Thinking of the card that had all of its money inside used up, Luo Yang couldn’t be any more angry. He pointed at Luo Yuyi’s nose and spoke, “Return the card back to your sister, get the hell out of here and reflect on what you did wrong in your room, and don’t eat at night! Just stay obediently in the house and wait until school begins!”

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“Dad!” Luo Yuyi quickly became flustered upon hearing his words, “I still have a party with my classmates in a few days!”

“Don’t make me repeat myself!” Luo Yang said with a firm tone that didn’t take any rebuttal.

“You! It’s alright to punish the child, but why did you stop her from going out? If Yiyi couldn’t attend the party, what would her classmates think of her? Wouldn’t they think of her as a joke?” Mu Qing quickly stood up to speak for her daughter.

Luo Yang furrowed his brows as high as a mountain. Even though he was furious, he still retained his mind, so he hesitated after hearing her words.

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“How about we let Xixi follow her and keep an eye on her?” Mu Qing saw his hesitation, and she quickly proposed.

“Fine.” Luo Yang finally nodded his head after hearing what she said. His youngest daughter was spending money wantonly outside, and he was also worried about whether she was fooling around. If the well-behaved eldest daughter was at her side to keep an eye on her, he would feel less worried.

“Still not moving!” Seeing Luo Yuyi’s look of dissatisfaction, he roared.

Luo Yuyi stomped her feet and was about to leave, but unexpectedly, she was stopped by Luo Xi’s voice.


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“What? You’re still not satisfied that I’m being punished!” Luo Yuyi really hated her to death. The party was a friends gathering one, and a lot of young masters from other rich families were there. If Luo Xi went there with her, wouldn’t everyone be fascinated by her vixen face?


The dress!

She moved her eyes around, and then turned to look at Mu Qing with a pair of pitiful eyes before saying, “Mom, the party I’m going to this time is very important. I heard that many wealthy children would go there, and I don’t have any good clothes to wear. Can you ask sister to lend me this dress for a day?” She took Mu Qing’s hand and shook it from side to side.

The thing that Mu Qing couldn’t bear the most was her little daughter acting like a baby, so when she heard her asking about it, she couldn’t wait to give her all the best things. She listened to Luo Yuyi’s request then turned to Luo Xi, and said in a demanding tone, “Xixi, this dress, just give it to your sister. Didn’t you buy a new dress some time ago? Your sister doesn’t even have one, so give this to her!”

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“Mom, there’s also the crown and crystal high-heeled shoes. The two look like a set. If I wore both of them at the party, I will certainly stun everyone there. I want to wear the dress, let me wear it for a day. I promise to give it back to my sister.” Luo Yuyi opened her mouth eagerly.

Luo Xi sneered. Really always thinking of how she looks!

The gifts were given to her by her husband. Does she want to use them too?

“Xixi…” Mu Qing wanted to say something but was cut off by Luo Xi, who replied lightly, “Since Yiyi has taken a fancy to the gifts my fiancé had sent, I can give you all of them, but the premise is, if you accept the gifts, you have to marry him instead of me!”

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“What nonsense!” Hearing this, Luo Yang quickly turned anxious and shouted angrily.

Mu Qing and Luo Yuyi’s expressions also changed instantly.

“Dad! I’m not talking nonsense. I see that since sister likes it very much, she must be satisfied with the young master of the Leng family. It just so happens that I’m against the action of marrying as I’m still young, so just let my sister go. She can also have these gifts if she does that, right?” Luo Xi bowed her head and spoke.

“No! I’m not getting married!” Luo Yuyi yelled.

“Sister, the young master of the Leng family sent these gifts to his fiancé. It goes without saying that whoever receives it will marry him. Otherwise, if the clothes were given to you, wouldn’t I be able to explain to the people there what happened to the gifts?”

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