Chapter 10 part 1: Awkward morning

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- April 29, 2021

In her sleep, Lin Li seemed to feel that there was a natural heater by her side, exuding a lively temperature, and that charming temperature made people unconsciously want to get closer, to hug, and to want more.

Slowly moved her eyelids and opened them slowly. The light of the morning sun was projected through the glass without curtains, illuminating the entire room. This brightness for a person who had just woken up from the dark, was a little dazzling, and Lin Li subconsciously closed her eyes again, rubbed her head against the warm current around her, and hugged it tighter with her hands.

How long has it been for her to sleep for a night until dawn? It seemed that it was a long time, and Lin Li almost forgot the comfortable feeling of sleeping until dawn.

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It seems that since An Ran told her that Cheng Xiang had cheated, she didn't seem to have slept deeply. She would always have various dreams all night, and those dreams made her unable to sleep peacefully at all.

At the beginning, she always dreamed that Cheng Xiang was smiling happily while holding the other woman while she was being ignored. To them, it seemed like she was air and they would never be able to notice her. She didn’t wake up, but she would cry in her dreams, because when she woke up the next day, the pillow sheet was always wet with her tears. She wanted to lie to herself and said that she could continue, but the facts made her unable to lie to others, let alone lie to herself, and finally Cheng Xiang left her in front of everyone at their wedding.

Later, after the wedding, she no longer dreamed of them, but a voice always appeared in her dreams every night, asking her why she didn't want him, saying that he was so pitiful, so cold, and missed his mother so much. For a long time, she would wake up in the middle of the night, and then she would sit on the bedside and cry silently while holding the baby ultrasound picture and hugging her knees.

Later, her father fell ill and consumed all of her strength and energy. Although she had less time to think about Cheng Xiang and the child, her whole person was worrying that her father would not sleep well every night because of his illness. And now, her father had had surgery and he was discharged from the hospital successfully. But for several nights, she still dreamed that her father's operation was not successful. She saw her mother was crying in front of the hospital bed, and then she woke up from the dream and was drenched in cold sweat. She even called her parents several times, confirming that they were doing fine, and then she would feel relieved.

But she seemed to sleep well last night, because she had not woken up all night, nor did those scenes appear in her dream. With her eyes closed, Lin Li's mouth curled slightly because she slept well.

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"Aren't you getting ready?"

The voice came from the top of her head, her brows slightly furrowed. The tone was familiar to Lin Li, but the tone seemed to be a little different from the voice, because she actually heard a faint smile in that tone.

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Zhou Han looked at this woman in his embrace who was holding his waist tightly at this moment. She just smiled at the corner of her mouth, but at this moment her brows were slightly frowned. The rapid changes in her expression made people feel a little funny.

Enduring the laughter, Zhou Han tried his best to make his voice sounded as cold and indifferent as before, and said: "If you don't get up, I have no objection, but can you please let me go first."

Lin Li frowned and slowly opened her eyes. What caught her eye was a bronze-colored 'wall', her brow furrowed deeper, she slowly raised her head, and then directly faced a pair of obsidian eyes. She froze for several seconds, even blinked a few times, trying to recall the scene last night.

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Zhou Han looked at her, restrained the smile that was about to curve on his lips, and said coldly: "Still not letting me go?"

Lin Li sat up abruptly, pulled the quilt over her chest, and pointed at him, "Y...Yo....You...Youu! Why are you in my bed!" Because of tension, her anxious speech was a little unclear.

All the quilts were pulled over by Lin Li, Zhou Han only wore a wide sports pants, his upper body was naked, and his whole body was exposed to the air.

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The sudden coldness made Zhou Han's heart tremble, but he didn't show it on the surface, he didn't speak, just looked at her fixedly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Upon seeing this, Lin Li couldn't help but stare, and the heat on her face immediately rose. After reacting, she turned her head back and said, "Rogue!"

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Zhou Han's mouth was half-curved, and he slowly said, "Did you forget everything about last night?"

Hearing that, Lin Li turned her head abruptly, clutching the quilt on her chest tightly, staring at him bitterly with her small face full of anger, and asked harshly, "What did you do?"

Zhou Han only raised his eyebrows and asked instead, "What do you think I did?"

"You!—" Lin Li glared at him, unable to say a word, clutching the quilt firmly with her hand, staring at him for a long time, only to spit out three words, "You are shameless!" The tip of her nose began to feel sour. The eye sockets also began to turn red, and the mist in the eyes began to diffuse.

Zhou Han finally couldn't help but laugh in a low voice, and after a while he turned over and got up from the bed, "Before you want to cry, take a look at the quilt." As he spoke, he walked towards the bathroom.

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