10. Why is the ominous premonition not wrong?

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As mentioned in the novel, I would see the scary man all over in a new Kaman armor. Red blood flowing through the sword he is holding. I stared at him quietly. Even if he runs away, it’s just a game for him. As soon as he approached me, I closed my eyes to nothing. I hope you’ll cut it with a single-handed. At that moment, my body shook violently.

“Lady, are you all right? Why did you sweat so hard?” There was a sigh of relief as Marilyn looked at me with a worried face.

‘Oh, it was a dream. I’m so glad.’

* * *

The Emperor shook his hands when he saw a letter from the Crown Prince.

‘You’re a bitch, you’re a procrastinator, and now you’re here. There’s no telling when you’re coming.’

The letter said all the reasons for the delay. However, since the sender was an offending son, even that excuse was annoying. The emperor tore up the crumpled letter and thunderstruck it.

“Now one man has sent you a message, and it’s the other one’s turn.” Then the servant, who was outside the door, came into the Oval Office and whispered to the president. Before long, the leader approached the emperor in a swift move.

“Your Majesty, the Duke of Floye has arrived.” The Emperor replied with a voice when he heard that the waiting man had just arrived.

“Let him come in,” opened the door of the Oval Office, and Regis went to the emperor’s front and bowed silently.

”I see the Sun of the Empire.”

“Welcome, Duke of Floyen. Do you know how long Jim has been waiting for you?” Despite the emperor’s act of mockery and sarcasm, Regis responded without agitation.

“I apologize for not being able to see you quickly. God is not good in mind and body these days…” As an excuse for absence, Regis’ face was not different from usual. One of the emperor’s eyebrows went up and down disapproved.

‘Yes, I don’t like it, but now it’s not the time to play interest and flirt.’

I wanted to use abusive language. But I still had a lot of eyes to see.

“I need to speak with my duke, so everybody out.”


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”One, Your Majesty!” Count Pyrex, the head of the royal guard of the emperor, asked back, but the emperor waved his hands as if he was annoyed. Soon only the Duke and the Emperor remained in the Oval Office. The emperor, who was staring at Regis, opened his mouth and revealed his true colors.

”Duke, do you know that?”


“The last days of Lennox’s change bag, there’s been a saying that he had an impure heart these days.”

The loser of the south, Lennox Byeonbaek, known to Regis, was an outstanding warrior and tactician. He was also a man of great patriotism toward the empire.

I wasn’t particularly dissatisfied with the decision. I said it with all my heart for the Empire, and it was true that the decision helped keep the system. However, such loyalty was also long out of the emperor’s sight for acting out of concern for the safety of the Crown Prince.

”He has an impure heart?”

“You know about something?”

‘Lennox Chang Jung-baek is a man who devoted himself to the Emperor during the plough, isn’t he?’

Regis hardened his face and stared at the emperor. The emperor looked down at such Regis and opened his mouth.

“Don’t you dare say he cheated on me and conscripted the soldiers on a larger scale from behind?”

There was something I guessed about it.

‘Is it because of that?’

Regis, with a serious face, was in state of panic. Whether he thought the silence was positive, the emperor said in a disgruntled voice.

“Isn’t it obvious that he have an impure heart? Calling the prince to teach the emperor to educate the emperor, and the bullshit we made before.” Upon hearing the grounds listed by the emperor, Regis slightly frowned and sighed.

‘Because the man who is called the emperor is so stupid.’

Since 10 years ago, Lennox Chang Jung-baek has been advocating both soldiers against the invasion of Ragon, a neighboring country on the southern border.

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“Your Majesty, why do you doubt his loyalty?” The emperor distorted his face at Regis’ answer, and then glanced gently at Kirke’s ring on his finger.

“Of course, Jim does not doubt your loyalty.” It looks like a affirmation, but that’s all a warning. As soon as I find an impure heart, I will enforce it. It was when Regis was staring at the emperor. Emperor Lyndon, who fiddled with Kirke’s ring, raised his head and smiled sallowly. “As long as I have a leash, you will have to be on my side.” When I heard the word leash, I was filled with intense heat inside. Soon, however, Reggies broke down his anger.

‘It’s not the time yet.’

Instead of glaring at the emperor, Regis lowered his eyes slightly. Emperor, who thought it was discouraged, laughed loudly.

“But sadly, there is only one leash, and there is no guarantee that other officials will be loyal?” Regis realized what the emperor was trying to say and swallowed his nausea.

‘You’ll end up using me to hit him.’

Regardless of the authenticity of Lennox Chang Jung-baek, he had no intention of helping him. Because he was the commander who relentlessly defeated his child. However, there was another reason Regis hesitated.

‘If you go to the south where the Lennox Chang Jung-baek is, it will take a long time.’

At least six months, hopefully, there was a possibility that the daughter would not be able to return to her coming-of-age ceremony. In addition, due to the Emperor’s petty nature, it was obvious that he would use the absence of Regis to put surveillance on Juvelian.

‘There’s not much time left now.’

Regis clenched her fist, unable to resist the anger. Then, the emperor swept the ring with a big smile. Regis sensed shrewdly that the act was a wake-up call for him.

‘You think I’m afraid of that? A fool.’

Regis’ eyes grew colder. But on the throne, it just looked like he was lowering his head.

‘Be sure to tear it to pieces and let it die.’

The emperor, who had no idea what Regis was thinking, opened his mouth with a smile.

“So, again, this time, you have to work hard,…”


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(i just romanized the sound effects…)

At that moment, the door of the house’s chamber opened violently with a loud roar.

“Well, if you’re like this…!” They heard the voice of the city’s chief, but the uninvited visitor were stupid.

“Get out of it.” The voice was so fierce, the city’s chief retorted in fear. The emperor just stared at the uninvited guest with a stiff face, even though it was not enough to call the captain. Black armor that looks ominous as if it were worn by a skeleton knight. Because there was only one person who could come across wearing it.

“How is your guy here…?” Seeing the astonished emperor, an uninvited guest took off his helmet. Then, the beautiful face hidden in the helmet was revealed intact. The uninvited guest stared at the emperor with red eyes and opened his mouth.

“Long time no see.” The emperor grimly distorted his face and called the name of the uninvited guest.

“Maximilian.” Even though it contained his child’s name, the Emperor’s voice did not show any affection for him. “The letter you sent arrived this morning. But why are you here already?” The emperor asked in a shrill voice, but Max was calm.

“Well, I sent the messenger and I left right away.”

“You think it’s normal…” The emperor tried to discipline him, but Max turned back, staring at his father.

“Isn’t it better than coming late?” The sound of a low throat and the harsh look of his eyes seemed like a beast. The emperor, who thought his son would be compliant as he did a few years ago, was embarrassed.

‘You’re frustrating, I think the guy I called to control the Duke grew up like a beast like that.’

Pretending to be calm, but the emperor was repressed by the momentum of his son. I was afraid when my son would reveal it and attack him. The emperor opened his mouth with a dry spit.

“No matter how, I usually visit with a deadline in the sense of getting ready, but it doesn’t go against the etiquette.” When Max heard the emperor’s voice, he was cynical. The momentum was slightly lower than before.

‘That man is my father.’

Whether he intended to conceal his innermost thoughts, Max showed his contempt in his eyes.

“Wouldn’t it be better to be faster than slower, anyway, Father?” The emperor, pushed by his son’s terrifying spirit, stiffened for a while, then hurried to answer.

“Hah, I can wait a day or two!”

“Yes, I’ll be careful.” At his slightly softened son’s answer, the emperor opened his mouth with a somewhat relaxed look, as if he was satisfied.

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‘I’ll see you out, then. I have the Duke of Floye and his spirit to finish.’ When he said, Max turned his head in amazement.


Max, who soon noticed the true nature of the man facing the emperor, distorted his face violently.

‘Of all people, ····.’

Since the teacher caught his eye, he don’t know what to do if he send a letter in public. In addition, it was clear that secretly sending and receiving letters would be prevented in any way. Max glared at his teacher disapprovingly and stared at his father again.

“What are you talking about?” The emperor took a breath after receiving Max’s eyes. He was so bloody that he forgot about Lennox’s back in the south.

‘What if this guy was sending the Duke to the south…?’

I tried to deny it, but I came up with a family that was scary enough to hate to think. The emperor was staring at his son with fear.

“Your Majesty, I’m receiving your Majesty’s secret name. If you hope to let me go.” The emperor felt breathless at the words from the Duke of Floyen.

‘Yes, get out!’

But the crown prince, like a hoodlum, could not have listened to it without a hitch.

“Do you dare give orders to the prince? Duke of Floyen.” Before I knew it, the Crown Prince was staring at the Duke with red-eyed eyes. But the Duke, who received the eye, was just as fierce.

“Then I ask you, is your king now defying the imperial order?” When he mentioned the imperial order, the crown prince glared at the emperor quietly. It was a time when the emperor couldn’t breathe and tried to evade the gaze.

“Father, I’ll see you later,” the emperor looked at the Duke of Floyd as he turned around and left the office.

‘Yes, it’s best to make Maximilian bite each other now that he’s not listening.’

The emperor opened his mouth staring at the Duke of Floyd with determined eyes.

“Protect the system for Jim in the future,” Regis bowed his head and raised the tail of one mouth.

‘Thanks to him, it worked out unexpectedly.’

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