It’s been three minutes since I put tea leaves in a tea pot and poured warm water. When I opened the lid and took out the tea leaves, the fragrant aroma came up. After doing the tea myself, I told Marilyn, pointing to the tea port.

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“Follow this to everyone’s teacup.” When I was asleep, I saw the empty seat next to me and the teacup set in front of it.

‘You would have liked it because it was a flower pattern.’

When I was thinking about Max not here, the tasting members exclaimed.

“Oh, it smells very good.”

The efficient way to save cheap, low-grade tea that have been blown away or deteriorated is to put on incense. The base tea is of good quality, and if you put it on, it will be a very delicious scented tea.

‘This is the cost-effectiveness.’

I didn’t buy new tea leaves to save, but I went to the tea leaves at home. Thanks to that, the money that went to the tasting event was not so much.

‘Yes, I’ve been frugal. Now that I’ve established a cause, that’s enough.’

At that time, when I was satisfied, I heard a low praise.

”Wow, the tea smells like roses.”

“It’s amazing.”

“It’s more than amazing!” In the first place, my purpose was not to become a member of the tasting party, but to make noodles. That’s why I didn’t expect much.

“It’s really fragrant and delicious. It goes well with tea poodle.”

“That’s right. It’s also decorated with flowers, so it’s very pretty to look at.” But it felt strange to see them like it.

‘I didn’t think you’d like this so much.’

I had a strange sensation inside my chest. By the time I was getting confused, I had a ridiculous urge. I want to show you something better next time, not considering the cost-effectiveness. It was the voice of someone that brought me back to reality.

“How did you put the incense on?” The sight of Terence Young-ae staring at me with keen eyes gave me a sense of reality.

‘Oh, thanks to you, I’ve come to my senses.’

I don’t think she intended it, but I got a lot of help unexpectedly. I opened my mouth to her with a touch of gratitude.

“Do you know that if you store your tea incorrectly, it will not smell good or it will fly away?”

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“Yes, of course.” I could see everyone nodding their heads like tea lovers.

“That’s because tea has the property of absorbing odor. So, if you mix dried petals or fruits between tea leaves, the scent gets soaked in. If you want a strong scent, you can extract oil and let it absorb into the leaves.” In my explanation, Terrence Young-ae swallowed the tea with a strange face. Certainly, everyone wasn’t saying anything, so I wondered if I said it so uninterestingly.

‘Well, don’t be bored with explanations.’

With such an idea I added something that they might enjoy.

“And the tea leaves that have been brewed like this are good to dry and put in a cotton pocket and put in the closet. It’s effective in deodorizing.” Soon there was an exclamation.

“Oh, that’s great.”

“How did you come up with this knowledge?”

”And an idea that would absorb the aroma of tea!” It’s all other people’s knowledge, but I can’t tell you the truth.

‘I’ll have to tell you if I’m reincarnated if that’s the case.’

So I made a moderate amount of effort.

“Oh, it’s a product of chance that I found out by accident.” I wanted someone to change the subject. Just in time, Lady Terence opened her mouth.

“Oh, it just popped up.”

‘Yes, what is it?’

Well, she stared at me with a curious look and then opened her mouth again.

“Did you know that the Crown Prince returned to the system?” I didn’t know. If I had known earlier, I would have left because it was a vacation.

‘Well, the Crown Prince will attend the coming-of-age ceremony and all the nobles will be forced to attend, so the damage will be useless.’

Soon a grave voice came out of my mouth.

“I see.” With the tea in it, the fragrant tea just before was felt like plain water. Someone opened his mouth when he frowned at a slight headache.

“So, it turns out that there is no news about the Crown Prince’s selection of spouse.” At the word of Crown Prince’s spouse, they noticed and opened their mouths.

‘I know, I’m afraid it’s going to be myself.’

I breathed a small sigh as I listened to them.

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No matter who sees, the Prince is a landmine, and my father rejected such a human with my medicine alone.’

It was a time when I was resenting my father inside. The door opened and someone came into the reception room. Black-haired, red-eyed, handsome to anyone’s eye.

“Max?” At my call he nodded and opened his mouth.

“It’s late, ···” It came out awkward, but it was still better than before that drawing. As soon as I saw the face, I felt a little distracted. I pointed next to me.

“Come this way,” he soon sat next to me, and the tasting members came out with strange faces and stared at Max.

‘Well, what’s wrong with him?’

It was Lady Terence who opened her mouth when I was questioning.

“Still, I’m glad the princess had a lover.”

“What?” She replied with a slight tearful eye to my reply.

”You know you’re not going to be nominated for Crown Princess?” I was taken abacknowledged.

‘No, no matter how much we do. Is it okay to speak ill of the Crown Prince?’

When I was thinking about how to react, the young children responded.

“Right, honestly, no one would want to be a Crown Princess.” Of course I agree with that. As with the original, the rumors about the crown prince must be terrible. But there was a reason why I didn’t get caught in that backstory.

‘The Crown Prince said he knew everything he said behind his back.’

Of course, it is not because the prince is an almighty distant guy. It’s because of the information guild he runs secretly.

‘Because of my heart, I want to make it powdery too.’

However, as the owner of a very harsh fate, I couldn’t even speak his gossip out of my mouth.

‘Because it may be a spark for me.’

Then, a stronger rumor flowed into my ears.

“I heard that the Empress had been reluctant to do so, too?”

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“Yes. Apparently, she had been a little upset since he was young.” I hardened my face when she said that.

‘Oh, I can’t leave this alone.’

I struggled hard to avoid the crown prince, but it was unfair for Dead Flag to bloom just because the backroom was my house.

‘I’m trying to avoid the Crown Prince, and I can’t just leave it.’

For that reason, I spoke conscious of the Crown Prince’s informant who might be listening somewhere.

“I haven’t seen him in real life, so wouldn’t it be too early to jump to conclusions? Maybe she’s more generous than I thought.” They looked displeased at my words.

“Oh, well, maybe.”


”That’s right.”

Suddenly, the mood and stuttering tone. I know. How ridiculous I was talking. But they will never know. That I saved myself from the Dead Flag.

‘I have to do this, but it’s also very difficult to cover myself…’

It was when I was feeling a little deprived.

“You’re so easygoing. I can’t believe such a positive attitude is like that.” It didn’t matter whether it was sarcastic or complimenting. I was tired anyway, so I didn’t want to spend long tea time with them. They won’t be happy to be with me either.

‘I’ll have to empty the teaport quickly and send them home.’

With such a feeling, I pulled the car up hard.

‘Oh, it’s hotter than I thought.’

It seemed like my tongue was hurt, but I couldn’t express it. It was when I was secretly rolling my darkened tongue in my mouth.

“That’s right.” It was Max, who was drinking tea quietly next to me.

‘That’s right… It might seem easygoing.’

With that in mind, I put the teacup down. I could see his red eyes holding me. It is a pretty red color that looks like garnet and pomegranate eggs.

‘It’s a very strong impression for an extra.’

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For a moment, I saw his change. His mouth drew a line of lines. a gentle white eye With that smile, you look completely different. If you look a little cool when you are expressionless, should I say that you look a little sweet now? Of course, I was admired in other ways.

‘I’m very good at acting once. Whenever someone goes, I think you really like me.’

It was when I was holding back my laughter while I was thinking.

“It’s a really great mindset to believe in rumors and not judge… Others.” The laughter subsided. Hearing that, he caught the subtleties.

‘This guy just said to me… informally.’

Romanization: somunman mitgo dareun ileul seolbunli pandanhaji anhdani, jeongmal hulryunghan ma eungajim-iji… yo

It wasn’t the first time, and it was time to get used to it, but it was frustrating to keep making mistakes.

‘Please be careful.’

It was at that time when I was giving Max a lot of attention.

“Yes.” I stared at Rose’s affirmation with Max’s words with strange eyes. Then she smiled at me and opened her mouth. “If you think about it, we also felt a lot this time.”

‘You felt it?’

When I was puzzled by the words, Rose opened his mouth.

“I mean, Princess. I actually thought he was a scary person according to the rumor.” That stings me.

‘In fact, not long ago I was a scary person.’

Rose, who had no idea what I was up to, was a horse.

“But when I read the letter, I found out that he was really nice and nice.” A kind and nice person, somehow I felt strange. In fact, I only pretended not to instill hostility in others, but I was a little guilty of saying that.

“I agree.”

“Me too,”

Marien and Catherine. Describing them as extras, they were those who would later be close aides to the princess.

Originally, it was the people who were hostile to me, but I was doubtful that even they expressed their favor to me.

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