Fight Me!

Chapter 11

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A group of magical beasts flew and ran towards Misty forest. A large two headed dragon, a smaller bulky green dragon, a chimera with five eyes and an Alicorn*. Each was following someone flying at the front.

"We're almost there, students." The instructor shouted, the wind making his words sound like a hushed whisper.

The five passed over a few hills, a mountain on the right and eventually reached the beginning of a large forest. They flew over some trees before landing in a large clearing.

"Okay, this is where you're starting. I trust that at least one of you has a watch. The judge is already here, so start setting up camp. The game lasts until tomorrow evening. Good luck, I'll be leaving now." The instructor ascended before shooting back in the direction they came from.

Illian started untying a large bundle of items from Harmony.

"Someone go and get some fire wood." He shouted.

"I'll go." Alex said, taking an axe with him.

Elena and Eva were also setting up a tent together. The arrangement was simple, the boys would sleep in the same tent and keep watch together. Vice versa for the girls. This was for obvious reasons.

Illian put up the sticks which were for holding up the tent's fabric. He then pushed the pegs into the holes of the fabric and pushed them into the ground. It was currently the hot season, so not much was needed to protect them from the elements.

After finishing with his tent he went off to find dinner.


"Cocky brat." Volcan said. He was a fourth year who was not able to participate with the others to go on the expedition. This was due to him being defeated in a duel and seriously injured. He had recovered now and was itching for a fight.

He was spying on the enemy team. He had just seen two members walk off into the forest on their own. He didn't know which one was the leader, so he stayed up in his tree, observing their behaviour.

"Aha." He muttered. Spotting Elena Justice, his heart rate quickened.

The reason he was unable to join the expedition in the first place. Volcan had attempted to get first place in the individual ranking but was beat down. The fight was fierce, however, she had caught him off guard, landing a decisive blow on the back of his head.

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"I'll get her." He grinned.

After recovering from their previous fight, he had trained harshly, pushing his body to the limit. He had even learned a new Heavyblade art. He waited for the signal. The reason why he, rank four had agreed to participate one time in this battle was to get revenge. The other seven teammates had agreed to help him.

"Hahahahaha!" He let out a high pitched laugh.

He flexed his legs and leapt out of the tree, spinning his war axe. He landed with a thud. Dust shot up from the dry ground. It was a wonder how a forest manage to grow in such harsh conditions, water was scarce and nutrients were virtually non-existent. Must be some kind of Ether distortion nearby he thought.

"Elena Justice! I have come for a rematch!" He shouted grinning like a madman.

"You again!" She narrowed her eyes, like a hunter eyeing his prey.

Eva stealthed. Hmm? Seems like this might be a little interesting after all. After five or so seconds, he slashed out with his war axe. This was because under stealth, one must move slowly to avoid detection. Predicting that Eva would try and sneak up from behind, he swung his war axe after the amount of time it would take an amateur to move closer to him.

Sure enough, he heard the metallic clang of weapons colliding, he felt the force of his hit knock the girl. Eva hit a tree, her head against it's branch.

"Eva!" Elena cried out.

"No good missy, she's out cold." Volcan cackled.

"How dare you?!" She yelled before charging towards him, staff at the ready.

Elena swung her staff, a low sweep. Volcan smashed his war axe against it, knocking the attack into the floor. Then, he leapt side ways, spinning whilst holding the weapon out.

"War Art: Evasion!" She yelled, the blade scraped across her right arm, drawing out a line of blood.

She chanted before casting a Heal spell, followed by Nature's shield. A green light covered her body.

"Staff Art: Banshee Strike!" She lunged forward, her staff blurred and emitted a screeching sound.

Volcan held his ground and spun his war axe, deflecting the incoming staff. The force travelled up his arm, making him shiver.

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"Barbaric woman." He snickered.

"War Axe Art: Earthsplitter!" He spun his weapon before slamming it into the ground. Ridges sprouted out from the ground, travelling towards Elena.

She dodged to the right and closed the distance between them.

"Urticus Solus!" She launched a Nettle Rush spell at him.

Spiked barbs shot out in a wild pattern. The ground and nearby trees were peppered with spikes. Volcan batted away the ones coming directly towards him.

"Child's play." He laughed. I'm so much stronger than you now. He couldn't wait for the moment he knocked her to the ground, her screams of pain and anguish echoing around. Licking his lips, he retaliated.

"Blood Pact: Bloody Blade!" He activated the blood pact he had made with his demon spirit.

Blood Pact: Bloody Blade made his attacks faster and stronger, it also healed his wounds when he hit an enemy. He dashed towards her before swinging out wildly. She blocked with her staff but was knocked back. Dust shot off the ground as her feet pushed against the floor in an attempt to stop herself from getting knocked back any further.

"War Axe Art: Hurricane Smash!" He bent backwards, flexing his muscles, he hit the ground full force.

The ground shook and wind shot out, spinning around and chopping anything that got in it's way like an expert chef chopping carrots. Elena escaped again, but a large cut ran down her back, blood ran down her back like undried paint on a wall. She was panting heavily.


-{First POV}-

"War Axe Art: Hurricane Smash!" Vulcan bent back before smashing the floor with his weapon.

Spinning air blades shot towards me. I ran to the side, the first blade came, I tried deflecting it but the air just passed around my staff. Not good. It slashed down my back. A stinging pain almost made me lose grip of my staff. I can't block these, the only option is to dodge.

Another wind blade came towards me, I had no option but to jump over it. The third attack shot over, this time from the side. I ran forwards to a nearby tree, using what remained of my strength, I backflipped off of it, jumping over the blade of air. The tree was cut clean in two. Is he trying to kill me?!

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"Medicus Manus!" I touched my back whilst casting Healing Touch.

Drats. Out of Ether crystals, Eva Noctis has the rest but she is behind Volcan. I won't be able to make it there in one piece. I'll have to use my last resort.

"Staff Art: Javelin Shot!" I put all of my strength into my final attack, flexing my muscles, twisting my hips to it's limit. I pushed so hard into the ground that I left a mark. The tension built up as I twisted and flexed.

"Go!" I screamed, the staff shot out like an arrow from a bow. It flew faster than I can run at my top speed. Please work!


-{First POV}-

Sh!t that's fast!

"War Axe Art: Hurricane Spin!" I blurted the lines out as if I were a snitching school child.

The soul energy flowed through my body as I took a stance. I felt like an elastic band that's been stretched to the limit, near the point of breaking. The metal tipped staff flew closer. The familiar feeling of exhilaration swept through me. I'm enjoying this. Close to laughing with joy, I let myself rip, spinning.

My war axe collided with the staff, knocking it out the air. I've won. Elena's shoulders sank, her last chance swatted away like a fly.

"I'm going to enjoy playing with you!" I laughed, finally, my revenge can be settled. "Making me miss out on the yearly expedition and sending me to the infirmary for five weeks, I'll repay twice that!"

I walked over. Elena put up her fists, ready to fight. Trying to fist fight an axe? Laughable. I hit her in the side with the flat side of my weapon. My heart pumped blood quicker, the blood pact took effect. I feel refreshed.

"Take that! And that!" I yelled, smashing her in the stomach with the bottom metal part of my axe.

She coughed blood, determined not to make a sound.

"Tough b*tch aren't you?! You don't deserve rank one! The only reason why none of the seniors have taken that place is because they don't care about the rewards! It was only a matter of time before this happened."

I hit her again and again. I'm not feeling guilty or evil, why would I? She deserves this for all she did to me! I flipped my axe around. Elena's blood drenched the ground, like a smashed ketchup packet. I'll end this here, after all, I'm not that cruel.

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"You're lucky i'm ending this quickly." I lifted my war axe. Oh how I waited for this moment. Revenge will be served.


"Magic Pistol Art: Quickdraw!"

"Magic Pistol Art: Quickload!"

"Magic Pistol Art: Fastfire!"

"Magic Pistol Art: Power Shot!"

The shooting 'pew pew' sound rang out through the trees. The birds had long flown off. Four bodies lay on the ground, witnesses of the Magic Pistol's might.

"They must have planned this. I should have asked someone to go with Alex." Illian regretted his thoughtlessness out loud.

"Really though, who would have thought that they'd get here so quick. They must have ditched their equipment. Unless they didn't even bring any."

They planned this. He thought. They must be after something, I've got to get back to the campsite. Picking up the boar that he had defeated, he sprinted at top speed to the campsite.

"I wish I had some affinity for Ventus magic, or learned some mobility enhancing War Arts."

He heard the sounds of shouting and screams. I'm getting closer, Elena, Eva, hold on. I'm coming. Warmer, I'm getting warmer. Aha! The clearing. Illian looked through the underbrush, he saw a red haired student standing over a bloody Elena. Luckily, I'm holding the Magic Pistol.

"Magic Pistol Art: Power Shot!" A beam of light shot forward, like an athlete leaving his starting crouch. The gun tilted back slightly, Illian felt the strength of the shot, the recoil.

The red head jumped back, away from Elena in panic.

"Hello red head. Prepare to

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