Fight Me!

Chapter 19

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Every time a vampire ranked up their transformation would become more powerful. A commoner's nails were as hard as bone whereas a middle class vampire's nails would be as hard as Iron.

Imagine how hard an Adept's would be. Their bones would increase In strength and density as well, including the teeth. This meant that one could become almost invincible just by transforming. Vampires had a life span of 1,000 years but if they reached the Adept level they became immortal. Since vampires have such a long life span, most are extremely strong. Even a single vampire commoner can kill a hundred humans just by transforming.

Illian was just outside the academy. It was night but because he was a vampire he could see better than if it were day. As he got closer, he practiced transforming his body partially, a single finger to just an arm. Each time he transformed his body he could feel the difference in strength, it felt as if the entire arm turned hard like iron but when he touched it it felt pretty much the same as normal.

He was a few hundred meters away from the gates but he sensed something was amiss. Even though there was a curfew lots of students took extra classes which lasted late into the night. There wasn't a single light on. He jumped down onto the guard tower.

"Is anyone there?"

There was silence. He walked into the guard room which was normally locked right. He saw a body on the floor. Illian bent down and checked for a pulse. He was dead.

Suddenly an explosion rang out. Lights turned on at the student quarters and people began walking out or looking out their windows in confusion.

Several figures in black robes dashed around, taking students captive. Each one wielded a military grade crossbow and spears. When students tried to resist or cast spells they were hit with the blunt end of the metal spears or sometimes shot in the legs or arms with crossbows.

The black robed people were in squads of four, each team had a single spirit with them. Illian was near the girls dorm, this he decided to help out. He ran along the outer wall before leaping down onto the roof of the girls dorm. The main problem here was the fact that the intruders might take hostages so Illian would have to take them by surprise.

He activated his camouflage and jumped down on the side of the dorm.

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"Make sure they don't fight back, we'll meet with squads 3 and 4 in ten!"

"Yes sir!" The other members shouted.

Illian heard their commander shouting, it was the voice of a gruff middle aged man. One of the black robes was a few meters away. Illian snuck behind her, covered her mouth with his right hand and stabbed her in the back with his kopis before dragging her behind the dormitory wall.

Then he mimicked her voice and shouted.

"I need to take a piss, gimme a second!"

"We don't have time for that!" Another member shouted.

"Too late!" Illian mimicked.

"Fine but be quick!"

He quickly snuck around another member and dispatched him before throwing the body behind a nearby bush. A student was watching wide eyed. He became visible and gestures to her to be silent. She nodded and acted as if nothing happened. There were now two black robes left and a Demon Wolf.

"Oy, 4 you done yet?" The leader shouted.

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"Captain, I'll go check."

"You just want to peek you pervert. Be quick."

The man gestures with a thumbs up before walking to the corner. Illian followed behind him. The man stopped behind the wall and was about to yell when a blade came from no where and separated his head from his body.

Illian pulled out his Magic Pistol and inserted a cartridge. He was deciding whether to shoot the Demon Wolf or the man. The spirit definitely had a higher priority as it was probably stronger. He fired at it's head, before the spirit knew what had happened, it was dead.

"Who's there?!" The leader yelled. He knew his spirit had died since Spirit Sages and their summons were mentally linked.

Illian revealed himself behind the man and punched towards his head but he had good reflexes and ducked. The man then threw an uppercut which made Illian stumble backwards. Thankfully, he had the Steel skin ability. The two eyed each other.

"Do you know who we are?" The man grinned.

"I don't really care." Illian said nonchalantly.

"Impudent brat!"

The man dashed forward. Clearly, this man was more experienced than the rest in his squad. He fired a shot from his crossbow and followed up with a lunge with his metal spear.

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Illian knocked the crossbow bolt out of the air and jumped to the side but the man didn't let up. He dug his right heel into the ground and did a near 90 degree turn, continuing to charge towards Illian. He had no choice but to evade again even though he had Steel skin. This was because he was not sure if the spear could penetrate it or not.

Illian disappeared from view, causing the spear wielder to narrow his eyes in confusion. He started shooting with his pistol, making sure to change the angle and direction to put the leader off. Each time, the shot was narrowly avoided.

"Come out and fight like a man!" He shouted desperately.

Illian rushed forward, planning to end the fight quickly. The man grinned and turned around, driving his weapon forward.

"Crap." Illian panicked, the only thing he could do was block the attack.

"Spear Art: Skewer!"

The spear shone a green colour which lit up the dormitory garden, some had to squint or shield their eyes. The spear pierced through Illian's right hand, causing him to drop the Magic Pistol.

"Ahhhrgh!" He yelled in pain.

He fell onto the floor, putting his injured hand behind his back so that no one would see his vampiric regeneration.

"How's that brat? I'll make you pay for killing my team mates!"

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The man grinned and pointed with his spear at Illian's stomach.

"Should I end this quickly? Or maybe slow and painfully?!" The man let out a maniacal laugh.

He then turned to the captive girls.

"What do you think?"

They were all frightened, seeming like the slightest movement from the man would send them running.

Illian's hand was almost healed.

"You know what? I'll just kill you all!"

Illian quickly kicked out at the mans crotch and then took a hold of his leg and pulled him down. The two tussled but Illian quickly gained the upper hand. He held his throat in a tight grip and flipped out his kopis blade.


The blade went into the man's right eye and into the brain. Illian stood up and looked at the cowering girls.

"Can anyone here fight?"

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