He furrowed his brows, adjusted his emotion, and his icy tone softened a lot. He said lightly, “Come in.”

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The butler pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing that it wasn’t the person he wanted to see, Leng Minhang was stunned for a while. Then he frowned and asked, “Butler? Is there something you need?”

The old butler somehow had a feeling that his young master was somewhat disappointed when he looked at him. Despite not understanding the reason, he cleared his throat and said, “Young Master, I just wanted to say a few words. Young Madam’s mood doesn’t seem to be very good today. I don’t know if something has happened. I thought I should inform you.”

Leng Minhang’s eyebrows furrowed even deeper upon hearing this.

She was fine when he called her at noon. It’s only been a long time. What could have happened?

“I see.” He nodded.

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After saying this message, the butler left the room.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Luo Xi received news of Leng Minhang’s return, but she refrained from disturbing him.

After the previous thoughts passed, she reminded herself that she must be reserved. Only when she is reserved will the man feel that she is not interested in him, and he will become interested in her. Although she was sleepy after waiting until midnight, her determination to help Leng Minhang recover as soon as possible remained unchanged.

After lighting the incense and checking the time, she felt that he should be asleep by now. She cautiously approached his room.

“Creak.” The sound of the door being pushed open rang.

She tiptoed inside and saw that his back was facing her. It seemed like he was already asleep. Luo Xi felt relieved, placed the incense at the side, and was about to reach out to adjust his blanket. However, just as she was about to do so, a strong hand shot out even faster than her and grabbed her wrist.

Luo Xi was so startled that she let out a surprised scream. “Ah!” The sound traveled downstairs, and all the servants heard it.

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The butler frowned, contemplating whether he should go up and check on the situation.

Back to Luo Xi, her expression changed drastically when she was caught.

“What are you doing?” The man squinted his deep and sharp eyes and looked at her.

Luo Xi’s heart sped up, and she stumbled over her words, “I was just looking.”

“Look at what?” Leng Minhang asked her in a deep voice.

He didn’t expect her to come again after coming yesterday.

What is her motive?

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How courageous she is!

“Just, just take a look.” Luo Xi avoided looking at him. She couldn’t say that she came to massage his feet, could she?

Does he feel that he is a little too perverted, and he doesn’t sleep at night, so he comes to massage his feet?

Luo Xi felt somewhat embarrassed.

Seeing her like this, Leng Minhang’s expression grew even darker.

Luo Xi could clearly feel that the air around her was getting more and more cold!

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This was a sign of his anger.

She felt a bit panicked, but she didn’t want to fail him and make him angry.

“I tell you, but promise me you won’t get angry, okay?” she said anxiously.

Only then did Leng Minhang look at her. He thought that she was trying to manipulate him again, but his eyes clashed against her bright and sincere gaze. Within those captivating eyes, there was no trace of impurity, only pure sincerity made his heart flutter. For a moment, he couldn’t help but believe her.

“Speak.” Sensing his own change, Leng Minhang’s expression turned ugly again.

Luo Xi summed up her explanation and disclosed the matter of giving him a massage. Then she hurriedly explained, “I really didn’t mean to harm you. It is said online that this method can help with quicker recovery, so I came. I just want you to get better faster.”

Veins popped on Leng Minhang’s forehead in anger.

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