“Should I say to him that the dress was given to my sister because she wanted to wear it? Giving someone else’s gift to others will make the person who sent the gift uncomfortable! I don’t want to go against people just because of this thing!” Luo Xi opened her mouth coldly.

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“You! If you don’t want to give it, it’s because you just don’t want to give it. Why are you making so many excuses? Mom, look at sister, she doesn’t treat me as her own sister at all!” Luo Yuyi could only say that Luo Xi was being overly concerned. That man will have his life end soon, so do these little things still matter?

What a joke!

Mu Qing knitted her eyebrows when she heard her words and spoke, “Young Master Leng is not a petty person who cares about such little things. If your sister has taken a fancy to the clothes, just hand her the clothes. Don’t be ill-mannered!” The tone of her voice was so firm, and it was clear that she didn’t take any refusal.

Although it was already her second life, Luo Xi still felt cold all over her body by Mu Qing’s attitude.

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Her eyes were dark and she didn’t open her mouth. She just shrank in the direction of Luo Yang, with her head lowered, she looked very pitiful.

Luo Yang’s mood turned unpleasant upon seeing his wife and youngest daughter having such a tough attitude, and it made him feel bad for his eldest daughter, so he said with an unhappy tone, “What to wear! Don’t you know how to buy one for yourself? Have we treated you poorly that you wanted to set your hands on your sister’s things!”

Looking back now, it seemed that he loved this youngest daughter more starting from the time she returned, and it surpasses his love for the eldest daughter. He would give whatever she wanted, and now it looked like he was really too good to her, too good that it made her greedy and lawless!

If it was in the past, he might have thought that these small things didn’t matter because the youngest daughter was a girl after all.

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But now, it caused him to be disgusted without any reason.

Particularly when he saw his eldest daughter being suppressed and not having the courage to talk back at all, only shrinking at his back but didn’t dare to ask him for help, he couldn’t stop his angry emotion.

Luo Yuyi obviously noticed the dissatisfaction in her father’s eyes towards her, and it caused her to be alarmed for a second.

Now is really not the right opportunity to set her hands on her sister’s things. After all, she had just taken away Luo Xi’s card. This matter was barely resolved, and she intended to take away her things again. His father was concerned that Luo Xi would be tough and go against the idea of marriage, so he took her side like now. But if she became willful about this matter, her father might feel that she was deliberately contradicting him.

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She was very clear about Luo Yang’s personality. He eats soft but not hard, so he doesn’t like strong women. Today, she was so fascinated by those things that she almost broke her good girl persona.

Even though her mother always took her side, she had no ability to affect her father’s decisions. After all, her father was still the one who held the final say at home.

Although she was very unreconciled in her heart, she knew that if she contradicted her father again, the future days would certainly not be good.

She gnashed her teeth and spoke pitifully, “Dad, I just like it so much, but it’s okay if my sister doesn’t want to give it. I really don’t have the intention of taking away her things. I will listen to you in the future. Stop being angry.”

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Without any surprise, the moment she chose to step down, Luo Yang’s expression improved a lot. He nodded and replied, “It’s good that you know your mistakes, let your mother buy you what you like. You can’t ask for your sister’s things again in the future, understand?”

Luo Yuyi nodded in a well-behaved manner.

When she saw her acting like this, Mu Qing comforted her, “Mom will buy you the dress you liked for a long time tonight. It’s okay, Yiyi.”

“Thanks a lot, Mom!” Luo Yuyi said happily, but inside she was very unwilling. How can that dress be comparable with this limited edition one!

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