Chapter 11 part 2: He listens to me

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- May 05, 2021

The atmosphere in the car was a lot more awkward and weird than before. Just as Lin Li was wondering if she wanted to say something to break the awkwardness, Zhou Han's cell phone rang at this time.

Putting on the Bluetooth earphone, Zhou Han picked up the phone. It was from the company's special assistant, Zhou Han's Assistant Xu. He informed him that the meeting that was originally scheduled for tomorrow, however the customer called and said that they're going on a business trip tomorrow, and asked if they could change the meeting to this afternoon.

Zhou Han agreed without even thinking about it, saying: "Okay, then change it to 2 pm, sort out the materials you need, and I will join later."

"Got it." Assistant Xu answered.

Just as Zhou Han hung up the phone, Lin Li immediately said: "You have agreed to come to Xiao Bin's Kindergarten this afternoon."

Zhou Han was taken aback, and then he remembered that he had promised to participate in the children’s sports meeting in the yard last night. He took off the Bluetooth from his ears and didn’t turn his head. He just looked at the road conditions ahead and said: “Customers changed the meeting suddenly, this afternoon there's you to attend."

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Xiao Bin, who was sitting next to Lin Li, had the Transformers in his hand suddenly dropped to the ground, and looked up at Zhou Han's back in a daze.

Lin Li was a little distressed by the child's innocent eyes, and was a little angry at Zhou Han's irresponsibility, and said with angrily: "You are his father!"

"You are also his legal mother." Zhou Han said blankly.

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"You! You are simply unreasonable!" Lin Li glared angrily on the back of his head, and had an urge to move forward and knock open his head to see what was with his brain.

Zhou Han did not answer, but his eyes saw her glaring at him and her bulging cheeks through the rearview mirror, and the corners of his mouth could not help but smile faintly. But when he realized he was smiling, he suddenly put that smile away, frowning slightly.

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When Xiao Bin arrived at school, the kindergarten had already started the class. Although it was a bit late, it was a kindergarten after all, so the teacher didn’t say anything. She was happy to see Zhou Han and Lin Li sending the children over together and took Xiao Bin's hand, half-bending over to ask him if his health was better.

The little guy glanced at Zhou Han who was standing by his side, and said loudly, "Better."

The teacher smiled and touched his head, then looked up at Zhou Han and Lin Li, and said, "It's great to see you two send your child over together. The child is very lonely, also don't like to play with the children around him too much, so it is best for parents to spend more time with their children to make him happier, so he will not become too withdrawn."

Zhou Han nodded, his expression still a little serious, glanced at the little guy, but did not speak.

Zhou Han's indifference made the teacher a little embarrassed. She didn't know what to say. Generally speaking, as a parent, you shouldn't be so indifferent to your children.

Lin Li naturally saw the embarrassment of the young teacher, she stepped forward, smiled and said, "Thank you teacher, we will." While talking, she took the little guy's medicine out of the bag and passed it to the teacher, and said: " Teacher, this is Xiao Bin's medicine. Could you give it to him after lunch before nap time."

The teacher stretched out her hand to take it, smiled and nodded, "Okay, I know, I will give him after lunch."

"Thank you." Lin Li thanked her, then looked at the child. She squatted and said to the little guy: "Xiao Bin, listen to the teacher in school. If you feel uncomfortable, tell the teacher, okay?"

The little guy nodded and replied, "Okay."

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The young female teacher touched his head, then smiled and said to Lin Li, "Then I will take him in first."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Lin Li said.

The teacher smiled, holding the little guy’s hand and preparing to go in. When she just turned around, she suddenly remembered something, then turned around again. She looked at Lin Li and Zhou Han, and said, “I hope both of you can come for this afternoon sports meeting and accompany your child to participate."

Just as Zhou Han wanted to refuse, Lin Li, who was beside him, had already agreed, "Okay, we will definitely come over this afternoon."

"Really? That's great." The teacher was obviously surprised by this result. She thought that at most one of them could come, but she didn't expect both to come.

"I don't have time in the afternoon." Zhou Han glanced at Lin Li, turned his head and said directly to the teacher: "I still have work to do in the company this afternoon, so I won't be able to make it."

"Uh..." The teacher looked at him, then turned to look at Lin Li, her expression was a bit awkward. To be honest, she wanted the child's father to come. After all, he was the child's biological father, and according to her understanding of the child, this new mother was not his biological mother. She (teacher) was worried that the child will have a generation gap and rejection towards her (Lin Li).

"Teacher, you can take Xiao Bin in, we will come in the afternoon." Lin Li promised.

Zhou Han turned his head and looked at her, frowning tightly. Everyone with eyes could see it, the expression on his face was very unhappy!

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"This..." The female teacher looked at them and said with a compromising smile: "Or, it's fine, it's fine, it's actually nothing. Next time we will notify one week earlier so that you can make time to come." She didn't want to cause disharmony to other people's family because of this matter. If she did, it would probably affect the child's day to day living condition.

"Teacher don't have to worry so much. No matter how busy the work is, it is no more important than the child. We will definitely come over for the afternoon sports meeting." Lin Li said, as if she was afraid that the teacher would not believe it, she pulled Zhou Han over, pretending to be intimate with him. Holding his hand, she said: "He listens to me."

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Zhou Han glared at her, his anger seemed to be on the verge of exploding.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the teacher just nodded and hurriedly took the child in.

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Zhou Han looked at her and asked coldly: "What do you mean!" The voice was almost ten degrees below zero.

"It doesn't mean anything, is it too much to ask a father to participate in the activities organized by his son's school?" Lin Li looked back at him, showing no intention of giving in!

"What qualifications do you have to decide what to promise for me!" Staring at her fiercely, with his hands hanging on both sides, Zhou Han suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Because I am your spouse, I am your wife!" Lin Li said provocatively, and this sentence was completely aimed at the phrase ‘you are also his legal mother’ that he just said on the way here just now.

Zhou Han glared at her for a long time, and finally turned and left without saying a word.

Lin Li stuck out her tongue playfully at his back, with a declaration of success. She turned her head and looked at the classroom behind her. Inside, Xiao Bin was looking at the window. She smiled at him and raised her hand. She waved and waved at him. Then she then turned around and walked quickly to follow in Zhou Han's footsteps.

Zhou Han didn't seem to plan to wait for her at all, so he got in the car and started the car about to leave.

Lin Li ran over and saw him, and hurriedly opened the door to sit in the passenger seat. As she was running a bit, she looked at him with a little breath and said, "Hey, are you wanting to leave me here!" Men are too narrow minded!

Zhou Han didn't even look at her, just started the car and drove out, regardless of whether she had worn her seat belt or not.

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"Be petty then." Lin Li muttered softly, stretched out her hand to fasten the seat belt, but before it was fastened, suddenly the car was suddenly stopped as Zhou Han hit the brakes. And Lin Li, due to the sudden movement, her whole person was thrown forward and hit 'BANG! ——' her forehead hit the glass in front of her, and she was hurt.

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"Ouchhh!" Lin Li stretched out her hand and pressed her forehead, her small face tangled in pain from the hit, she got up and turned her head, looking at Zhou Han, and said with some grievances and dissatisfaction: "You are too much! Taking a revenge like this is attempt of murder!"

Zhou Han turned his head and glanced at her, and only said: "Looking at you like this seems like no big deal."

"Why don't you try few more times, I'll be dead by then." Lin Li said angrily, rubbing her forehead with her hand.

(TN:  haiz this couple....)


Zhou Han didn't look at her again. He turned his head and saw that someone had gotten off from the car in front of them. He unfastened his seat belt and opened the door to get out of the car.

Lin Li noticed that something was wrong. Turning her head around, she realized that it was a car crash. The front of their car was facing the sideways tail of the black BMW. However, because Zhou Han braked in time, the collision between the two cars was not too severe.

However, Lin Li couldn't help but surprise because the person who got out of the car in front of them was the person that Cheng Xiang had kept on the cusp of his heart for more than ten years -Xiaoxiao!



TN: Dun.. Dun.. Dun... here comes drama!  Where's my popcorn 

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