The woman’s voice resounded sharply in the gold-plated, splendid room, the spigot.

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“What? The Crown Prince is back?”

“Yes, he just returned to know you.”

“What is he doing?”

“Oh, well, he’s still chatting with the Duke of Floyen,” So the woman in her colorful dress bit her fingernails with a note of impatience.

‘Maximilian, he’s already back to the system.’

Soon her gaze, shaking anxiously, moved to the man who was prospering.

“What was he doing to make things like this?” He shook his head as he sighed.

“That was the first week since I lost contact. In addition, because the prince returned without a message….” At that, the woman raised her voice, distorting her beautiful face harshly.

“Doing things like this! Useless things.” It was a calm voice that answered her blame.

“Keep calm, mother.” The woman’s face, who confirmed the person she spoke to, softened slightly. Although it has been done yet, she has a gorgeous beauty that gives off an alluring feeling. The slender and cool curved body seemed to be seeing a social self. However, lions raise their cubs by pushing them off the cliff. The empress opened her mouth again, staring at her daughter with a stern look.

“Beatrice, before this mother apparently came into the room, ·····.”

“You told me to knock.” The woman sighed at her daughter’s answer with a smile.

“It’s a bad habit to stop your mother from speaking.” Beatrice looked at her, smiled feverishly, and opened her mouth.

“The girl only wants her mother’s health.”

“Now that the ugly man is back, there is no time for me to be healthy,” Beatrice laughed at his mother.

“He says he’s back, so I’d like to welcome him.” There was a sharp example in Beatrice’s slow eyes.

“No one will welcome him.”

* * *

After Max had been blinded once, the emperor came out as low-key.

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‘For the time being, the emperor doesn’t have to worry about it.’

Regis left the office with ease. Then, someone called him up.

“Duke of Floyem.” The black armor that is like a symbol, and the disciple who returned to the Crown Prince talked in a blunt tone.

“It’s been a long time. You still look strong.” The polite way of speaking from the Crown Prince has frozen the people around him. However, Regis quickly recognized Max’s innermost thoughts and lifted the corners of his mouth.

‘You must have something to say to me. You’re being so vile.’

Regis stared at Max quietly.

“It’s been a long time. How have you been, Your Highness the Crown Prince?”

”Thanks. I’d like to talk to you in a moment about palace security. Is that okay?” Max’s thin-talking face was again covered by the pitch. But even if he didn’t see his face, he could see his inner thoughts. Max is making a provocation by talking about security.

“Of course, Your Royal Highness,” Regis was willing to respond to the provocation.

* * *

When I arrived at the dining room, it was set only for my seat.

“Milady, you have arrived.”

‘Maybe my father is not here today.’

Recently, I thought he was at home, but it was only for a short time.

‘Well, it’s not a day or two.’

That was when I was about to sit down at the table and eat. When I slowly scattered the table, the salad sauce looked smaller than usual.

‘I’ll have to ask him to bring me some sauce.’

I gazed at the servant serving the meal and touched my lips. But before I could say anything, he smiled and said in a kind manner.

“Your master is away early in the morning because he has an important schedule.”

‘No, why are you talking about your father here?’

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I felt a little embarrassed, so I replied with trembling without knowing.

“Uh… Yeah.” I forgot what to say, and for a moment I kept my mouth shut, I said again, recalling my original purpose. “Hey, would you get me some salad sauce?” Then the servant’s eyes, who was looking at me, shook slightly. He spoke again.

”Don’t worry because your master promised he’d be back before dinner.”

‘No, no, I’m just asking for the sauce.’

I wanted to say that. However, I turned my head off and smiled forcedly at the sight of the servant, who seemed somehow sad.

* * *

Only two men were in the room, Max took off his helmet. Regis, who was quietly staring at Max, shook the cup with a teaspoon and broke the silence.

“What do you mean? Your Highness.” At first glance, it seems to be lowering itself, but the reality is that it’s just not trying to find fault.

In the past, Max, remembering what the teacher said, sighed a little.

‘We’re alone, but you’re not careless.’

Max quietly glared at the figure of the teacher who could not even squeeze in. He tried to fight with a fault, but he had no choice but to show his innermost thoughts because it was not working.

“What kind of conversation did you have with your father?” With no change of expression, the teacher lifted the teacup with a graceful gesture.

“I’m sure you answered that it was the secret of your Majesty before?” I was puzzled because the teacher’s expression, which spoke in a low voice, did not contain any emotion.

‘You don’t seem to want to tell me.’

Max squinted his eyes.

‘Then, I’ll have to figure it out.’

“The fortress Imperial Palace security was noisy. While I wasn’t there, it was said that an assassin heard it.” The prince’s intention to refer to his assassination was obvious.

‘You must be wondering if the emperor found out the back of your assassination.’

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Regis knew the answer he wanted. However, there was no desire to answer innocently.

“I don’t think it’s something the Prince will bother with, but I’ll just let you know that the background is still unknown.” In short, I’ll overlook what you’ve done. So don’t argue about this from now on. While glaring at his teacher, Max smiled and said,

“I’m sorry. As a son, should I not know about my father’s work?”

“Your Majesty gave me the Imperial order to save him. Won’t you and I both be doomed to death?” Although he has tried to put up his position, his teacher has been intimidating himself by using his father’s position as Chief.

‘Oh, that’s very annoying.’

I didn’t think much when I thought of it, but when I found it difficult to bear the confrontation.

‘It’s annoying.’

It was annoying to be polite and to be on your nerves in everything. However, he still lacked the ability and justification to use force. All the more worrisome was that it was obvious that it would be an obstacle to sending a letter to Jubelian.

‘Maybe he’ll jab at the letter.’

It would be too much to officially send a letter. I was angry, but I couldn’t fight openly. Max stared at his teacher and opened his mouth.

“Then we will not have any more stories to tell. Then I will return.” When I spit out a congratulatory spirit, the teacher’s face was cynical. “Then relax.” Like the saying of the poker face, before the hearing, the facial expression is also heavily weighted. Even though his face was covered, he was defeated in a psychological battle by a teacher who revealed his face.

I was still well aware of his lack of experience and everything, but I was strangely angry. I can’t give my daughter to a guy like you. Because this defeat seemed to give the teacher a cause to oppose. While glaring at Regis leaving the room, Max threw out the teacup as soon as the door closed. But the teacup didn’t break.

“I kept it safely. I mean, a tea cup that is expensive, equal to the price of gold.” A black-haired man held a cup of tea and twirled, jokingly speaking. However, it was impossible for his men to come to the disturbed ears of Max. Max ignored his subordinates and lifted the letter he had left at his desk.

‘I only give this letter to you.’

Max raised himself. Then he took off his armor and changed into a comfortable one.

“Where are you going?”

“I’d like to ask Fresia for advice.” When Fresia’s name came out, the man grinned and opened his mouth.

“I’m good at giving advice.” Max stared at the man with a serious look and opened his mouth.

“Victor,” replied the man, dreaming of Talba with a serious face, as his name blew from the crown prince.

”Yes, my lord,” Max said to him, throwing a pitch.

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“If you find out that it’s not me, I’ll let it go.” Victor sighed at the fact that he was ready to give advice to the Crown Prince, but he had to be in armor again.

‘If I do, I will.’

But if I grumble, I don’t know what will happen to that bloody lord.

Victor bowed politely to the idea.

“Okay. Go away.” Soon as the crown prince disappeared from sight, he glared at the pitch and cursed, “You damn armor, I want to be thrown into the furnace.” At that moment, a cold voice came to him…

“Victor.” Victor breathed heavily at the sight of the crown prince’s return with bloody red eyes.

“Oh, no, Your Highness. It’s not that, it’s because the armor was so cool!” I hurriedly changed the subject, but the prince’s face showed no signs of unraveling. Now you’re dead, when Victor was so desperate and praying for his own repose.

“How can I send a letter without being caught by the landlord?” Victor responded the crown prince with a puzzled look in his face.

“What? How can you do that to me?” said Max, glaringly…

“Come to think of it, I’ve heard you’re the best flirt in the army,” Victor twisted his face. The lovers only change frequently, and I swear I never smoked wind.

‘I’m a playboy, that’s too much.’

Victor, who had only a lot of dating experience and had become a playboy, was flustered inside.

“So, don’t talk just to me, go ahead and tell me the way you use it to send secret letters to secret letters.” Victor shook his head at the appearance of the prince with bloody eyes.

* * *

Near the beautiful tree tree adjacent to the Duke of Floyem, Max stood in a hurry. There was a white dove in his arms.

Max remembered Victor’s advice and stared at the dove he had trained. The letter was well tied to the thin ankle.

‘Yes, if you read this, it won’t be bad either.If that happens…’

After that, for a while, he looked at Jeon Seo-gu with a determined eye. As if he felt a sense of crisis, the dove groaned pathetic.

“If you fly to the wrong place, I won’t let it go, so do it well.” After finishing his words, Max blew up the precursors. To survive, the pigeon headed to the balcony attached to the room of the Jubelian.

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