“I already said it wasn’t intentional. What more do you want?” Lin Lifei retorted in frustration and embarrassment.

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“What more do I want? Listening to your tone, it sounds like it’s justifiable that I was misunderstood, framed, and scolded by everyone.” Luo Xi’s tone became cold. “Since you dared to frame someone, you have to pay the price! Do you think that a simple sentence of ‘it wasn’t intentional’ is enough?”

“You!” Lin Lifei’s face turned red, and her body shook with anger.

“Luo Xi, you two are classmates, so you have to forgive others. Besides, Lin Lifei is hurt badly. I know it was unfair for the teacher to blame you before investigating, but now that Lin Lifei has admitted her mistake, you should forgive her.” The PE teacher felt that she was being too domineering and couldn’t help but interject.

“Heh, when I was misunderstood earlier, why didn’t the teacher say that Lin Lifei should forgive me?” Luo Xi sneered. If she let Lin Lifei off the hook this time, she would only become bolder next time!

The PE teacher’s complexion changed slightly, feeling a bit awkward.

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“Then what do you want?”

“Of course, it’s to use their own methods against them!” Luo Xi smiled lightly.

“What!” Everyone gasped upon hearing this.

“Is she suggesting that Lin Lifei should apologize while also cleaning the toilets?”

“It seems like it. Is she really going this far?”

The goodwill in everyone’s eyes for Luo Xi diminished slightly.

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The PE teacher looked at her in embarrassment.

“What? You think one week is too short? How about one month then?” She cunningly suggested.

The PE teacher burst into a fit of coughing. This girl was indeed sharp-witted.

Admittedly, they had been too harsh earlier. A group of people had been accusing this girl, and her frustration was understandable.

“Sister, don’t be like this. We are all classmates!” Luo Yuyi stepped forward and tried to persuade her.

“Shut up!” Luo Xi’s voice turned icy.

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Everyone was startled by her tone.

To tell the truth, she usually appears gentle and fragile, but now when she loses her temper, she really looks a bit scary.

Luo Yuyi had never been yelled at by her before, let alone in front of so many people. She felt extremely aggrieved, but she reacted quickly. Her eyes turned red in an instant, and she opened her mouth to speak pitifully: “Sister, I am only doing it for your own good. That’s all.”

“For my own good?” Luo Xi smiled coldly. “As my own sister, when everyone was falsely accusing me, you stood up to support them and asked me to apologize. You didn’t believe in me at all! Now that you see I was wrongly accused, you’re not blaming her, but you’re persuading me not to be like this? Luo Yuyi, are you my sister or Lin Lifei’s sister? Have you ever seen a sister like you? I’m truly disappointed in you!”

“I…” Luo Yuyi was rendered speechless by her words.

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Hearing this, the people around them suddenly felt that what Luo Xi said made a lot of sense.

If it were their own family, no matter what, they would definitely stand by their family member’s side. How could it be like Luo Yuyi, who immediately accused Luo Xi from the very beginning and indirectly admitted that her own sister was the one who had done it?

Isn’t this indirectly harming Luo Xi?

“Alright, I’ve said what I needed to say. Teacher, you can figure it out yourself. Don’t let your students down!” Luo Xi didn’t feel like saying anything more and spike for the last time.

Given the situation, if the teacher didn’t punish Lin Lifei, it would be seen as biased!

The PE teacher twitched the corner of his mouth. She really blocked his way from the front and back, so he had no choice but to only proceed according to her words.

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