Fight Me!

Chapter 30: 30

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Illian got out of his mediative state, both happy and annoyed. Whilst the Devourer blood increased his speed and method of cultivation, it required the blood of other creatures in order to progress. He could not do the normal way of cultivation as his Ancient Bloodline required him to consume different creature's blood. On the other hand, he had an idea on how to shoot from his gauntlets.

He turned to Orucos with a friendly and sincere smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You never smile at me." She asked warily, thinking that he was up to something devious.

"Nothing." He continued to look at her and smile.

"Stop that, it's really creepy." She frowned.

"Can I have a favour?"


"Can I punch you?" He asked, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"You're joking."

He then explained what he meant. She then agreed and got into a fighting stance. Illian charged at her and swung his large fists several times within a single second. Orucos blocked them with ease, not attempting to fight back. He increased the speed of his attacks, whilst she kept up without breaking a single sweat. The muffled sounds of their hands colliding sounded like someone was punching a sand bag.

Suddenly, after a few minutes, Illian stepped back and aimed his gauntlets with one hand over the other. He felt the heat from their punches earlier which had gathered up in his gauntlets and captured it with his soul energy. He then cast both Archangel Beam and Dark Flame simultaneously whilst directing the thermal energy into the attack. The energy served as an alternative to Ether crystals whilst the amount of soul energy used was negligible.

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The beam was powerful, not as strong as when he used Ether crystals but more powerful than using only soul energy. The next step was for him to get a blacksmith to alter his gauntlets to have a similar firing mechanism to his Magic Pistol. This was so that no soul energy would need to be used to gather the heat.

Illian had already 'Understood' Half of Archangel Beam and Dark Flame, the only thing he needed to 'Understand' now was how they worked. After partially analysing the spells he realised that all magic drew power from certain sources, like how Nature Magic drew on the power of Yggdrasil the World tree. He needed to find out what the two spells drew their power from before attempting to modify them.

He cast a few other spells as well, like heal or stealth. It seemed that Umbral spells drew power from a single source but this source was different to that of Lux spells. Illian thought that in order to modify the spells, he would have to find a way to change the source, like how he used thermal energy to fire the beam earlier.

By changing the source, he would end up changing the fuel required to cast the spell and make it more efficient. For example, if he were to make thermal energy the source of his spells, then he would have to gather up the energy before attacking. This, however, meant that he wouldn't have to carry Ether crystals together as he could just punch something to gather thermal energy and use it as fuel, it was like having infinite ammunition.

It was an interesting idea however having to punch something meant that he wouldn't be able to sneak attack anyone at range with his gauntlets. This meant that he had to find a different source of energy or find a way to generate thermal energy without punching his opponent. He could punch the floor but that would be too noisy, meaning he wouldn't be able to launch stealth attacks.

The reason why he couldn't ask anyone else for help was because each person's abilities were different, they all had different understandings and interpretations of the same things. This didn't mean that he couldn't ask for help though.

"Orucos, what source energy do you use to cast spells?" He asked.

"Death energy and negative emotions." She said bluntly.

'Wow, she's really straight forward.'

"It's useful because everyone has negative emotions, which means I can use it to fuel my attacks. It's everywhere so I don't need to worry about running out of source energy."

"Ah, because if you face an opponent, they are bound to feel negative emotions, thus you can constantly draw power from them." He felt enlightened.

Instead of using thermal energy, maybe he could also use source energy that is always there?

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He began thinking. Negative emotions are always there, maybe with some monsters are exceptions but all humanoids have them. This basically means that she never runs out of energy when facing enemies when using their negative energy but creating physical matter requires soul energy, which means that it's unavoidable to run out of soul energy when creating it.

Illian's ideal power source would be something that was always around, which never ran out. Using and creating Weapon Arts required one to channel soul energy into a weapon's Ether radiation. This allowed one to influence and empower the Ether and the weapon.


'Using Arts requires soul energy to control Ether radiation, what if I could do that and channel Ether radiation into my spells and attacks?'

He then realised that the process would be similar to creating a Weapon Art in that he would need to use soul energy. How did the Magic Pistol fire then?

He took a look at his pistol, turning it around and studying it's pieces. He decided to look down the barrel. There was a strange rune at the bottom, which connected it to the chamber where he put the Ether crystal.

'Perhaps the rune converts the Ether crystal into an attack?' He was extremely curious.

Suddenly, a shadow came behind him, a black knife at the ready. Since Illian had honed his five senses, his hearing was enhanced so that he could hear the slightest movement at a hundred meters away. He swept out with his foot when the figure came into range, tripping them up before aiming his Magic Pistol at their head.

The figure's stealth was broken, revealing a pretty dark elf. She wore assassin's clothing and had a mask on. Orucos glanced over before continuing to survey the other troops. It seemed that she thought Illian could deal with it.

He looked at her badge. It had two black scythes crossed over one another. This meant that she was quite high up.

"Unhand me villain!" She screamed, attracting the attention of many people nearby.

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'She crept up behind me, probably with ill intent and is now calling me a villain?'

"Who are you and why are you trying to kill me?" He asked calmly.

"W-What are you talking about?" She avoided eye contact.

'Oh no, it's someone with flawed logic.'

"Don't worry, I'll take you to a healer and maybe they could cure your problem." He said.

"I don't have any problems!" She screamed.

"You will also be punished for trying to kill the... Leader's Daughter's Kidnapped bodyguard."

"Which punishments?!"

"Probably execution, torture, eaten alive and then healed, that sort of stuff." He was toying with her.

"N-No way..." She started crying.

Illian sent his soul energy out. He could feel the negative energy in the air, if someone were trying to attack him, the negative energy would render the stealth useless as it was like a beacon saying 'i'm here!'.

He then drew the negative energy into himself, it was rejected by his body and would not enter.

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"Illian, your alignment isn't evil and you don't have enough understanding of negative energy, trying to force it in is like suicide." Orucos said.

"Guards! Take her away for questioning!" She shouted.

The guards had heard the screams of the assassin earlier and had come but just watched as they knew that Illian had it under control. They came over and put cuffs over her hands. She still had tears in her eyes.

"Oh, wait a second!" Illian suddenly said.

He walked over and put his claws over the girl's shoulders.

"It wont hurt a bit." He said before biting down on her neck, extracting a little blood.

She moaned in response, it felt like being drained from the inside, not painful or pleasurable but extremely uncomfortable. The guards eyed hi suspiciously.

"Ah, that was great. Thanks, take her away now."

Illian returned to his former seat and began digesting the blood.

"That was really gross." Orucos said.

He just shrugged in response.

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