“Right, right, look at me, I got carried away by happiness.” Mu Qing lifted the corner of her lips, and quickly instructed the maid to bring the gifts inside the villa. The words that came from her mouth were very polite, but the action of receiving the gifts was very informal.

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Luo Xi remained silent and stepped inside the villa.

Sitting at the dining table, Luo Yang and Mu Qing kept asking her about the things inside Leng’s house.

Luo Xi had only seen Leng Minhang once in total for the past few days, so she didn’t have much to say. She just casually replied two perfunctory sentences as a response and stopped talking after that.

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Luo Yuyi was opening the gifts, and it was somewhat strange that she didn’t come over to pick a fight.

But after opening all the gifts, her mood became unsatisfied.

Even though the gifts were worth a lot of money, they were nothing more than some bracelets and well-known paintings, nothing at all that someone her age could use.

Slightly disgruntled in her heart, she joined them at the dining table, complaining as she did, “Brother-in-law is really not attentive enough. He didn’t even prepare a gift for me, his sister-in-law. Sister, why didn’t you remind brother-in-law? Is he even aware that you have a sister?”

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The chopsticks held in Luo Xi’s hand stopped for a second, “Maybe he really has no idea about it. How many gifts should be given and what gifts should be given are something that I, the new daughter-in-law, can’t control. Big families dislike people who are too strong. Eldest sister wouldn’t dare to take this risk just because of a gift. Dad, don’t you think so?” Her clear gaze fell on her father, seemingly asking him if what she said was true or not.

“What Xixi did is correct. Now that you just married over, with Mr. Leng not having an affection for you yet, and you being sent there to be his wife, the best thing to do is to not contradict his decisions, lest you provoke him. Yiyi, you don’t lack anything and a gift is just a gift. If you want to buy something, dad will give you money so you can buy it yourself.” Luo Yang creased his forehead and lectured.

Luo Yuyi involuntarily gritted her teeth, “I know! I’m just asking. Right, sister, school will begin in two days. I heard mom say that you’re going to school, is that true?” She inquired carefully.

Luo Xi nodded faintly.

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“But will Mr. Leng agree to let you go out and show your face? After all, your reputation in school is very bad, so I’m worried about…” While speaking, she carefully took a peek at Luo Yang.

Without any surprise, after hearing what she said, Luo Yang’s face became black like the bottom of a pot.

“What bad reputation? Are you talking nonsense?”

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“Dad, I’m not talking nonsense. You have no idea, but every student in the school knows that sister likes the school grass. I’m worried that my sister wants to go back to school because of this and rekindle her old feelings. If that happens, or if rumors about my sister being a promiscuous woman who still fooled around outside despite having been married, the Leng family will definitely be furious once they get news of it. It is said outside that big families like to save face the most. If they sent back sister in a fit of anger, then won’t our family be humiliated to death?” Luo Yuyi spoke with a concern look on her face.

“Xixi, is what Yiyi said true? You really like that what-grass at school!” Luo Yang opened his mouth angrily.

“Of course not. There is such a thing? How come I didn’t know it.” Luo Xi looked up at Luo Yang with an extremely surprised face, her expression clueless and no one could discern if was lying or not.

Doubts appeared in Luo Yang’s eyes, and when he was about to speak, he heard her say, “Dad, you are also aware that your daughter is the school belle in school, so it was inevitable to be associated with that man who they called the school grass and create a gossip between us.”

“Most of the people who spread these false words are probably jealous of your daughter’s beauty, since they have ugly faces and can’t get in touch with people like the school grass, so they did this thing to vent their dissatisfaction.”

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