“Hmm?” Leng Minhang furrowed his brows and looked at him.

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“We previously overlooked a very important piece of information about the young madam and your brother.”

“Speak.” Leng Minhang squinted his eyes.

“Before the Young Madam and got married with you, it is said that she was frantically pursuing your younger brother, but it never came to fruition. Then after she fell into the water, she also attended a gathering with your younger brother and some classmates. Although we don’t know if your younger brother is aware of her connection to you, I suspect that the Young Madam might be manipulated by him.” Xu Guan expressed his concerns.

Despite not having seen the young man several times, Xu Guan was able to notice the ambition in the other party’s eyes. He wasn’t a docile person. And now that he has something to do with Young Madam, and the president suddenly asks them to check the people who had contact with Young Madam before she fell into the water, it really causes people to be doubtful.

And Luo Xi seemed to be deeply devoted to him.

It’s truly unexpected that coincidences led to this.

The president is clearly attached to the Young Madam, but now he learns that he might have been cuckolded1 by his own younger brother. How could he feel comfortable about this?

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Leng Minhang’s gaze grew heavy.

Xu Guan wanted to offer some comfort, but before the words could come out, Leng Minhang lifted his hand to cut him off. “Continue the investigation. The young madam is back at the school now. Assign a few people to secretly protect her.” He said with deep and contemplative eyes.

It was said to be a protection, but in reality, it was a form of surveillance.

Xu Guan nodded and left the room.

Once he was gone, a touch of ruthlessness appeared between Leng Minhang’s eyebrows.

So the things she did sneakily last night were all for his younger brother?

If he was not mistaken at that time, then she seemed to have pulled his

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Leng Minhang stretched out his hand and rubbed his temple.

By the time she got back home in the afternoon, Leng Minhang was still nowhere to be seen.

Luo Xi returned to her room and began to earnestly study massage techniques.

When it was time for dinner, Leng Minhang was still nowhere to be seen. She thought of giving him a call. But then she recalled that she had already called him once yesterday. If she called him again today and asked him to come back, would he find her annoying?

It is said that men don’t like girls who take the initiative to come to the door. In her previous life, Luo Yuyi was like a dog licking its master with her desperate act of currying Leng Minhang’s favor. However, not only did she fail to gain favor from him, but she even caused him to be disgusted with her!

As for her, every time she said something bad to him, he still treated her patiently.

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From what she could see, had she been taking the wrong approach in pursuing him in this life?

What’s the difference between her overly eager behavior and Luo Yuyi’s action in his previous life? Would he grow tired of her?

In her previous life, she never tried to call him. He always returned on his own. Now she has to call him.

The more she thought of this, the more panicked she became.

Luo Xi’s face slowly turned pale.

The butler passing by noticed her troubled expression and furrowed his brows. He asked with concern, “Young Madam, is there something wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

Startled by the sound, Luo Xi came back to her senses. She quickly shook her head and replied, “I’m alright.”

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Going downstairs, she was still the only one at the wide dining table.

Thinking of this almost caused her to completely lose her appetite.

Perhaps due to her bad mood, she ate very little and then went upstairs.

Others had also clearly noticed her change. They looked at the nearly untouched dishes with frown on their faces.

When Leng Minhang finally returned, it was quite late. His body carried a faint stain of blood.

Following closely behind him were Anan and two bodyguards dressed in black. It was unclear what had transpired.


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