In the end, Lin Lifei was punished for cleaning the restroom for a week.

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She cried in anger on the spot.

Unfortunately, no one felt pity for her this time.

Instead, it was Luo Xi who bought a piece of ice cream from somewhere and leisurely sat down on the grass to cool off.

The PE teacher didn’t care about her either.

Xiao Hei saw this from the shadows and pulled out his phone to give his master a call.

“Master, it seems that Young Madam has been bullied.” His eyes furrowed and he recounted what he had seen to Leng Minhang.

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On the top floor of a certain office building, in a high-end office that occupied the whole floor, the man sitting in front of his desk heard about Luo Xi being targeted by her classmates. His gaze darkened slightly, and he asked, “What is she doing now?”

Xiao Hei glanced at Luo Xi who was licking her ice cream leisurely, “Young Madam is eating ice cream.”

Leng Minhang: “…”

Hearing the beeping sound of the call being disconnected, Xiao Hei is a bit puzzled.

On the other side, the phone in Luo Xi’s pocket suddenly rang.

She was a bit perplexed and took out her phone to see that it was actually Leng Minhang calling. Her lazy expression suddenly changed, and she hurriedly sat up straight before answering the call.

“Hello, old— husband?” she hesitantly called out.

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“Hmm? What are you doing?” The man on the other side of the phone asked carelessly.

“I…” Luo Xi stared at the unfinished ice cream in her hand and was a bit dazed. “I… I’m in gym class.”

“What else?” The man’s tone on the other side became slower and slower. When it passed through her ears, it inexplicably made Luo Xi shiver.

She unconsciously looked around, and after confirming that he was not here, she was slightly relieved. “Sunbathing.”

Noticing the other party’s silence, Luo Xi rolled her eyes. “I was bullied just now!” Saying that, she stood up filled with righteous indignation and complained, “There was a terrible girl who ran into me and ended up falling on her own. Then she told the teacher I pushed her and let the teacher punish me by cleaning up the restroom. Do you think she is excessive or not!” She huffed.

Originally, Luo Xi didn’t really care about this incident, but now that she was talking to Leng Minhang, she felt extremely wronged.

“And then?” the man asked with the same calm tone.

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I’m your little baby ah. I was bullied, and you have this attitude?

Luo Xi was aggrieved in her heart and muttered, “Then a classmate saw it and came forward to clarify for me, so I was not punished by the teacher. But even if there is no classmate to help me, I won’t let her bully me. When the time comes to check the surveillance footage, let’s see what she can do!” Luo Xi coldly snorted.

The corner of Leng Minhang’s lips curled slightly. Just listening to the sound, he could imagine the appearance of Luo Xi’s nose going up to the sky.

“Well, it’s good that you’re fine. Eat less ice cream.” He faintly said.

Luo Xi was a little upset. She was bullied, so how come he didn’t show anything?

It really irritated her!

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Wait a minute, eat less ice cream?

Her eyes landed on the ice cream that was about to melt in her hand.

After ending the call, Leng Minhang’s gaze darkened like the bottom of the pot, and he dialed another number. “Retrieve the surveillance footage of the field from when the incident happened today and post it on their school’s online forum.”

Xiao Hei was taken aback for a few seconds but quickly reacted. At that time, he didn’t pay attention to who exactly pushed Luo Xi. He hesitated and asked, “What if it was really the young madam who pushed her?”

Leng Minhang: “Then destroy it!”

Xiao Hei: “…”

After the call ended, Xu Guan walked in.

“President, the people you asked Anan to check about having contact with the young madam after she fell into the water have been found out.” Xu Guan’s expression was somewhat serious as he said this.

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