Fight Me!

Chapter 9

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Bentol sat in his favourite rocking chair. Taking out a well cleaned smoking pipe, he sighed. He lit the Fire fern and leant back. Letting out a puff of smoke he said,

"Rabbit. I can sense you, come out."

"Aaaww, you're no fun Bentol." She complained.

He looked at her. Blowing out again, sending fumes into her face. She coughed and waved her hands in an attempt to fan away the toxic smoke.

"Anyway, let's get down to business." He said in a tired voice.

"Fine." She said grumpily.

"I've gotten rid of it, I can close shop now right?"

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"Sure, we've got room for you back in Rennantia." She took her mask off, pointy ears poked out through her hair. "That was the last artifact left by the 'Mechanoids'. Your mission is over."

Bentol sighed in relief. After packing all of his belongings into his traveller's pack, he walked out into the sunset, heading for the nearest ship to Rennantia.


Jason, or what used to be Jason screamed out, black fumes escaping from his pores. The monster sprouted claws as dark as night and ran on all fours towards Summer. She screamed, as she fell over her husband's body. No!! Illy run! Her screams echoed out into the valley as her son shredded her body into ribbons. Illian charged toward his former brother, summoning his dragon slayer lance, he lunged forward in an attempt to save his decapitated mother.


The monster turned and swatted away the spirit weapon. It shattered into a multitude of pieces. The monster charged at Illian, sending a barrage of swipes towards him. Harmony summoned themselves, shielding their master from the flurry of attacks. The black claws tore through the armoured scales like a fish swimming through water. Letting out a shriek, Harmony slumped over, blood streaming across the wooden floor.

The monster walked towards the almost dead dragon. Illian was stuck underneath Harmony's body, he pushed and heaved, trying his best to free himself but to no avail. The monster was coming closer, ready to finish the dragon off. A look of desperation in his eye, Illian cast an imperfect spell, Absorb. Rather, it wasn't imperfect, just that he hadn't been taught how to use it.

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Dragon Slayers had immense physical strength. This was because all Dragon Slayers had used the Absorb spell on the dragon that they had chosen to combine with. The spell was not meant to be used in humans.

The spell shot a line of energy which connected the monster's heart and his, before engulfing them both. Harmony, still conscious, disappeared through a magic circle. The monster and the boy became one.

He walked

and walked

and walked

and walked

through storm and snow, valley and cliff pass, weary. He crossed a desert, he wanted to give up, but something inside told him to carry on. Not knowing his own identity, the boy clambered across the bridge, finally reaching the place that the voice inside his head told him was home. Finally, he had reached it, he collapsed at the gate.

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"Thanks, brother."


Jason sat inside the dark room, remembering the past.

"I'm a monster."

He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Jason only half believed what Illian had told him, he just felt that giving control was the right choice. He didn't want to lose the fight, he wouldn't have be able to deal with the shame of losing.

After remembering what happened that night, Jason didn't know what to do.

"It's probably for the best that I don't go out anymore. No one will get hurt by me."

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Illian sat down, he picked up the cloth with the paper and strange object wrapped up in it. He unrolled it, what he saw was a strange metallic thing with a handle and cylinder attached at the front. He looked at the paper, It was a diagram of this object.

"Magic P-i-s-t-o-l." He pronounced the strange word.

That must be the name of this thing he decided. The paper also had instructions. Illian held the weapon by it's grip, the handle was smooth. He pressed the 'safety' and pulled back the 'slide'. He put the Magic Pistol to his face, right eye looking along the sights. He pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.

'W-Why?! I pressed the safety, pulled back the slide, what's wrong?" The bottom half of the paper had been torn off.

Studying the weapon, Illian held the Magic Pistol in his hands. He turned it both ways, looking for a way to operate the weapon. He pulled back the slide, noticing that a small chamber inside was revealed. Lifting it up for a closer look, he realised that something was meant to fit inside.

"Well, it doesn't look like a close combat weapon, it's got no spikes or blades. But, it doesn't look like a ranged weapon either. If it was, what kind of ammunition does this thing use anyway?"

Then he remembered the hollow chamber. It was the perfect size for an Ether crystal. Fishing a crystal out of his pouch, he pushed the crystal into the chamber. Hearing a kaching! And a clicking sound, Illian aimed at the window and pulled the trigger. A loud

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