As Max ran as if chased by his thoughts, he stopped in front of her house. Usually he would have checked beforehand if his teacher was there, but he just focused on getting to her room quickly. When he finally arrived on the terrace in front of her room, Max realized that the room was empty.

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‘Where did she go?’

When he was intently looking for Juvellian, he felt someone coming closer.

‘Who is it?’

It was different from her light, feathery steps. Rather, the steps were more …crude. Just before the door opened, Max quickly hid himself.

“What kind of clothes will you choose this time?”

“Well, I was thinking of wearing the one with frills.”

“That’s a good choice. Wouldn’t it suit your beauty?”

“Well, I hope so. Still, I’m envious, I wish I could go shopping on the arcade with the Lady.” Max was able to guess where was Juvellian from the maids’ conversation.

‘She’s in arcade street…’


‘I haven’t even ordered clothes yet, why am I so tired?’

I was so tired that I closed my eyes tightly and opened them. Just a few months ago, it was my own exercise to chase Mikhail around, but now I’m home every day, so I’m really out of stamina.

‘I’m going to take a good walk from now on.’

I entered a famous dress shop of the capital with that determination.

“Oh, I see you are here too.” I heard someone’s voice, but I ignored it, pretending it wasn’t me. Then someone stopped in front of me.

“I guess the princess came out to shop too?” I scanned her face.

‘Well, I don’t know who it is.’ (tn:savage)

However, as much as she knows me, if I tell her I doesn’t know who she is, she might be offended. So, I accepted her words.

“Yes, did you come out to see the clothes?”

“Yes, is there any other reason you came to the seamstress?”

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“Oh, of course I came to look for clothes. Then I’ll excuse myself.”

When I was about to pass her by to see the clothes but… “Hah, it’s really sad.”

I glanced at her and saw her staring straight at me. The words just before seemed to have been pronounced for me.


She said, as if waiting for my answer. “Because the princess is very delicate, I don’t think she’ll look good in it. It’s really unfortunate what the fashion is and how it makes us wear uncomfortable and unsuitable clothes…” At first glance, it seemed insulting, but it made sense.

‘It’s definitely uncomfortable.’

The latest fashion was the Robe “a la Française”. It was composed of a gorgeous upper dress and a generous puffed skirt to draw attention to the chest. It was, of course, very pretty, but also very cumbersome. Originally, I was going to dress according to the fashion. But when I thought about it, I thought I should give it some more consideration.

‘Thanks to her, I realized something good.’

Whatever the intention was, I felt grateful for her useful advice. I opened my mouth with a smile on my face.

“Thank you for your advice. I’ll think about it carefully and order clothes that look good on me.” In my words she nodded with a wobbly face, as it seemed she wasn’t expecting this kind of reaction.

”Oh, yes.”

”Excuse me, then.” As I walked past her, I thought of a new dress to order from designer.


After I ordered all the clothes, I was exhausted, but it was worthwhile.

‘I think those clothes will definitely match me better.’

After finishing my work, I felt tired. Should I stop now? It was when I was thinking about that.

“This guy! Are you doing harm to the nobles? Go ahead and apologize!”

As I heard someone’s voice, I frowned. It was because it seemed obvious to me that it was a noble that was harassing a commoner. It was casual for aristocrats harass the common people in such an open place.

‘It looks like some idiot is recovering his self-esteem by venting his anger on others.’

As I glanced at the scene and I frowned.

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‘Why is that person here…?’

The nobles who was harassing the common people was famous enough to me. Baron Gordon. He was promoted from commoner to noble and was once a gossip among the nobles.

‘It’s a very bad thing to be precise.’

When he was still a commoner, he tried to buy favors by sending expensive gifts to high-ranking officials. But aristocrats were influenced by pedigreeism, as money was never an issue for them.

(Peedigreeism: it is the state that people belives they are purebred, upper-class nobles from a long generation family, something like that)

He was eventually turned away from the aristocratic society, and disappeared from the social world.

‘I thought I wouldn’t hear anymore rumors, I guess it was a mistake.’

Of course, what I was seeing was not the man, but the commoners.

“It’s your fault that you fell, I don’t see why I have to apologize.” There was only one person who was eager to talk to the nobles like that.

‘And here I was, foolishly hoping that you would keep your promise,’ I took a breath, glaring at my father’s disciple.


He hated places with lots of people by nature. In Max’s life, if he had to pick a place with such a large number of people, it would be a battlefield. So, when he first came to the arcade, everything was unfamiliar. At the fountain in the square in the center, a musician from distance was playing music. There were spectators crowded around it, and there were also queues near popular shops. People were grouped together, and there were various people in the arcade, from family members to lovers and same-sex friends.

‘I’m tired.’

That peace made him more tense. In this place where I feel unfamiliar and foreign, he felt like he was in a small room.

‘Where the hell is Juvellian?’

Max was constantly moving, looking for Juvellian in his eyes. It was then that I saw a man suddenly trying to hit himself. Of course, Max dodged it with ease.

The man who fell alone turned his body and stared at Max. “You dare!” The voice was so loud and uncomfortable that Max frowned.

‘What is this?’

Originally, it wasn’t his principle to avoid fighting, but now it was an urgent need to find Juvellian so Max ignored the man and tried to leave.

“Baron, what’s going on?” Suddenly, the men’s escorts appeared and surrounded Max. The man stood up and shouted.

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“Where are you going after you’ve done something wrong to a noble?”

Max asked back, scolding his forehead.


”All the wrong things you just said! Didn’t you knock me down?!” Max raised his mouth without even knowing starting the moment he realized that his opponent was trying to pick a fight against him.

‘Shall we kill him?’

Max quietly clenched his fist. The guards of the quarrelsome man were big, but not worthy of his time. Even if they fought, he could guarantee victory. However, it was clear that if he were to have a scuffle here now, he would have trouble finding Juvellian.

“It has nothing to do with me.” He tried to muster patience and leave, but his opponent went wild without thinking of letting him go.

“You son if a bitch! Are you doing harm to the nobles? Go ahead and apologize!” He really wanted to inflict harm right away. However, Max held back.

“It’s your fault that you fell, I don’t see why I have to apologize.” At Max’s words, the Baron sharpened his teeth.

‘How dare you ignore me…’

Baron Gordon, who was a commoner and neglected in aristocratic society, had suffered from a stomach illness for quite some time. However, no matter how much money he spent and received preferential treatment, the disease could not be healed. Then one day, an uncomfortable sight came into his eyes, whose planting was so twisted.

Aristocratic women who usually didn’t even look at the baron were trying to seduce him.

‘Damned vixen.’

The baron called in a servant.

It was simply spectacular to see a man who had been huffing in front of aristocratic women just now lying on his stomach like a dog.

‘Yes, I’m an aristocrat.’

Only then did the baron find stability. After that, the baron would often torment the commoners whenever he could. Unlike others, however, the baron felt sick again at the sight of Max playing to the end.

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‘I can’t leave him alone!’

The baron burst into a roar. “What are you doing? Come on, you stupid commoner!” At the baron’s command, the guards tried to approach Max. But…

“Stop.” A fine beauty, but a cool and dignified voice, everyone stopped acting and stared at the main character.

“Yo, you…”

Silver hairs, blue eyes mixed with purple, dazzling beauty. A beautiful woman with a cold and noble impression suddenly appeared.

Although he had been separated from the aristocratic society, the Baron wasn’t so silly that he didn’t know the best celebrities in the social world. “I meet the Princess of the Great Duke of Floyen. I…” While listening to the Baron’s greeting, she nodded slightly and opened her mouth.

“I know, Baron Gordon.” It was a very cold voice, but Baron Gordon was delighted to know that Princess Floyen knew of him, who was only a lowly noble.

“I am very lucky to see a princess by chance like this.” Originally, the Duke’s children are treated equally to a Count. So him, a low nobleman, normally couldn’t even talk to me in the first place.

‘Although rumors are bad, is that a big deal?’

If the Princess’ favor could catch the Duke’s eyes, it would have been worth the fortune.

‘It’s easy to please a little girl.’

It was when Baron Gordon was looking at her with shining eyes at the princess. She said something he didn’t expect.

“Really? But I, am very displeased right now.”

The baron flinched at the cold voice that didn’t contain a touch of warmth.

“Huh? Did I make a mistake with the princess?” Confused, Baron Gordon stammered more. But when I saw that I got angry.

‘He came out strong against a weaker person than himself, but he pretended to be weak in front of me.’

A person who is servile to the strong, and whose voice grows only in front of the weak.

I wanted to criticize him to my heart’s content, but where we were was an arcade used a lot by aristocrats. If I recklessly beat my father’s disciple who seems to be a commoner, bad rumors will come about me.

‘I have no choice but to do a little play.’

I pointed my finger at my father’s pupil and said with a serious tone.

“Didn’t you just persecute my man?”

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