Fight Me!

Chapter 10

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Since the owner of Bentol's Blades had disappeared, Illian decided to keep the weapon to himself. Then the thought struck him, If one can create Weapon Arts for swords and bows, what about this Magic Pistol?

Sitting in his room, Illian focused on feeling the flow of Ether from the weapon. Every thing in existence emitted Ether radiation, objects emitted the least, followed by non sentient organisms, animals and finally humans who emitted the most.

Creating and using Weapon arts relied on the user to synchronise with the flow of Ether, applying a certain amount of soul energy and combining it with a technique, more difficult than casting spells but ten times more powerful and efficient.

There were also War Arts, which focused on enhancing body strength, speed and vitality. Different Weapon Arts also honed the speed and strength of the weapon, e.g. The Sword Art: Quickblade doubled the speed of the user's attacks.

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In a sense, Arts were a more advanced form of magic which only Spirit Sages could use. Magic was available for general use because of the fact that it only required the correct incantation and a certain amount of Ether Crystals.

Dragon Slayer's were just Spirit Sages who specialised in a certain aspect of Spirit Sage Craft, like Spirit Blade masters. They adapted their Weapon Arts in order to take down stronger and larger foes.

This is why there should be no problem with developing his very own Magic Pistol Art too. The first thing to do was note down all processes of handling the weapon, the draw, the load and the fire. These were the three factors which Illian could instantly think of which he could affect.

The draw of the weapon was the easiest part. He quickly slid it out off the hook on his belt. It took a single second, however, a single second was the difference between life and death in a real fight. Again. This time slightly faster. Again, again and again. The quickest Illian could draw the weapon was 0.4 seconds, without using any soul energy.

This time, he felt for the flow of Ether coming off the weapon, he could sense the crystal inside. He tapped the handle, sending out a fraction of his soul energy, which mixed with the Ether. This caused the weapon to glow. His hands moved as a blur, he grabbed the handle and brought the weapon out. He gripped it badly and it slipped, Illian desperately kept his middle finger within the finger guard causing the weapon to spin. He caught the weapon, although it was pointing at his face, he had just drawn the weapon within 0.1 seconds.

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Letting out a puff of satisfaction, he spun the Magic Pistol twice, like he did when drawing it. This time it was facing forward. He practice drawing the weapon quickly a couple more times for good measure.

"I'll name this Quickdraw."

Then, he stood poised, left hand hovering just over the slide. Like when he practiced drawing normally as fast as possible, this time, he practiced loading as quickly as possible. Pulling the slide, grabbing a crystal from the pouch at his waist and slotting it in before shutting the hatch. One and a half seconds. Again. One and a quarter. Again. He missed the pouch. Again. He grabbed two crystals by accident. Again. Finally, he managed to speed up his loading whilst improving his skill.

This time, he had to speed up his loading. This time, the amount of soul energy needed did not have to match a certain amount of Ether radiation because what he was enhancing was his own body. He poured a small amount of soul energy into his left hand, making it glow light blue. Then he loaded the pistol. Once more, but he increased the soul energy two fold. Three fold. Finally, four fold.

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Four fold was too fast for the actual weapon to handle, friction and the weight of the slide slowed down his loading. Pondering for a solution, Illian reverse Quickdrew, holstering the pistol.

What if... He drew the pistol and sent soul energy through it, like he did when executing Quickdraw. However, he did one thing different. Instead of matching the Ether radiation of the whole weapon, he matched the radiation coming off the slider. This meant he had to isolate the exact amount coming off the slider alone.

With difficulty, Illian managed to send the right amount of soul energy through. Once again, he tried loading the weapon, succeeding to narrow down the time taken to 0.5 seconds. He decided to name this Art Speedload.

Before trying to increase the shots strength, he wanted to improve fluidity between each move. He drew the weapon but then sent a second stream of soul energy through to the slider and loaded the weapon. He succeeded in performing a draw/load combo.

He went up to the roof in order to practice shooting. This was also a good opportunity to test the weapon out in general, to gauge it's strengths and weaknesses.

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Illian considered the different parts of the weapon which were key to firing the shot. Definitely the Ether crystal itself, which served as ammunition. What else? The trigger, but that wouldn't affect the strength of the shot but the speed. The weapon didn't need to reload between each shot like a bow, it fired each time the trigger was pulled until the crystal ran out of energy.

Illian loaded a crystal and fired a shot. He kept on firing until the shots got weaker and dissipated quicker. He took a look at the crystal. It was grey. He replaced it, again firing. As soon as the shots got weaker, he stopped firing at took a look. The crystal was grey, meaning that the Ether inside had been emptied out. Once more, but this time he didn't stop firing, he kept on pulling the trigger. The shots were now considerably weaker, but the range was now consistent. The weakest shots dissipated at 20 meters, the strongest going further than he could see, past the trees.

He could tell two things from this. When the crystal was full, it would last for 20 shots before running out. From there, it seemed that the pistol had been drawing soul energy off him to fire the weaker shots. This told Illian that he could substitute Ether for soul energy, but more inefficiently with worse results. The amount of soul energy he injected into the crystal increased the range and strength of the beam. Finally, the fastest he could fire was 5 times per second.

Naming his new Arts Powershot, Hollowshot and Fastfire respectively, Illian decided it was time. After the upcoming group battle, he would aim for rank #1.

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