She hung up, and dialed again. The phone was connected, but no one picked it up. Seeing that Teacher Chen came over with the medicine, Lin Li gave up and hung up the phone in her hand.

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"Mrs. Zhou, this is Xiao Bin's medicine." Teacher Chen handed the small plastic bag in her hand to Lin Li. Before coming over, she also poured some water in the office and handed it over, "I have already adjusted the temperature of the water, so you can give it to the child right away."

Lin Li took it, grateful for her care and sincerely thanked her, "Teacher Chen, thank you."

"You're welcome, I was negligent." Teacher Chen smiled.

"Whose child is this!"

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the classroom, and the voice was thought to be from the parents, and the tone was very fierce.

The two exchanged glances outside the door. Teacher Chen hurriedly pushed the door and went in, only to see that inside was already surrounded by people. Lin Li heard the cries of children and the scolding of women.

"Whose child is so uneducated, where are his parents, where are their parents! How do they teach their children!"

Teacher Chen pushed the crowd aside and said anxiously, "What's the matter, what happened?"

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"Teacher Chen, you came just in time. This kid actually beat my son. This is WHAT matter. Where are the parents of this kid? Does no one care about him, does he usually beat my son like this?" The child's mother asked in a sharp voice.

Lin Li frowned, she had a bad feeling in her heart. 

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She pushed the crowd aside and went in, only to see the little guy being held in his hands by a sturdy man, his face flushed red and his toes on tiptoe.

Seeing this, she was shocked, and the medicine and cup in her hand fell to the ground. She hurriedly stepped forward and yelled anxiously: "What are you doing!" 

She hurriedly pulled the big man's hand away, pulled the little guy out of his hands and hugged him into her arms, touched the little guy's red face, and asked anxiously, "Xiao Bin, are you alright, are you alright...."

"Cough...cough..." The little guy coughed and frowned uncomfortably.

"What can be wrong with him, the one with problem is our son!" The sharp female voice next to her rang again, and it was not very nice to hear.

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Lin Li turned her head and saw the woman standing beside her, holding her son who was still crying all the time in her arms, coaxing her heartily, ""Oh, I'm so sorry, Little Treasure, don't cry, don't cry, Mommy and Daddy will vent your anger." Looking at Lin Li as if with that look she wanted to eat Lin Li.

The big man beside the woman also stared at Lin Li fiercely, and asked in a rough voice, "Is this your child?"

"Yes." Lin Li stood up, hid the little guy behind her, and asked the man, "Excuse me, sir, what's the matter with you grabbing the child just now?"

"What's the matter!" The man snorted coldly, took a step forward and approached Lin Li, and said, "How do you teach your child to push and beat people when nothing happens!" Pointing at the crying son, he said: "See that, my son is still crying, what can you say now!"

The man was too big, which inevitably gave a kind of invisible pressure to people. Lin Li suppressed the feeling of anxiety in her heart and said, "Xiao Bin is not the kind of child who will deliberately provoke others!"

"What do you mean? What do you mean, you!" The woman who was holding the child also stood up and moved towards Lin Li.

"It was Wang Jiaqiang who first said that Zhou Jiabin was a wild child, and no one wants. Zhou Jiabin then got angry and pushed him!" A little girl with pigtails beside her muttered.

Hearing this, Lin Li looked at the couple in front of her and said, "Your child seems to be in the wrong this time, right!"

Wang Jiaqiang, who was crying in his mother's arms, still had tears on his face and yelled at Lin Li: "Zhou Jiabin is a wild child, you are not his mother, his parents don't want him anymore, he is just a child who anyone doesn't want. A stinky child who no one wants!"

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The little guy standing behind Lin Li stared at him hatefully, his eyes full of anger, he pushed Lin Li away and was about to step forward.

Lin Li hurriedly grabbed him and hugged him in her arms. She felt the child's whole body was shaking with anger and fury, like a fire in smoke. 

She hugged him even tighter. She turned to look at the non-married couple and asked: "Speaking on family teaching, your son is the one without any!"

"What did you say!" The man stepped forward and reached out to grab Lin Li.

The situation was too tense, Teacher Chen, who was standing beside him, worried that something might happen, and hurriedly grabbed the man's hand, trying to ease the tension, and said, "It's common for children to push around and make trouble, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously."

"Then my child would be beaten for nothing!" The child's parents stared at Teacher Chen. "How did you become a teacher, my son was beaten but you were speaking for her!" The big man pushed Teacher Chen away with a murderous look on his face!

Teacher Chen was pushed several steps away, and her feet were unstable and almost didn't fall. Fortunately, someone behind her gave her a hand.

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Lin Li glanced at Teacher Chen, who was pushed away. She couldn't care less about her fear now. She stood up angrily to confront the man, and said sharply, "I see it clearly now, what kind of parents can teach what kind of children, neither of you two parents have set a good example for your children, and it is no wonder that the children you educate do not understand even a little bit of manner or a bit of politeness!"

"Who did you say is uneducated, who did you say..." The woman stepped forward and pointed her finger at Lin Li, yelling at Lin Li, her sharp voice piercing the ears.

Lin Li opened her hand, looked straight at them, and said, "Is it an educated behavior for you to beat a six-year-old child like this!"

"This woman really deserves a beating!" The big man said almost gritted his teeth, clenching his hands into fists and raising them to hit Lin Li.

The onlookers around him gasped, and some even exclaimed.

Lin Li squatted down subconsciously, pressed the little guy in her arms tightly to her chest, and hugged his whole body to prevent the child from being hurt!

However, the expected fist did not come down, and the originally noisy environment suddenly became quiet, and there was no sound at all.

After a while, Lin Li opened her eyes and slowly looked up, only to see that Zhou Han had come over at some point. He was standing beside her, his left hand was still carrying a briefcase, while his right hand was holding the wrist of the fist that was about to fall

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