Fight Me!

Chapter 20

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They had already freed two other groups of girls from the black robes. It seemed that the intruders were called 'the Black Scythes' and they were a large criminal organisation.

The second group was made of nobles, they had helped get rid of their oppressors and free more students. The band of students grew in size very quickly because four oppressors could not stop fifty students, like a pebble being smashed by the ocean.

"Assassination Art: Head Seeker!"

Illian shot out from the shadows and thrust out his kopis, cleanly removing the head of the Black Scythes captain. They had established a plan, first, kill the spirit summon and then sneakily kill the other squad members until only the captain was left.

They untied the captive students and explained to them what was going on. They had rescued Fiona and Elena as well, increasing the combat power of their group. Currently, they were headed to the headmaster's office because then they would be under the protection of the strongest man around.

"Elena, could you go and alert the city guard? We are fighting against a criminal organisation right now, there is no way they don't have any super strong individuals."

She hesitated for a second before agreeing, a small group of girls went with her.

"Only a little further until we get there." Someone said.

"Stay alert, they might ambush us."

Fiona had taken the lead as everyone there trusted her a lot and had faith in her leadership and power. They hadn't encountered any resistance along the way, it seemed that the Black Scythes had no clue that students were being saved.

The footsteps of the students echoed around the empty streets. Small balls of light hovered around some of them, providing visibility. It was a full moon tonight and it shone down onto the pavement, reflecting off it and making it seem shiny.

There was no idle chatter as everyone was nervous and alert, the silence was a little eerie. Illian would be able to fight at his fullest during the night in vampire form making him confident that he could dispatch any of the small fries they encountered. Of course, his being a vampire was a secret and transforming would be a last resort.

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Suddenly, footsteps sounded out from ahead. Fiona signalled to the students to remove the light spells. Each one flickered before poofing our of existence. The run became a careful trot yet it sounded unbearably loud to them.

"I'll go check it out." Illian whispered before camouflaging and blending into the night.

He made his way further up. He saw dim lights made from torches and a group of twenty Black scythe members. They had male students, including Alex tied up in a line like slaves. Some had bewildered expressions whilst others were still sleepy.

"Have you heard from Duncan yet?"

"No, the b*stard's late again. He's probably toying with those girls, the idiot."

"Yeah, Orucos won't be happy with him. He pulls this sh!t every time."

The men laughed heartily, like they were having a party.

"Well they seem to be enjoying themselves."

Illian slipped back to where Fiona was. After explaining the situation, her face became grave. They then started conversing with the more combat oriented students on a plan of action.

"Someone should free the boys, then they can also help us. We already outnumber them by quite a lot so winning shouldn't be too hard." Imina Errant said.

"Yeah, especially if they are the same as those weaklings who captured us." Ruby agreed.

Fiona began assigning roles. There were only fifteen combat experts but considering the quality of the Black Scythe members, they would be safe. The captives would also help them defeat the intruders as well, so they outnumbered the Black Scythes 2:1.

"Alright, let's go!"

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"Good luck girls!"

"Let's do this!"

The cries echoed around. The leftover students hid in nearby shops.

"Should I be happy that they're accepting me as a 'girl' now?" Illian muttered.

Fiona heard him and grinned.

"You're welcome.

"Ah, my honour." He said sarcastically.

"Okay, I'm off. Stay safe."

He bolted up onto a nearby roof, jumping up 30 metres in a single leap before cloaking. Illian's job was to rescue the captives and turn them into combatants. He ran over and waited on a nearby roof. After a couple of minutes, he slid down the drainage pipe of the shop he was standing on.

He creeped up behind the line of tied students. In front of him was the man holding the ropes. Grabbing him by the waist and covering his mouth, Illian kicked the hand holding the ropes and jumped into the nearby bushes. The rope fell to the ground. He slit the man's throat before taking the man's black robe and putting it on. He then went to where the man had been standing previously and picked up the rope.

He then began explaining the situation to the captives who had bunched up around him.

"Why should we help you? I don't want to risk my life for no reason." A Noble said arrogantly.

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"Well obviously! If you don't help they will come for you again, then they'll capture you." Alex explained.

"No way! I'm a noble, you commoners should do the work for us!"

"Look, There's no time for arguing. Anyone who doesn't want to help can leave but you'll probably be punished by the instructors. Also, don't get in our way!"

Illian cut those who wanted to leave loose. A quarter left, hiding behind the bushes. The female students had already fanned out, ready to attack. He then walked over to the captain and imitated a gruff voice.

"We should go check on that idiot Duncan."

"I agree, it's been almost 20 minutes. Oy, Marcus, take four and go look."

Marcus nodded, pointed at four other men and they walked off. Illian knew that as soon as they were out of earshot they would be slaughtered. A knife was passed around the captives as they gently cut the ropes apart but held onto the loose ends, making it seem as if they were still bound. The torch light was already very dim in the first place.

Suddenly, a bright light shon into the Black Scythes eyes, blinding them temporarily. The boys let go of the ropes and pointed their weapons at them. Illian pretended to be a Black Scythe member and backed off towards the others.

The girls came out from behind trees or off of roof tops, weapons at the ready.

"I guess Duncan's in hell then!" A man laughed.

"A fight!" The leader shouted.

"A fight!" The rest chorused.

The two sides collided, like waves smashing together. The clashing of steel echoed around and bright multi coloured lights lit up the night sky. Students and kidnappers alike activated different arts.

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Fiona summoned her Phoenix, it flew high before five bombing into the enemy, setting them on fire and knocking them over. Other students ran over and finished the downed opponents off.

Soon, only ten black robes remained whilst only a few students were injured. It seemed that quality really did prevail against quantity. The black robes were surrounded, Illian stood next to the leader. The remaining people formed a defensive circle to protect him.

"Lay down your weapons!" Fiona shouted.

The men looked at each other before laughing.

"In your dreams b!tch!" One of them retorted whilst giggling.

The two sides met again. The fighting was even more brutal, both sides spilled blood. The black robes fought recklessly leaving themselves open in order to score hits on the students.

After half an hour of fighting, only five black robes had remained standing whilst two students had been taken back to be healed.

"HOLD IT!" A mature female voice shouted, her voice resounded within everyone's heads.

"Lady Orucos!" One of the Black robes yelled.

All of them prostrated, faster than Illian could react.

"A fake?" Orucos' voice carried a hint of amusement.

Illian didn't know what to do or say.

"Fight me!" He blurted out without thinking.

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