to run upstairs and see Yi Ran.

She coincidentally bumped into Yi Ran at the staircase between the fourth and fifth floor, who was just as anxious to look for Song Yu Meng.

“Yi Ran!” Song Yu Meng shouted happily, smiling as she walked to her and naturally hugging her arm. “I was just about to look for you, I didn’t think I’ll bump into you here. You’re so anxious, did you want to see me earlier too?”

Because of the difference in heights, Song Yu Meng raised her head slightly to look at Yi Ran. Because she was happy at seeing Yi Ran, her eyes had become crescents. What an adorable girlfriend.

Yi Ran smiled indulgently and patted Song Yu Meng’s head. “You’re asking when you already know the answer.”

Song Yu Meng whined: “Asking when I know the answer but you still won’t tell me! Hmph!”

Yi Ran sidled closer to her and smiled. “Alright, I wanted to see you earlier. Happy?”


Most of the students had submitted their papers, and the sound of heavy footsteps started sounding from both floors.

Yi Ran: “Let’s go, or we’ll have to squeeze when we want to go down.”

Song Yu Meng hummed and obediently held onto Yi Ran’s hand as they went back to the classroom.

While walking down the stairs, she was proudly boasting to Yi Ran: “I think I can score above 60 this time for maths. I answered the first two big questions according to the steps you taught me, and I could actually do the eighth multiple-choice question! That’s the question about the area of an ellipse, I can’t believe I could do it.

“How about it, do you feel I’m awesome!” Her entire face had “praise me” written on it as she lifted her chin arrogantly.

Yi Ran laughed and patted her head. “Of course you’re awesome, whose girlfriend are you?”

Song Yu Meng put on a confused expression, saying: “Oh? Whose girlfriend am I? How come I didn’t know about this?”

Yi Ran flung her hand away and ran down the stairs, cheekily replying to Song Yu Meng: “Don’t ask me, I don’t know either!”

Song Yu Meng stomped her foot angrily and chased after her, shouting: “You’re heartless, Yi Ran! Is it so difficult to say I’m your girlfriend!”

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The three days set aside for the end-of-term exams flew by in a blink.

The two of them were taking the train back, and the carriage was pretty much empty.

While they were riding, they were seated opposite a lady who was wearing a crop top that exposed her stomach and a super short leather skirt. She had thick makeup applied, but she still looked bright and beautiful.

When the lady had just got on the train, Yi Ran had looked at her a few times before paying full attention to Song Yu Meng while they were chatting. When the lady got off the train, Yi Ran looked a couple more times, then she retracted her gaze and didn’t look again.

To Yi Ran, this was an ordinary thing, anybody would look a few times at someone who enters or leaves the train.

But to Song Yu Meng, it was a big problem. Yi Ran actually looked at another girl when she was with her??? She was incredibly sour, her possessiveness was just that strong.

For the remainder of the train ride, Song Yu Meng kept a “gracious” smile and stayed silent. She just nodded to everything Yi Ran said.

Naive Yi Ran didn’t notice she was mad until Song Yu Meng flung her hand away and walked out of the train when it reached their stop.

Yi Ran panicked, she knew her girlfriend was really mad now.

Quickly pushing through the crowd, Yi Ran finally saw Song Yu Meng’s back and caught up to her, pulling on her hand.

Song Yu Meng flung her hand away again and said angrily: “Why are you looking for me? Go look for that pretty lady, I see you quite like her.”

“Why would I look for her? I don’t even know her, how could I like her?”

Song Yu Meng got even angrier: “You don’t know her but you still looked at her!”

“I just took a second glance because I thought she was good looking, that’s all. Humans are visual creatures after all. Besides, we sat on the train for so long and I only took those few glances, didn’t I chat with you the rest of the time?”

Yi Ran carefully pulled on her hand and coaxed: “Don’t be jealous. Let’s go home, okay?”

Song Yu Meng didn’t pull her hand away this time, asking haughtily: “Then tell me, who’s better looking, me or her?”

Yi Ran looked at her, suppressing a smile.

Song Yu Meng stomped her foot. “You actually hesitated!!!”

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Yi Ran laughed and took a step forward, tucking Song Yu Meng’s hair behind her ear. “I didn’t hesitate, I was thinking how to describe you being better looking than her. You’re prettier, really.”

Song Yu Meng lowered her head and smiled, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks.

“Why are you suddenly so loving, your mouth’s too sweet.”

“Whether or not my mouth’s sweet, don’t you already know?” Yi Ran smiled cheekily.

Song Yu Meng’s heart jumped and she quickly retreated a step. She looked around hastily, there were plenty of passersby and although they hadn’t noticed the two girls in a corner, Song Yu Meng was still worried.

With a straight face, she said: “Yi Ran, I’m warning you, this is the train station, there are so many people here, you’re not allowed to fool around!”

“You know there are so many people around but you still wanted to fight with me?”

“I was jealous.” She gently punched Yi Ran’s shoulder and complained. “Isn’t it your fault anyway, who asked you to look at other girls……”

Yi Ran tugged on her hand and coaxed again: “I know I’m wrong. Even if our form teacher comes around next time, I won’t look at her. I’ll just look at you, okay?”

Song Yu Meng was successfully amused.

“Alright then, seeing as it’s your first mistake, this lady shall forgive you. No more next time.”

The two of them held hands and exited the train station.

On the escalator out, although she wasn’t jealous anymore, Song Yu Meng was still thinking about the incident.

She shook Yi Ran’s hand and asked: “Do you like sexy girls like that? Like the girl on the train.”

Yi Ran was a bit dumbfounded, feeling like Song Yu Meng was leading her into a trap.

“I thought you weren’t angry anymore, why are you mentioning her again?”

“Tell me, do you like girls who wear that style of clothing? If you do, then I’ll wear that in the future so you don’t look at others. I want to be the one you look at.”

Song Yu Meng thought Yi Ran would be happy, but the point Yi Ran picked up on was strange.

“You’re saying you want to dress as sexily as that girl?”

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“Yeah, can’t I? Don’t you like that?” Song Yu Meng purposely provoked Yi Ran to make her jealous. “Not only am I going to wear it, but I’m also going to wear it outside for others to see and anger you to death!”

After saying that, she secretly glanced at Yi Ran.

The Yi Ran in her expectations and the real Yi Ran had the exact same expression. Her face stiffened and darkened as if someone owed her money. Song Yu Meng giggled, she liked watching Yi Ran get jealous.

So happy!

But she didn’t expect what would happen next.

The escalator kept going up, and when they reached the next floor, they should have walked straight out of the station, but Yi Ran grabbed Song Yu Meng’s hand and pulled her around, leading her back down the escalator the other way.

Song Yu Meng was confused. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t we have gone straight? Did we go the wrong way?”

Yi Ran stayed silent, staring calmly at Song Yu Meng with a blank expression.

Song Yu Meng’s heart skipped a beat, she knew Yi Ran must have been angered.

It’s over, she had gone overboard.

“I was just joking, why are you being so petty……” Song Yu Meng gently squeezed her hand, trying to coax her. It was of her own doing, so she was a bit embarrassed.

The corner of Yi Ran’s lips twitched slightly as she looked at Song Yu Meng with slightly narrowed eyes.


Song Yu Meng’s face was all red, but Yi Ran still stayed silent.

The escalator reached the bottom floor, and the two of them hadn’t let go of their hands once, so it was all the more convenient for Yi Ran to grab her and start walking. She held Song Yu Meng’s hand and led her to the washroom in the train station.

Seeing the sign for the washroom, Song Yu Meng had ten thousand question marks in her mind.

“What are you bringing me to the washroom for? Even if you’re angry, we shouldn’t be coming here. Do you need to use the washroom?”

Yi Ran just glanced at her, lips quirking into a devious smile.

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When Yi Ran pulled her into a cubicle and locked the door, kabedon-ing her against the wall, Song Yu Meng knew what she wanted to do.

Song Yu Meng was wearing a loose, white cotton t-shirt and the collar was a bit big. With one pull, everything inside could be seen.

Yi Ran pressed a hand to her shoulder, keeping her firmly against the wall, as the other hand pulled down the collar gently, exposing her collarbones with the outline of her underwear further below.

With her collar pulled down, Song Yu Meng was both flustered and shy when Yi Ran lowered her head and attached her lips to the left collar bone, sucking hard……

In the small cubicle, the summer heat was oppressive and the air became a dense pink.

Song Yu Meng’s face started burning and she felt like she was going to faint. She covered her mouth, not daring to move or make a sound, afraid the neighbouring cubicle would hear them.

She was really regretful now. If she had known, she wouldn’t have provoked Yi Ran. How could she plant strawberries in the washroom!

After leaving her mark on Song Yu Meng’s left collarbone, Yi Ran started marking the right one. In the end, both of Song Yu Meng’s collarbones had Yi Ran’s mark.

It wasn’t like the pale pink mark on Yi Ran’s neck previously. This was a deep red, almost purple colour. They were a stark contrast against Song Yu Meng’s pale skin, but because it was on her collarbones, it would be fine as long as she didn’t wear anything revealing.

Yi Ran smiled smugly after looking at her handiwork, clasping her hands on either side of Song Yu Meng’s face. “Didn’t you want to wear those types of clothes out for others to see? Go ahead and wear them, I’d like to see if you can even walk out of your front door.”

She just didn’t want her girlfriend to wear that sort of clothes out.

Song Yu Meng clutched at her top with one hand, and covered the bottom half of her face with the other. She had her head turned to one side, not daring to meet Yi Ran’s eyes. Her face was red from the lack of oxygen and from embarrassment, it was cute and alluring.

She bit back a smile, thinking, how could this person be even more petty than her, even more jealous than her!

After that, Yi Ran pulled her own collar down to expose her collarbones and tilted her head up, exposing her neck and collarbones.

Song Yu Meng didn’t know what was going on, so she asked: “What are you doing now?”

Yi Ran said seriously: “Find a place you like and mark me then, so other people can immediately see I have a girlfriend.”

Song Yu Meng was amused and embarrassed, but still chose to mark Yi Ran’s collarbone.

Yi Ran felt her collarbone itch, and not being able to withstand it, she started passionately kissing Song Yu Meng.

The cubicle was full of kissing sounds for a while after that.

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