Today, a day before the tea party, I was rolling around in my room after reviewing the tea party arrangements.

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‘I’m tired. As expected, I’m not cut out for social events.’

That’s when I was thinking. I heard a tapping sound from the window door.

‘Did Max come this way again?’

I got up and approached the window, because he was the one who could do that. When I opened the door unintentionally, the sound of a sudden burst of laughter hardened my body.

‘What, what?’

As I stared at the window with trembling eyes, I saw something. I looked out the window carefully to identify it, and soon freaked out.

‘Pi, pigeons, why?’

Is it because the pigeon saw something so terrible? There is not even a scream. Physiological goose bumps climbed up the arms and spread all over the body. When I was a part-timer at a convenience store, a pigeon came in and wandered around the convenience store. He tried to drive the broom away somehow, but he shook it around in a narrow convenience store, dropping feathers and secretions. Eventually, I went out thanks to the customer’s chase, but after that, I became as afraid of pigeons as mice.

“Eung, eung uhh uhh.”

I sat down without even screaming. The sight of a pigeon staring at me in front of a thin glass window made me breathless. He poked the window with a scarlet beak as if pressing me.

‘Don’t tell me the glass won’t break, will it?’

I heard the door open when I was making a scary assumption.

“Oh, my God, Miss!” There, Marilyn appeared just in time, and I pointed my finger at the window.

“Ma, Marilyn! Ple, please chase the pigeons away!” At my request, Marilyn approached the window with a look of unkindness.

“You fucking bird! Aren’t you going to turn off?” Surprised by her rough figure, when she fell asleep, her breath opened when she saw the pigeon flying away.

‘I’m alive.’

Is it because of that relief? Suddenly, I remembered the nightmare I had today.

‘Is this what you’ve been having such nightmares about?’

It was when I was taking a deep breath.

“Oh, that looks like a carrier pigeon. There’s something tied around the neck of it’s foot.” I frowned slightly at Marilyn’s words.

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“It’s a carrier pigeon?” A carrier pigeon is usually used to secretly send letters that you don’t want to let the outside world know. How many people are there to send me a letter so secretly? Alas, there are so many people to send threatening letters that I think it’s one of them.

‘Yes, I’m sure it’s for terrorism.’

When I was so sure, Marilyn said.

“Isn’t it a love letter from a lover?” I said with a straight face.

“It can’t be. If Anyone who hates me will not know.”

“What?” Marilyn asked back absurdly, but I believe in my gut. This must be the work of a terrorist with a bad feeling for me.

“I want you to take measures to prevent birds from getting caught up in the future,” she answered with a sigh.

“Yes, Miss. I’ll pass it on to Mrs. Perez.” I sighed as I stared at Marilyn leaving the room.

‘Will everything be okay tomorrow at the tea party?’

* * *

Max, who was in Salon Bloom’s home, frowned at the returning pigeon. The letter tied to the ankles of the precursors was as it was.

‘I saw you sitting by the window, obviously…’

Maybe the teacher had already done some tricks, so he clenched his fist.

‘If carrier pigeons doesn’t work, I would have to find another way….’

Then, Presia opened the door and entered the room.

“Oh, Your Highness. How is the person who should be in the Imperial Palace…

“I was trying to send it to Juvelian. Isn’t that true?”

“I lost.” The remark was answered with a sigh. “Good thing you failed.”

“What?” Fresia raised her voice to the low voice without even thinking.

“No, she doesn’t know who you are. I wouldn’t be surprised if a letter arrived to the Prince of Wales!” … “My place is taken over by Victor,” Fresia showed a pitiful cry for Victor.

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”Oh, I’ll have to wear that armor again.”

“It’s made of the finest amantarium, so it won’t be too inconvenient.”

‘I didn’t mean that, ·····.’

It was when Fresia was sighing at the main force whose finger was off.

“Any information from the palace these days?” At the question, Fresia opened her mouth with a stiff face.

“The empress is faking false rumors.”

“False rumors?” When she said that, Fresia turned away.

‘Of course, you’ll have to pay attention to the information!’

She said, twitching her fingers as if she had just remembered. “Then there’s information that Lenox Chang Jung-baek is raising a military company,” Max said with a slight frown.

“I don’t think that’s a bother.”

“I’m sorry.” For a moment, Max mumbled, touching my chin.

“He originally insisted on an army of sheep.” Soon there was a spark in his eyes.

“Does that mean Lagon’s movements were spoiled?”

“But the three works in Lagon said they didn’t smell anything. I just said that the food exploitation in the stronghold of Yeongji is worse than usual.”

“Do you have any idea what the food is for?”

“We’re preparing for retirement. That’s why they’re making genuine non-grain products into jerky or dried fruit that can be stored for a long time.” Max’s mouth curled up at the answer. “Getting ready for work, it’s a perfect finger to gather the army.” At the word army, Fresia opened her eyes wide.

‘Oh, that’s how you tricked me?’

Then Max continued.

”Put up a contact to Lennox Chang Jung-baek.”

”But Lenox Chang Jung-baek is out of Hwang’s sight, so…”

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“Yes, it’s a situation where it might seem like a rebellion if something goes wrong.” The naked words raised the voice of Prezia.

“It’s so reckless. It could be dangerous!”

“It’s dangerous, but it can’t be helped.” Due to the foolish nature of the emperor, he must have thought of hitting someone else. What if we help Chang Jung-baek before that and win the war against Lagoon?

“If I succeed, not only the southern forces, but the whole empire will be on my side.”

* * *

Finally the tea party day dawned. I was looking at the teaware and tea food for the party after all the preparation. A sandwich, cookie, and cupcake decorated with flowers on a three-tier tray. The tea set is also something that would be liked by young people of this age.

‘Okay, this is good enough.’

Then, Marilyn called me.

”My lady, the guests are here,” said the remark, and I headed to the front door. As I reached the front door, I could see the girls in the daytime. Among them was Lady Terrence.

‘Oh, I didn’t expect you.’

When our eyes met, she bowed slightly.

“Thank you for the invitation.” Her eyes were still, even though it happened to me.


Before the wonder went away, all the young children, led by her, greeted each other. While I was bowing, I noticed that there was someone who had not come yet.

‘So Max isn’t coming today?’

I asked for permission at the tasting event in advance, but I couldn’t see any of his habits anywhere.

‘Yeah, well. we’re not even really dating, so he might not be able to come.’

No matter what anyone says, today is my first tea party. I don’t mean to open it grandly, but I didn’t want to get a book because I made a mistake.

“Thank you all for accepting my invitation.” It is normal for the owner and his wife to welcome the guest. But I didn’t tell him because it’s a informal tea party and I’m sure it’ll be annoying to tell my father.

‘Well, the butler may have known it, but he wouldn’t care about his father’s sexuality.’

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So I was greeting the guest alone. But everyone looked weird.

‘Huh? What’s wrong with them?’

When I just noticed it.

“Welcome.” The voice I heard from behind my back was amazed. When I looked back, my father, dressed in conquest, stood in a beautiful figure.

‘Why is my father thinking about it…?’

Before I even solved the question, a loud voice rang in the front door.

“I meet you, the great hero of the Empire, Duke Floyen.” I saw the aristocratic spirits who politely bowed their heads with respect.

‘The Duke is treated on par with royalty from other countries, so they can’t raise their head until the parties allow them.’

But I couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable with the guests I invited.

‘It can’t be helped because it’s a new world.’

It was when I was about to accept it.

“You may raise your head,” the women raised their heads at the unexpected permission. My father spoke in a calm manner, even though he had a look of longing for most people. “You’re my daughter’s friends, so you don’t have to be formal. I feel strange.” Yeah, I feel like I’m really his beloved daughter.

‘Why are you doing this?’

My father didn’t give me time to organize my thoughts.

“Please, I hope you have a comfortable time.”

“Yes, thank you for your consideration.” My father, greeted by them, stared at me and opened his mouth.

‘I’ll have a good time,’

I pulled myself together and lowered my head in a hurry.

“Yes, thank you. Father.” Soon as he disappeared from view, someone said in a low voice.

“Your Excellency the Duke of Floyd is very kind.” If it had been an ordinary father and daughter, he might have made a fuss and said yes. But even I was a stranger, so I just had to nod passively.

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