Fight Me!

Chapter 21

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A mature woman who looked like she was in her early twenties hovered in the night sky. Her voluptuous breasts were covered with a tight fitting leather jacket and her long legs were exposed, revealing long, slim, slender legs.

Illian stood facing her, on the ground, a determined look in his black eyes. The winds caused the black and white hair to flutter.

"Fight you? Tell me, why should I do that?" She asked in a patronising tone.

"I'll give you the time of your life." Illian grinned.

"Oh? Big words for small fry like you." She unsheathed a long sword.

Illian pulled out the gunblade which used to be Mortimer's. All though he had never used it before he had Mortimer's memories and it was also the strongest weapon he possessed. Orucos' eyes narrowed a little upon seeing it but then quickly she returned to her condescending demeanour.

"All right then, if you manage to land a hit on me, your friends can go free." She grinned.

"Fine, now, let's fight!"

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Illian shot forwards, disappearing from the view of the students and black robes alike. He then crouched slightly and sprung upwards, right towards Orucos. He rotated his torso and swung the sword like it was a hammer, it sliced through the air, leaving a trail behind it. Orucos blocked it with her left hand and struck out with her long sword, forcing Illian to retreat.

In that instant, it was easy for everyone to see that he was losing. He constantly jumped up and slashed downwards or across, feinting or activating different arts however Orucos saw through them all and constantly fended him off.

"Damn it." He spat.

Every time he attacked, he was completely deflected. It was time for a new tactic. He inserted an Ether crystal into the weapon's hilt, the familiar clicking sound echoed through the silent street.

"GunBlade Art: Reinforce Fire!"

A white burst instantly shot out, growing larger than the weapon itself and charging toward Orucos like a raging bull. The beam trembled and twisted like a coiling serpent. Illian poured soul energy into the weapon, causing the beam to turn black and intensify.

Currently, this attack could be called his trump card as it was his strongest move. The beam engulfed Orucos as she stood there. After a few seconds Illian realised that something wasn't right. As the beam died down, Orucos was standing there with her right arm in front, hand splayed. A grey black barrier had been erected in front of her.

"No way, she can influence physical matter?" One of the students shouted in dismay.

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Once one became strong enough in Spirit Sage Craft they would be able to create matter from nowhere with their soul energy. They could also influence matter, allowing them to control it. It was an extremely difficult skill which only 20% of all Spirit Sages could master. It seemed Orucos was one of them.

"Ahah, and here you said you would give me a good time." She yawned, her delicate left hand covering her mouth.

"I'm not done yet!" Illian screamed.

His veins started bulging, eyes turned blood shot and almost instantly, he doubled in height. There were gasps from everyone except Orucos.

"I knew there was something strange from you." She said in triumph.

"Die!" He yelled as he charged toward her, this time twice as fast as before.

Illian's eyes narrowed as he swung his weapon. There was a sonic boom as his muscles contracted and the weapon shot forward with a silvery glow. Orucos drew her weapon this time, deflecting the gunblade upwards. In mid air, Illian changed the trajectory of the sword, slashing downward again. A barrier formed again, causing a 'ping' sound to echo out. It was like tapping a wine cup with a chopstick.

This time, Illian gave up any notion of defence since it seemed that Orucos had no intention of attacking. He redoubled his efforts, slicing faster and stronger with each attack. Each one was blocked by a sword or a mini barrier.

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Suddenly, she kicked Illian lightly, her high heels digging into his stomach, sending him into the next shop and through it's wall into the next. He was impaled through the stomach by steel supporting beams. Screams of agony sounded out as Illian struggled to get up.

Each time he moved an intense pain ran through his body, like he was on fire. He winced as he struggled but eventually, he fainted from the excruciating pain.

"One hit KO." Orucos grinned as she flew over.

The spectators were shocked. Gasps sounded around whilst the black robes applauded Orucos like she was a performer.

She was about to pick Illian up when suddenly his body started spasming. An inhuman growl sounded out as his vampire body doubled in size and started growing white fur. His fangs fused with a new set of larger canines, making jagged teeth appear. His skull changed into an elongated one, long ears at the side of the head and a muzzle instead of a nose. His muscles bulged, looking like there were snakes under his skin, squirming around.

He stood up, hunched over and pulled the steel beam out of his stomach, throwing it at Orucos viscously. It snapped in two as if hit her barrier, passing around her. She frowned. His wound which should have been fatal healed almost instantly, the flesh growing over itself until the fur covered it up.

"This is going to be harder then I thought." She grumbled.

Illian started running towards her, going down onto all fours. His eyes were completely white. He appeared in front of Orucos in a flash and swiped at her with his claws. Each strike carried the weight of a mountain behind it.

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Orucos erected a barrier again. It was rectangle shaped, covering her whole body. Illian attacked Hunderters of Times within a single second, causing cracks to spread like a silver spiderweb on the barrier.

Her eyes widened in shock before she regained her cool and flew backwards. Another four barriers appeared in front of her. The first one shattered. Soon the second one broke as well. Each time a barrier was erected, he attacked even faster. He attacked tirelessly as if his rage could only be sated with blood.

Realising that she would run out of soul energy at this rate, Orucos dispelled her barriers and shot forward, delivering a single heavy blow to the top of Illian's head. Even though he should have fainted again, he still struggled, head butting her before sending himself unconscious.

"F*ck!" She shouted.

She hefted his transformed body over her shoulder. It was slightly comedic as her body was dwarfed by his size.

"Wait! He landed a hit on you, why are you taking him?" Fiona shouted.

"I said I would let his friends go, not him!" Orucos grinned devilishly.

Fiona states daggers at Orucos as she flew away. The remaining black robes opened a portal and jumped through it whilst waving cheerfully.

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