Fight Me!

Chapter 8

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Illian walked towards the administration office. The students nearby all glanced at him. It seemed that much like Jason's battle with FleetFlame, this more recent battle against Lucian Luxkraig had raised his infamy to a whole new level.

The swap with Jason over control of his body had caused some physical changes. Illian was eighteen, his body had changed almost completely. His hair was shorter and white. He had become physically taller and more muscular. His muscles had become more developed, making him stronger.

This was the reason he was heading over to the administrator's office, he was going to request a class change to the third year's class. Sitting with people who were two years younger than him made Illian uncomfortable, most of them were very immature. Even nobles in the third year were better than them.

Illian stopped at the admin desk in the plaza.

"Hello, I'd like to request a year group and class change."

"Sorry?" The lady looked confused.

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"I said, I'd like to change my year group and the class that I'm in." He said, in a firmer tone.

"I can't do that." The lady stated.

"Well, if you can't who can?" He asked.

"Well... You need to fill in a form stating the reasons why and hand it to me. Then, I'll give it to the headmaster."

"So you can do it." He confirmed.


"Right. Give me the form then." He ordered.

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She left the desk, quickly returning with a stack of papers in hand. She passed them over to Illian with difficulty. He lifted it easily with one had before stuffing it all into his rucksack. There's way too much paper work for just a year and class change he thought.

Illian then left to browse through some shops. Jason had neglected to have a closer look at the shops which were on school grounds. He wanted to get his hands on some melee Weapon Arts. Weapon Arts were something that the academy only taught to students who were at third year and above. Illian already knew Dragon Slayer Arts. This was because he and Jason hailed from a clan of dragon slayers.

Before the main six nations arose, humans in general were a weak race. This was due to the fact that Spell Craft was a closely guarded secret by sorcerers and Spirit Blade masters were rare. The number of humans that could actually put up a fight against other races like Elves and Demons were less than 5%. Eventually, an adventurer's guild was founded, which paid bounties for exterminations, leading to an increase in humans who were able to fight using magic. Sorcerers became out dated as Spell Craft books were leaked to the general public.

Spirit Blade masters eventually evolved into a more general profession, now known as Spirit Sages. Blade masters trained in using the sword and enhancing their senses (Spirit Surging and Spirit Honing) but Spirit Sages are able to use a larger variety of weapons and also summon combat spirits to help them in battle. The difference is huge.

As humanity became stronger as a collective, the rewards for killing what used to be deadly foes decreased, as such, some humans sought after stronger foes. They killed gargantuan giants, sea monsters before eventually making dragons their next target. A single dragon corpse could make a single family of five enough money to live luxuriously for several years.

These people eventually became known as dragon slayers. In order to take down these monsters, they had to develop techniques specifically for killing dragons, Dragon Slayer Arts. Weapon Arts did not require incantations, they only required lot's of practice and enough soul power to execute the move.

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Currently, there were six main nations, five of which are human. Many great Elven, Dwarven and other humanoid races were hunted, some to extinction. Rennantia is the last remaining bastion of non-humans. It is also the peak of an unexplored continent. - (Map of Luxio)

Illian stopped in front of a Weapon Arts shop. It was called Bentol's Blades. A bell rung as he pushed open the door. A man with large bulging muscles, head touching the ceiling, nodded at him. Returning the gesture made by the shop keeper and walked up to the shelf with a worn out sign hanging off it. 'Dagger Arts' - Each one was 1k Lu. He was looking for something to fit the dual Kopis that were attached to his gauntlets by Old man Sam.

[Assassin Arts]

[Throwing Arts]

[Ailment Arts]

These were the three scrolls that caught his interest. He quickly gave up of the [Throwing Arts] as they were not suitable for his Kopis. Illian also crossed [Ailment Arts] off his mind because he only had enough money for one scroll. Determining Assassin arts as the most useful scroll there, he quickly took it off the shelf and walked over to the shop keeper. Handing over the required amount, he turned around, about to leave.

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"Wait." The shop keeper said.

"That's a fake, I'll go get the real one from the back." He turned and left.

The door which the shop keeper had came from when Illian had entered was left ajar, the large metal lock hanging off it like a monkey on a tree. He walked over, to shut the door but something caught his eye. He walked into the dark room, seeing an unlocked chest on the dusty shelf. The shop keeper must have been looking at this before he thought. Curiously, he picked it up. Something glinted inside. He took the strange object out, along with the cloth that partially wrapped it and a piece of paper. Illian was about to have a closer look until thudding footsteps startled him. In panic, he shut the chest and dashed out to where he was standing before. Realising he still had the strange object, he stuffed it into his rucksack as quickly as possible.

"Here, the scroll." The shop keeper gave the real Dagger Art to him.

"A-Ah thanks." Illian left the shop, a guilty look on his face.

I'll return it after I've had a better look at it.

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