So after thinking about things all day today, in the end, she told him that it had nothing to do with what he had in mind at all!

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The two of them have not been married for long, and according to the previous information, it was clear that she had no feelings for him. How come she is making this trouble now?

And massage?

Last night she touched and pulled, and she called that a massage?

Even if he has never been to a health care facility, Leng Minhang knows what a massage is like.

But he didn’t sense any malice from her, which means that either she was hiding it well or she really just wanted to help him as she said.

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Leng Minhang leaned towards the latter idea. After all, for a twenty-year-old girl who grew up in a greenhouse, how could she be so scheming?

Having said that, it probably had nothing to do with his little brother either.

He rubbed his aching temple, released her hand and said, “Alright, go back to sleep!”

Seeing his expression slightly improved, Luo Xi’s eyes flickered. She suggested, “Since you are awake now and you know what I’m up to, how about…” She blinked her eyes.

The butler had just gone upstairs when he heard Luo Xi’s anxious voice coming from behind the slightly closed door. “Give me a chance, please! I promise I won’t let you down!”

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“Yesterday, I just haven’t learned yet. It’s not my fault that you were so hard. It’s also my first time and I’m inexperienced, that’s why I accidentally pulled some of your hair. I really didn’t mean it. I studied hard today, I’ll definitely make you comfortable!”

The butler’s old face turned red. He just heard something incredible!

No wonder the young madam screamed so loudly just now.

He was about to leave in a hurry, but in the next second, the door was suddenly pulled open. Luo Xi, who was dressed in cute bear pajamas and had slightly messy hair, was pulled out by the young master with a grim expression.

The three of them were stunned upon seeing each other. Luo Xi came back to her senses first and greeted the butler with a smile, “Uncle Butler, you’re still awake?”

The old butler coughed, then cast a strange look at his young master and said, “I’ll go to bed right away. Young master and young madam, you should also rest earlier. It’s not good for your health to stay up so late.”

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Luo Xi thought he meant staying up late was bad for health, so she nodded and said, “Okay, we’ll go to bed after we’re done.”

“Uh…” The old butler nodded with a helpless expression. “Then I’ll leave first.”

Luo Xi bid him farewell with a wave of her hand, then stared at Leng Minhang with big innocent eyes, still trying to find a chance. “You’re really not up for another round? I promise you will feel comfortable this time.”

Downstairs, the butler almost stumbled and fell upon hearing this.

These kids nowadays are really full of youthful energy!

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Leng Minhang’s veins popped out. “Do I look like someone who has nothing to do now?”

Luo Xi was momentarily surprised, then her gaze fell on his legs standing firmly on the ground. She froze and then looked at him in surprise, “It’s already, already healed.”

Leng Minhang coldly snorted, “Can you obediently go back to sleep now?”

Luo Xi was only pleasantly surprised for a short time, and then she lowered her head sadly.

“Um…” She thought she could do something for him, but in the end, she realized he didn’t need it at all.

Seeing her instantly deflate, a distressing look flashed in Leng Minhang’s eyes. Thinking about how much this girl had done for him, he couldn’t help feeling a bit helpless.

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