“I’ve encountered a lot of people like this, and all they have is their mouth. If we really choose to believe their words, isn’t this tantamount to giving them what they want? There is a saying that rumors stop in front of a wise man. I have faith in dad that he won’t be fooled by these false words, since he is very smart. Besides, that school grass isn’t even good-looking, so I don’t like him.” She said with a disdainful look.

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Luo Yuyi quickly opened her mouth with the intention of refuting her, but it was as if Luo Xi had guessed what was on her mind and cut her off first, saying in dissatisfaction, “And you, Yiyi, no matter how you don’t want it, I’m still your sister. After hearing these rumors, you not only defended me, but also have the courage to bring this topic up and ruin your sister’s reputation. You doing this, what good does it bring to you? I initially thought that since you grew up in the countryside you would be more mature and well-behaved, but it looks like I was only overthinking.”

Upon hearing this, Luo Yuyi’s face turned green with anger, and she said furiously, “There are no waves without wind1. Sister, if you’re really innocent, why do people talk about you instead of others? Besides, I also got this news from others. Who knows if it’s true or not!”

“Haha,” Luo Xi let out a light laugh, “You believe whatever others say, are you a dog raised by others, so obedient?”

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“You!” Luo Yuyi shrieked with a sharp voice, then turned to look at Mu Qing pitifully, “Mom, you heard it, she even said I’m a dog! Is there anyone who says that to their sister?”

Mu Qing also frowned in dissatisfaction, “Xixi, how can you say that to your own sister!”

“Mom, I’m educating my sister not to listen to rumors and gossip indiscriminately. What the others say is what they say, but for my sister, it’s like she heard something bad, not knowing the fact that others are only using her as a tool to spread gossip!”

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Luo Xi swept a meaningful look at Luo Yuyi whose expression was distorted, and spoke faintly while looking at the other party’s eyes that wanted to spit fire, “With a character like that, sooner or later, she will meet a bad ending. I know that is the flesh of your heart and that I should keep quiet, but she has to understand the truth. It’s fine for me if she spread rumors about me now, since we are sisters after all. I won’t get angry with her about this small thing. However, the same can’t be said to another person. If she spread rumors about a young miss of some big family, then wouldn’t she face a bad ending?”

“Xixi has a point. Yiyi, you should also reflect on this. You’re not allowed to spread rumors like what you did just now, got it?” Luo Yang instructed strictly.

Mu Qing was also dumbfounded by these words from Luo Xi.

When did the eldest daughter become so eloquent that even she couldn’t refute it?

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Her husband had also said it, and it would truly be unreasonable if she chose to side with the younger daughter again.

But in her heart, she still held some dissatisfaction with the eldest daughter, and she couldn’t say the reason. Anyway, she disliked the current eldest daughter who is strong and eloquent.

Looking at her youngest daughter begging for her help, her resentful feelings grew.

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Luo Xi didn’t care about the changing expressions of the people around her, and after eating, she got ready to go upstairs.

“Mom, sister is not taking this opportunity to stay here and not go back, right?” Luo Yuyi who ate a loss at Luo Xi’s hands inhaled deeply in her heart. Seeing Luo Xi climb upstairs, she whispered to the somewhat dissatisfied Mu Qing.

“She dares!” Mu Qing heard this and turned furious in an instant. They are still depending on Luo Xi to obtain the trust of the young master of the Leng family, so that he could promote the Luo family’s company in the future. If Luo Xi dared to be disobedient, then not only the benefits that they could get from the Leng family would be gone, but they might also annoy the Leng family and become unlucky as a result.

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