Translator: Skye  Editor: Kassy  PR: Shano

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* * *

‘Haa, why does his face look like that again? Don’t tell me, is it delayed puberty?’

He seemed moodier than usual today. I was going to ask him what was wrong but he was faster.

“Running away you say, but wouldn’t that make life more difficult for you?” he asked in a dull voice.

I nodded and quipped back, “Hm, well, I’d be happier living a penniless life than I would be if I were to marry the Crown prince.”

Even though inheritance would be out of the question if I decided to run away, I’d still be able to make a considerable amount of money just by selling the precious jewels currently in my possession.

‘Well, even if I can’t receive any inheritance, I think I can still make a living by engaging in business.’

Although I would have to give up on my dream of living as a rich and unemployed individual, the idea of running away didn’t seem too bad.

‘It would be a good idea to start preparing for it now, just in case.’

A low pitched voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

“I’m leaving.”


At the sight of him leaving before I even had a chance to say anything, I could only let out a sigh when I came to my senses.

“Ah, he could’ve at least given me his answer first before leaving.”

* * *

Freesia stared quietly at Regis as he reviewed the materials she had presented to him.

‘I really hope he doesn’t catch on.’

She began breaking out into a spine-chilling cold sweat. There was an hour left–an hour she had barely managed to drag out–of the two she had promised her lord.

“Looking through these files, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything new or different from what you showed me last time,” Regis said, closing the folder.

Seeing him about to get up, Freesia calmly added, “There’s no way. If you look closely…”


Her face hardened at the name that came from the duke’s mouth. If he was calling her by her real name, it usually meant he was warning her.

“I don’t know what you’re up to, but I won’t make another deal with you if you try to pull another trick like this ever again.”

“I still have some information left, are you sure you want to leave?” Freesia asked as she saw him fully rise from his seat.

As soon as the words passed her lips, the man who had been sporting a fierce look in his eyes until just now, quietly sat back down.

A smile arose on Freesia’s face.

‘Now I’m curious as to what kind of person Lady Floyen is, to make not only my lord but also this scary person so obedient.’ 

“So, what is it that you have to show me?”

Freesia handed over another file.

“Here it is.”

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‘I was hoping to use this a little later, but it can’t be helped.’

Freesia used her trump card. As Regis reviewed the documents, a menacing look flared in his eyes.

“Is this true?”

Instead of answering, Freesia simply nodded and lifted her teacup. After taking a sip of her tea, she placed the cup down and smiled.

“Have you ever seen me make a mistake?”

Regis stood up with a stiffened face.

“I’m leaving.”

Freesia stared at the duke’s retreating figure for a moment before glancing at the clock.

‘Hm, it’s a bit earlier than the time I promised His Highness…but I’m sure he’ll be fine.’

She picked up the teacup again, gulping down the rest of the cooled tea, and placed it back down on the saucer roughly.

* * *


A harsh sound echoed through the room.

‘That woman, what’s her deal?’

Mikhail’s face twisted as he glared at the broken fragments of a shattered liquor bottle.

‘Why is she ignoring me!?’

The moment he had seen Juvellian being carried out of the ballroom, he had become worried and ended up sending her an invitation. But he had yet to receive any reply from her.

‘Why? I even apologized this time…’

He had been praised as a genius since he was a young child, so it was his first time yielding to someone else and making the first move. Despite this, he was still rejected, so it inevitably hurt his pride.

‘Shit, what the hell went wrong?’

Despite him contacting her again and even apologizing, she wasn’t making any attempts to chase after him.

He was now the one staring at her back.

‘Fine, I’m going to pretend that a woman like her….doesn’t even exist anymore.’

Coming to a decision, he then turned around, but the pungent smell of alcohol made his head spin.

Perhaps it was because he was drunk, a terrible illusion emerged in his head.

Mikhail clenched his fist and punched the wall.

* * *


Returning to his hideout, Max opened and slammed the door behind him like a temperamental enemy. Startled by the sound, Freesia placed a hand over her chest and glared at him.

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‘He’s back earlier than I thought. But why does he look so upset?’

As Max plopped down on the sofa irritably, Freesia glanced at him and asked, “Did something not go well?”

“It’s none of your business.”

She furrowed her brows at his cold reply.

‘It’s because of that personality of his that I can’t clarify the bad rumors about him that go around among the nobles.’

As she was inwardly cursing him, Max addressed her in a low voice,

“Freesia. What does it mean when a woman says she’s going to run away to avoid her fiance?”

There was a moment of silence before Freesia responded with a smile.

“Well, isn’t it obvious? It means she really hates him.”

When he heard the expected answer, Max’s face became terribly distorted.

‘She hates me that much?’

When he clenched his fist, Freesia tried to prod for some hints.

“So, what happened that caused you to become so angry like this?”

Max frowned and tried to brush her off coldly again, “I said it’s none of your…”

“Perhaps you proposed to her but she said she wanted to run away from you?”

As soon as he heard her assumption, Max felt his head grow hot.

“Who are you accusing of proposing!! On the contrary, that woman…”

Unable to forget her words, Max switched the subject.

“Any news from the Emperor?”

“Eh, it’s the same as usual, still demanding that you hasten your return…Ah.”

Freesia’s face became serious as she continued, “Rather than news from the Emperor, I received a report that the Empress’s side sent another assassin. I said to let them live for now.”

Max’s lips slanted.

“Is that so?”

The current empress was Max’s stepmother; someone who had loathed and tried to kill him since he was a child. Moreover, Max’s own hatred for her was also deep because it was suspected that his biological mother, the previous empress, had been killed by her.

‘It wouldn’t be a bad idea to cut the assassin’s throat and give it to her as a gift.’

“Then proceed immediately with…”

Right before the cruel idea was about to pass through his lips, someone’s face came into mind.

Clenching his fist, Max clamped his lips shut.

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“What shall I do?” Freesia asked.

“Let him live.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

When Freesia was about to leave the room, Max quietly added, “Oh, and by any chance….Have I ever had a marriage proposal come in?”

Freesia responded with cryptic laughter, “I would have told you immediately if any proposals had come in. But why are you asking me that all of a sudden?”

Instead of answering, Max waved his hand at her.

‘Haa, would it kill him to give me an answer easily for once?’

As Freesia left the room, Max frowned as he recalled what he had once said before.

His hands had always been stained red and had never once hesitated, but for some strange reason, he didn’t want to see it today.

‘Why… I suddenly regretting it…’

Max tightly clenched his fist.

* * *

Dinner with my father felt like walking on thin ice. I was filled with anxiety, constantly worrying about whether or not he’d finally bring up the marriage proposal.

‘Ah, that day, I should have held onto him (Max) no matter what.’

It was when I was sighing in regret that I heard my father call me.



Feigning nonchalance, I answered calmly. But in contrast to my outward pretense, I felt nervous, thinking that he might bring up the topic I wanted to avoid.

‘Please don’t bring up the marriage proposal.’ I prayed.

“What are your thoughts on the Crown Prince?”

It seems the time had finally come.

‘Dear God, why are you doing this to me?’

It was a question I had never wanted to answer, but my father would find it strange if I didn’t.

I hesitated for a moment but then responded with an indirect answer, “I’m not sure. I haven’t really thought about it.”

I played the charade of an innocent, young noble lady who knew nothing. My father scrunched his forehead slightly.

“I see.”

After a brief murmur, he picked up his spoon again. I was about to feel relieved at the sight.

“Still, it would be good for you to learn more about him.”

I felt a creeping sensation sweep through the back of my neck.

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‘You want me to try and learn more about a sadist who might even kill me? No way, never.’

But in contrast to my inner thoughts, I gave a bashful smile and changed the subject.

“I’ve been diligently reading books these days. I realized studying history can be fun, too.”

While changing the subject, I simultaneously showed that I was living diligently and not as some hopeless wreck. And my father ended up taking the bait.

“Is that so.. What are you learning about?”

“Ahh, I’m reading about the history of the empire’s founding.”

His face stiffened slightly.

“I see.”

Worried that he might bring up the marriage proposal again, I quickly continued, “In particular, I found the stories about the First Emperor to be quite interesting.”

To be exact, it was actually the treasures he had left behind that I found interesting, but my remark was close enough.

“Come to think of it, I saw that there were all sorts of things among the First Emperor’s artifacts…do you think they’re still being passed down?”

“I wonder..I’m not too sure,” my father replied, putting his spoon down.

He then rose from his seat. “I suddenly remembered that I have something I need to take care of quickly, so don’t mind me and take your time eating.”

To be honest, I was quite baffled. Normally, my father never got up first whenever we ate together.

‘Hm, is it an urgent matter?’

I thought it was a good thing, but on the other hand, I think I felt a little lonely.

* * *

After he returned to his room, Regis let out a sigh, worried that Juvellian might find his behavior strange.

‘I should have endured it…’

Regret aside, he recalled what his daughter had said earlier and frowned.

No matter how insensitive Juvellian was to rumors, there was no way she wouldn’t be aware of the bad rumors surrounding the Crown Prince.

But his daughter’s face had grown stiff, as if she didn’t want to think about the Crown Prince’s bad side.

‘Not to mention it’s also suspicious that she’s trying to study and learn more about the Imperial family.’

He breathed another sigh as he stared at the cuff buttons she had given him.

“I have to stop them from getting together no matter what.’


T/N: And here we have three grown men completely under Juvel’s thumb.

E/N: Mikhail’s drinking habits are giving out major red flags. Juvel really dodged a bullet there.

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