Chapter 11 part 1: He listens to me

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- May 03, 2021

Lin Li cleaned herself up in the bathroom in the room. Then she came out of the door and then out of the room. Only then did she find that Father Zhou and Mother Zhou had awaken, and the auntie had put today's breakfast on the table, even Xiao Bin had showered and put on new clothes and sat on the chair.

Seeing her came out, Mother Zhou smiled and waved to her, "Lin Li, you're awake. Just in time for breakfast, come over."

Lin Li was a little embarrassed to be the last one awaken, her face was slightly red, and the corners of her mouth curved awkwardly. She stepped forward and sat down beside Zhou Han and looked at Father Zhou and Mother Zhou and said: "Father, mother, good morning."

Father Zhou didn't say much, but nodded at her with a faint smile, while Mother Zhou was busy passing the chopsticks and spoon to Lin Li.

Lin Li reached out to take it, and thanked her softly, "Thank you, mom."

Mother Zhou looked at Lin Li with a smile and asked, "Did you sleep well last night?"

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Hearing this, Lin Li nodded in embarrassment, lowered her head and ate, took a mouthful of the porridge and put it in her mouth. She didn't know if it was the steam from the hot porridge that made her blush or if it was because Mother Zhou's question reminded her of the scene in the room when she just woke up this morning.

Mother Zhou didn't seem to notice anything, and said to herself: "The bed in Ah Han's room should also be changed. It is too small. It was still the same bed from before Ah Han went to university."

Lin Li didn't speak, she just bowed her head to eat in reddened face.

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"Hey, Xiao Li, don't just drink the porridge." Seeing her only lowered her head and drank the porridge without moving her chopsticks, Mother Zhou frowned in disapproval, and put a big meat bun to her and said, "Eat more other dishes and steamed buns, too."

Lin Li took it and just nodded and said okay, but the stomach seemed to be ill again. After taking a few mouthfuls of porridge, the stomach was already a little swollen. She was afraid that she would have to throw up again if she kept continue to eat.

Looking down at the bun in the bowl, her brows frowned slightly in embarrassment.

Zhou Han, who was sitting next to her, seemed to see something, as he was just about to speak, but was interrupted by his mother.

Suddenly remembering something, she smiled and curled her eyebrows while looking at Zhou Han and said, "Ah Han, don't go to the company in the morning, and accompany Lin Li to the hospital for a thorough checkup to make sure."

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Zhou Han raised his eyebrows and looked at the people around him, then smiled lightly at his mother and nodded, "Okay, I know."

Lin Li just smiled, and when she looked down at the porridge and steamed buns in the bowl, she frowned again.



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Suddenly a pair of chopsticks stretched out and took away the buns from Lin Li's bowl. Lin Li looked up in surprised, and saw Zhou Han was looking at her and saying, "If you don't like eating meat buns, just tell mother. Just stupidly accepting it even though you don't like, here, just give it to me.” As he said, he opened his mouth and took a big bite of the meat bun.

Lin Li hasn't recovered yet, Mother Zhou asked in surprise: "Ah! Xiao Li, you don't like to eat meat buns!"

Looking back at her, Lin Li nodded in embarrassment, "I usually eat less."

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"I see," Mother Zhou muttered, "Are you used to eating sandwich? Or I will let Auntie make you a sandwich?"

Lin Li hurriedly stopped her: "No need, I just drink porridge, just drink porridge is enough."

Zhou Han also opened his mouth and said, "Mom, don't trouble yourself anymore. Lin Li doesn't eat much to begin with."

Hearing that, Mother Zhou then gave up, but looking at Lin Li, she said seriously: "You are too skinny, you have to eat more in the future!"

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After having breakfast, because the child had to go to school in the morning, they didn't stay any longer. The few people then packed up and were about to leave. Father Zhou had a meeting in the morning, so the secretary came to pick him up. Mother Zhou sent them out and kissed her grandson's cheeks reluctantly. She told him to come back to see his grandparents. She also did not forget to tell Lin Li to eat more in the future. Otherwise, she would have to come back home at least once a week, so Mother Zhou could cook her some soup or something to make up.

Lin Li nodded, feeling very good that she (Mother Zhou) was kind to herself (Lin Li). It seemed that other than her own mother, no one cared about herself this much. She had been with Cheng Xiang for 10 years, and she had never received such love from his parents.

Lin Li took the little guy into the car, but Zhou Han was stopped by Mother Zhou and pulled aside to say something. It took a while before he finally walked over.

Felt troublesome, Zhou Han didn't drive over with his car when he came last night. So after talking to his mother, he got into Lin Li's car, then started the car and left the military compound.

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The military compound was located in the suburbs, and there was quite a long distance from here to the city. In the car, Lin Li sat with the kid in the back seat, while Zhou Han drove the car intently. The atmosphere in the car seemed a little quiet, a little weird.

After driving for a while, Lin Li looked at Zhou Han at the front and said hesitantly, "Um.. that... Thank you for just now... when we were eating..." She was referring to the fact that he helped her to eat that bun to relieve her awkwardness. With her current stomach, if she really ate that steamed bun, she would have thrown up a long time ago.

Zhou Han raised his eyes, looked at her through the rearview mirror, and said, "I will go to the office after this, you should go to the hospital yourself and get a checkup."

Lin Li didn't turn her head to look at the little guy sitting on the side, and just said, "No need." She knew her own situation, it's only eating less, no big deal.

Hearing this, Zhou Han was silent for a long time, and only said: "Your body is your own. If you don't cherish it yourself, it will be useless for others to say more."

Lin Li did not answer, and just stayed silent.



TN: Well.. nothing much to say except .... T_T translating this in the middle of the night, now I'm craving for porridge and steamed bun 

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