Chapter 10 part 2: Awkward morning

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- May 01, 2021

Lin Li was taken aback for a moment. After he entered the bathroom, she lowered her head and lifted the quilt that was covering her chest. She had all the clothes and pants on her body. The shirt was the same as she wore yesterday. She was a little confused, and tried to think about last night...

When Zhou Han changed his clothes and came out, Lin Li was still sitting on the bed in the same posture as before. Seeing him coming out, she looked up at him, and asked with some uncertainty, "Yesterday.... Nothing happened to us yesterday?"

After taking the tie that was hung on the closet yesterday, Zhou Han half curled his lips and asked, "What did you wish to happen to us yesterday?"

Lin Li shook her head hurriedly, waved her hand and smiled, "No, no, how could I think of something to happen to us. Nothing happened, pretty sure nothing happened." She looked at him as if waiting for him to nod and confirm, so she could feel relieved.

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Zhou Han didn't speak, just laughed, and worked on his tie. When everything was set, he checked the time, and when he turned and was about to go out, Lin Li stopped him again.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Lin Li called him aloud, then jumped off the bed, looking at him as if she had more questions to ask, but she felt a little awkward, her fingers were clenched against each other, and she didn't know how to start her words.

Zhou Han turned his head and looked at her with a smile on his mouth, and asked: "What?"

Lin Li struggled for a long time before asking, "Well, didn't you wear clothes yesterday?" She just thought about it again. She remembered that she had planned to sit on a chair overnight, but she couldn't bear it at night. It was cold, and she laid down on the bed after seeing him deeply asleep, and she also remembered that he seemed to be wearing clothes before going to bed, although the clothes looked a little small to him.

"Oh, that shirt was too small, it made me feel uncomfortable. I woke up in the middle of the night and I took it off again." Zhou Han said as a matter of course, and didn't tell her that it was actually because he was aware of her presence yesterday, so he got a t-shirt. In fact, he usually sleep naked.

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The corners of Lin Li's mouth twitched unnaturally, and she secretly scolded him for being too fussy. The fake smile on her face remained, and she took a small step towards him, hand gestures back and forth between him and herself, tentatively again she asked, "That... that.... I... I rolled into your arms by myself? "She clearly remembered that she tried to lie down on the edge of the bed last night, and try not to occupy his bed as much as possible. There was no reason to get up in the morning and roll into his arms!

Zhou Han raised his eyebrows and asked instead: "Do you think I pulled you in?"

"No?" She remembered that her sleeping position was absolutely not bad! It makes no sense to roll into his arms!

"Where do you think my hands were when you woke up in the morning?" Zhou Han looked at her funnily.

Lin Li looked at him fixedly for a while, then suddenly widened her eyes inconceivably, her mouth twitched with a dry smile, shook her head, and said, "Hehe, no, nothing.. it's nothing now..." Turning her head away while blushing, she scolded herself for being too careless, and she actually treated him as a heater all night, because she remembered it! 

She remembered that when she woke up in the morning, she was holding his waist tightly, and his hands did not get anywhere on her body! This kind of realization made her want to dig a pit and bury herself. There was no room for self-confidence, and she regretted that she had asked this question. Anyway, what shouldn’t have happened last night didn’t happen, and she was still struggling with what happened!

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Zhou Han stepped towards her, lowered his head from behind her and leaned against her ear and said, "Did you think I took advantage of you and waited until you fell asleep and then brought you into my embrace?" 

The interrogative sentence was in a positive tone. There was no seriousness and coldness that he used to have, but more relaxed and smiling.

Lin Li didn't speak, the smile on her mouth was stiff, and he was too close, so close that she could clearly feel the warm breath in her ears when he breathed, subconsciously she shrank her neck.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, and noticing that almost her entire face was about to burn, Zhou Han leaned away from behind her, moved a little further from her, and said, "You are not the type I am interested in, because... "The ending sound was prolonged, and he paused deliberately, waiting for her to look back.

Everything was exactly as Zhou Han expected. After he paused, Lin Li subconsciously turned around and asked, "Because of what?"

Looking at her, Zhou Han's smile widened to the maximum, his eyebrows were half-squinted, and the whole person looked a little evil, then he slowly said, "Why? You really want me to be interested in you?"

"I don't!" Lin Li defended loudly, turning her head away from looking at him, and again in her heart scolded herself for being careless.

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Zhou Han’s voice laced with a smile came from behind and said, “Because you are too thin, really no meat, I don’t want to hold a bone, it'll be ridiculous!” He didn’t wait for Lin Li to turn around and say anything. While smiling, he turned and opened the door to go out.

Lin Li was stunned for a while before she was back to her senses, and then she turned around annoyed and said angrily to the door: "Too ridiculous, who wants to be held by you! Narcissistic!"

Outside the door, Zhou Han did not look back, but since early this morning, he seemed to be in a good mood and relaxed both physically and mentally!


TN: Unknowingly, did you also feel the grey skies slowly clearing out? They can banter like normal now, and Zhou Han also smile a lot more frequently now.

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