Translator: Skye  Editor: Kassy  PR: Shano

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* * *

When I went up to my room after I had finished my meal, I saw Sella changing the flowers in a vase. The combination of pink and white roses went rather well together and was pleasing to the eye.

‘Come to think of it, it’s not here yet.’

My mind wandered to trivial thoughts as I stared at the flowers in a daze.


Turning my head, I saw Marilyn come in while holding a silver tray.

“I see more letters have come.”


Hearing a much more relaxed tone, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Perhaps Marilyn felt like she had gotten closer to me, as she seemed to be treating me comfortably now.

‘Well, that’s not bad.’

Opening the letter, I saw familiar handwriting.

.•° ✿ °•.

°•. ✿ .•°

‘Well, if I were to refuse even after this…I’m bound to be isolated.’ 

There was the possibility that I might have to run away from home in the future. If such an event were to happen, I would need to make sure not to be a loner if I want to gain sympathy from others.

‘I also have to learn more about the Crown Prince like my father suggested. For example, maybe something like his strong dislikes.’

I placed the letter down and turned to Marilyn.

“Would you run an errand for me and go to Count Arlo’s?”

“Of course, milady,” Marilyn said, nodding her head.

* * *

“About Lady Floyen, I heard she’s recovered now.”

“Oh my, what a relief.”

Members of the gathering rejoiced at the news that Juvellian had overcome her illness. The one who had shared the news, Rose, smiled and continued, “She also expressed interest in attending our next meeting. What do you all think about her joining us?”

“Kyaa, I love it.”

“I agree!”

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While everyone was voicing their agreement, there was one person who remained silent. Rose turned to address her.

“Veronica, you’re the host of our next tea party. Are you all right with Lady Floyen attending?”

As soon as her name was called, the woman who had been wearing a displeased expression the entire time sourly replied.

“Yes, that’s fine.”

She answered animatedly, but her hands were shaking as they picked up the sugar with a pair of tongs.

‘You’re saying that woman is coming to my house?’

Unaware of Veronica’s inner feelings, Rose responded brightly.

“Great! Then I’ll let Lady Floyen know!”

* * *

“Normally, the host is the one with the right to invite others to their tea party. Yet, can you believe Lady Arlo had the gall to invite her acquaintance all on her own?”

Veronica grit her teeth as she recalled the recent meeting. Her conversation partner let out a sigh.

“Lady Veronica.”

It was an arrogant and frigid voice, but that was the man’s charm.


“I’m very exhausted right now…”

At this rate, she was bound to get kicked out, but Veronica was determined to capture his interest no matter what, so she decided to mention the one person she knew he didn’t like.

“Oh, and speaking of her acquaintance, it’s none other than Lady Floyen. Isn’t it so ridiculous? No matter how important one’s status may be, how could she invite such a nasty woman…!”

The remark brought light to the eyes of the man who had been indifferent this entire time.

“Did you say you’re the one hosting the next tea party?”

“Ahh, yes.”

“Then, would you be able to invite me as well? Hearing that Lady Floyen will be attending, I’m just worried for you that’s all.”

If anyone else had said those words, she would have wondered if they had an ulterior motive, but her long-held unrequited love prevented her from having any doubt.

‘He’s worried about me!’

Delighted by the faint show of attention he seemed to be giving her, Veronica nodded her head enthusiastically, “Yes, of course, Mikhail!”

The corners of Mikhail’s mouth slowly lifted upwards.

‘It seems we’ll finally be able to meet, Juvellian.’

* * *

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I let out a sigh as I examined the clothes in my closet.

‘Hm, I haven’t been buying any new accessories or clothes these days.’

Although I had coats and dresses fit for formal banquets, I needed clothes that would be appropriate for the upcoming meeting which was more of an informal gathering.

‘I want to start wearing a different style now…’

I was in the middle of debating whether I should go shopping or browse through catalogs of some of the famous boutiques when Marilyn came in with a box.

“Milady, you received a gift from Fyodor’s Workshop.”

When I opened the box and saw what was inside, my eyes widened in surprise.

‘Why, this is…’

A brooch decorated with aquamarine gems on a platinum base; it was easy to tell that it was an expensive accessory from just a glance.

‘There’s no way he would have sent me such an expensive thing for no reason…’

I opened the letter that came with the item.

Hm, it was a lengthy note but he was expressing his gratitude for promoting his workshop.

‘Well, in a way, I did advertise his work…So it should be fine for me to accept this.’

I no longer had to worry about accessories thanks to him.

‘Though I don’t have any plans on selling it since it’s a gift…but I can save and use it in an emergency.’ 

I inwardly thanked Fyodor for giving me a useful gift.

“Marilyn, I’m going to head out to the shopping district, so please prepare accordingly.”

* * *

“Master, the miss is getting ready to go out. I heard she’s going shopping for the first time in a while,” Derrick said.

At the words of the butler, Regis let out a sigh and replied.

“And her guards?”

“Sir Geraldine, Sir Todd, Sir Dillon, Sir Howard, and Sir Ronald will be accompanying her.”

The names Derrick had called out were the names of the most talented individuals among the duke’s knights. Regis nodded his head with a satisfied look.

“All right, that should be fine then.”

“Also, a messenger from Madam Freesia came by. He said they have new information to report to you.”

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On the outside, Freesia seemed like she had an easy-going personality, but in truth, she was actually a very cautious person, so she wasn’t one to call for people over trivial information.

Regis let out another sigh.

‘There’s no reason for her to be pulling another prank like last time… It seems I’ll have to go.’

* * *

“Your Highness, why don’t you go somewhere else for a while?”

Max furrowed his brows at Freesia’s indirect way of telling him to get out.

“What for?”

“Because I’m going to have a guest soon.”

Max showed his clear irritation and snapped back, “If it’s a guest, there’s plenty of other rooms aside from this one.”

“Haa, it’s because…the guest is none other than Duke Floyen.”

A scowl appeared on Max’s face.

“And? Are you telling me that I should be hiding and running away from him?”

Still, since it was about his mentor, Max would normally be courteous, but seeing as how he responded snarkily, perhaps he was in a bad mood because of what happened the other day.

‘Even though he’s my master…he’s really hard to handle.’

Freesia let out a sigh.

“Since this is about an important matter, I think the meeting will be quite long.”

“What do you have to talk about that it’s going to take so long?”

Freesia let out a small sigh at Max’s reply.

‘It’s not information that I can tell him….What should I do..’

Using her experience of advising the crown prince, Freesia eventually told him the information she was going to present to the duke.

“A few days from now, Lady Floyen will be attending a small tea party with a few other ladies, but apparently, Sir Mikhail–of all people–will also be attending.”

Max’s eyes widened dramatically before narrowing into a threatening gaze.

“What? Why is he…”

‘He always used to be so expressionless in the past, making it hard to get a grasp on his emotions, but he’s been very readable these days.’

Freesia made an effort to hold back her laughter before responding.

“I wonder. The only one who would know the answer to that would probably be Sir Mikhail himself. But if he’s making an effort to be in the same place as his ex-lover, don’t you think it means he might have lingering feelings?”

Max glared at Freesia.

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Though his expression was murderous, it was quite different from the usual face he would make when he was angry, and Freesia knew the cause behind the subtle difference.

‘Jealousy…I never thought I’d see His Highness get jealous.’

Up until recently, her lord had always been insensitive and didn’t hesitate in killing his enemies. Though he was generous to his allies, he was cruel and heartless towards his enemies to the point that sometimes even Freesia felt afraid.

But at some point, he had changed.

It wasn’t clear yet if it was for the better or for worse, but Freesia didn’t hate the change in him.

Compared to his past self–someone who seemed to have been getting closer to becoming a monster-like emperor–his current self seemed faintly humane.

“Therefore, please hurry and go see Lady Floy…”

But Max had already disappeared.

“He’s already gone. Ah, to be young,” Freesia muttered, clicking her tongue.

“Madam, your guest has arrived.”

Freesia straightened her expression and stood up when she heard a knock on the door.

‘It’s time to work.’

* * *

It felt like his blood was boiling and rushing to his head. Usually, anger was something Max could keep under control.

It was the only way he was able to live–deceiving the two beasts known as his father and stepmother–as he used to be ridiculously weak until he started training and increasing his strength.

But Max found that the emotion he had always been able to keep under control to now be uncontrollable. And it was all because of a single fact.

‘She’s going to see him again?’

When his mother had passed away and he had decided to walk on the path towards becoming the next emperor, the young Max came to a decision. He had decided that he wouldn’t be swept up by such trivial things like emotions.

Yet the emotions running through him now were exactly what he had been trying to reject.

Nevertheless, he wasn’t able to stop himself from going to her.


Despite knowing that it was poisonous, it was too sweet for him to resist.

T/N: [1] These last three quotes are all things Juvellian has said to him before. You can refer to chapters 14, 16, and 27 respectively if you need a refresher.

Note that my editor wasn’t able to look through this chapter so it may not be the smoothest!

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