Fight Me!

Chapter 28

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The War Troll stomped through the ranks, annihilating tens of soldiers with each step. The soldiers, experienced as they were, could not handle it. They were literally ants before the giant monster.


"I want to live!"

"I have a wife and child!"

Screams cried out as men died and scrambled over one another in an attempt to escape.


The War Troll's hammer turned everything into red paste. The soldier's armour was crushed like tin cans. Hundred's of the battalion were killed in less than a single minute. Suddenly, the battalion commander stepped forward through the crowd, swords at the ready.

"All of you, get back! I will handle this!" He shouted stoically.

They all obeyed the command and ran back hundreds of meters. The War Troll eyed him.

"Human...Strong...Duel!" It struggled to form words, it's tusks getting in the way.

The words were muffled by the metal plates that covered the monster. It looked like a living tank, hammer in one hand, shield in the other. It stood 15 meters tall, completely dwarfing the battalion commander.

"Prepare yourself, monster! Knights, give me your blessings!" He yelled.

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"Blessing: Heart of Steel!"

"Blessing: Feel no Pain!"

"Blessing: Fortitude!"

"Blessing: Aura of Pride!"

Every single remaining knight used up the rest of their soul energy casting their blessings on the commander. He then held his blade in a 'ready' stance. One foot in front of the other, both blades pointed at the hulking beast. The War Troll just shifted position slightly.

Suddenly, it shot forward with speed that did not match it's size. It was fast but not as fast as the commander who rolled to the side. The hammer came down just where he had been standing, creating a crater on the floor.

The commander circled the monster warily before attacking. He slashed his two blades in an 'x' shape. The weapons knocked back off of the armour with a 'clang'. The hammer came down again, smashing like a mountain.

He quickly retreated.

"Human...Is that...all you got?" It taunted, menacingly.

"Hah! That was a warm up!"

He ran forward and slashed at an angle aiming at the monster's shoulder. It didn't bother to block but instead bashed him with it's square shield. He dug his heels into the ground, coughing up blood. He narrowed his eyes.


[1st POV, 2nd Battalion Commander Manfred]

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This bastard's tough.

I dash forward and try attacking from another angle. I was deflected again.

Although it's got strong defences it's very slow. I need to find a gap in it's armour.

I circle around, studying it's armour. It seems that it is quite full of it's defences.

I am a blade master, I can spot the slightest flaw and use it to defeat them!

Aha! The creature's armour is tough but uneven. These beasts have no skill in craftsmanship, it's like they welded two metal walls onto each other.

There is a small gap in it's armour at the side, that's where they attached the armour.

I run forward, dodging the hammer and jumping around the shield.

Too easy!

I pull my blades back before stabbing them into the monster's side in reverse grip, pushing them in with all my might. I can feel the hard muscle on the other end of my blades, it's tough but not impossible to penetrate.


The War Troll shakes wildly, flinging me away. Thankfully, the wound's still there.

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Blood is seeping out of it's side, looks like i've dealt it quite the blow.

Wait what? The wound is regenerating! The injury is already healed, how irritating.

It's time to go all out, I can't delay otherwise we'll miss out on the chance to purge the leader of Black Scythe!

"If I can't penetrate your armour then i'll just bypass it!"

"Sword Art: Ground Breaking Blade!" I yell, feeling my swords feel with power.

Rushing toward it, I swing my weapons straight at it's chest. It cockily allows me to strike it, that's a big mistake. The beast is shuddering, i've ruptured it's internal organs by using vibrations that pass through it's armour!

"Sword Art: Flames of Victory!"

My blades instantly set on fire, the heat given off by them makes me feel like taking off my armour. I make use of the War Troll's moment of panic to slash down into the same gap from before, going all the way into its stomach. I quickly jump back to avoid it's hammer swing.

If I get hit by that I'll be seriously injured. Wait what's that? It's wounds aren't healing? It must be weak to fire!

I run forward again. I aim at the gap in it's armour and activate my strongest fire art.

"Sword Art: Flame Strike!"

My blades shine with intense flames as I attempt to kill the War Troll.

Suddenly, a loud metallic noise sounds out.

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I don't care though, This one strike should finish it off! I'm... flying?


[3rd person view]

The War Troll shed it's armour like it was a moulting snake. All of a sudden, it's speed tripled. Manfred was launched several hundred meters away as the hammer collided with his body. A cracking sound proved that bones were broken.

The battalion commander lay on the floor, a single hit almost killing him. The soldiers panicked, realising that their commander was about to lose. The War Troll walked over, in triumph.

"I kill strong man...but he is weak...I will eat you."

The soldiers ran in fear, away from the hulking grey troll. It threw it's shield like a frisbee, slicing through an entire rank of soldiers, cleanly cutting them all in half. The survivors knew that it was the end for them. Some even dropped their weapons and put their hands up but were instantly turned to red paste by the gargantuan hammer.

"War Art: Warrior's Challenge!" Manfred yelled, barely managing to stand up.

A red glow shrouded his body and the War Troll's. It frowned in anger as an invisible pull forced it to leave it's food and walk towards Manfred. No matter how hard it tried, it couldn't move it's head at all.

Although on the verge of death, Manfred grinned.

"Run men! Escape!" He hollered.

The War Troll walked until it was a single meter away from Manfred. The smell of decaying burnt flesh wafted over, making him want to puke.


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