Lin Li stared blankly at the man who was standing beside her. She didn't know when he came, but his arrival made her feel relieved and she breathed a sigh of relief. Letting go of the child in her arms, she stroked his immature face, while saying softly, "Xiao Bin, daddy is here."

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Zhou Han's arrival may not mean anything, but just to make the child believe that his father loves him and cares about him, even if this belief may be wrong. But at least it is a beautiful illusion, which can give the child a hope, isn't it.

The little guy seemed a little frightened by his father's appearance, and was a little overwhelmed with astonishment. He just stared at Zhou Han in a daze, without blinking his eyes.

Zhou Han glanced at Lin Li and the others, then turned his head to look at the big guy in front of him, his eyebrows were cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Beating women and children, are you still a man?" His voice was cold, but his tone was gentle. There are no fluctuations, but the innate aura makes people look a little daunting.

"You..." The big guy's wife stepped forward to say something, but she was caught by Zhou Han's eyes, and was made speechless.

The man struggled to break free from Zhou Han's restraint, but he didn't expect that he couldn't resist Zhou Han's strength. His whole face turned red, and he couldn't free his hand from Zhou Han's. Looking at Zhou Han, his tone became much weaker than before, "You... What do you want to do?"

Zhou Han just looked at him fixedly, his hands seemed to have no force, but the other person was not able to break free, and said, "Please apologize to my wife and my son!"

"Are you kidding me!" The big man roared subconsciously. He has always been known for being domineering. If he is asked to apologize to a woman and a child, then how can he mess around in the future!

"Not going to apologize?" Zhou Han asked slowly, the voice was so calm that no emotion could be heard, and the expression on his face was still indifferent, showing no emotion.

"Impossible!" The big guy said it very firmly, not willing to compromise!

Seeing her husband being grabbed like this, his wife didn't dare to yell at Zhou Han face to face, so she yelled at Teacher Chen, "Teacher Chen, what do you think this is? Why did this man hit my husband, is this bullying the weak and fearing the strong!"

"I —" Teacher Chen looked at her and then at Lin Li in embarrassment. She was really in a dilemma. Fighting in the kindergarten, no matter who was right or who was wrong, the impact would not be good! Looking at Lin Li for help, "Mrs. Zhou, can you —"

Lin Li interrupted her unfinished sentence, looked at her and said seriously: "Teacher Chen, this matter could have been very simple and there is no need to make it so messy. It is perfectly normal for two children to quarrel and fight. It is wrong for our family Xiao Bin to push others, but it is also wrong for their children to insult Xiao Bin. We can educate children when they make mistakes. It doesn’t matter, but their parents, as adults, have the ability to think independently. How could he hold the child with one hand and stretch out his hand to beat and scold the child! We absolutely cannot accept this, we don't want the child to have any trauma because of this matter in the future. So he has to apologize to our Xiao Bin. This point, is not negotiable"

Lin Li has said it like this, and her attitude was so firm, Teacher Chen couldn't say anything more.

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"Let me ask you one last time, apologize or not apologize?" Zhou Han looked at him and asked in a deep voice.

The man looked at him, and the fear in his heart made him swallow his saliva, thinking that if he was asked to apologize to a woman and child in front of so many people, then his thirty years of life would be in vain!

Gritting his teeth, he said, "Impossible!"

Hearing this, Zhou Han nodded, "Very good." A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he suddenly exerted force on his hand, and the force on the big guy's wrist increased, and he said, "Not apologizing, huh?"

"Ahhh.. Ahhhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh......!" The big guy screamed again and again.

In an instant, the only sound left in the classroom was the screams of the burly man, while Zhou Han was still calm and composed, with a faint smile on his lips

Seeing his father yelling, the child who was pushed down by Xiao Bin burst into tears, "Waaaa!~"

And his mother seemed to be a little frightened, as if she hadn't expected her husband to be pinched and screamed like that, and she panicked all of a sudden, staring at them in a daze, without reacting for a long time. 

Lin Li was also a little surprised, looked down at the child, and pulled the little guy closer to her.

The expression on the painful face of the big guy began to become distorted and hideous, and the pain from his wrist made him unable to hold back anymore, so he begged for mercy repeatedly: "Le.. Let go.. Let go... Let go...!!! I apologize, I apologize!"

Hearing this, only then did Zhou Han shake off his hand, looked at him coldly, and said, "Apologize!"

The big guy was holding his hands, and when he looked down, he saw that his wrist was red and swollen. He raised his eyes to look at Zhou Han. 

Although he was not convinced, he didn't dare to challenge him anymore, because the difference in strength between himself and the man in front of him was too great. He had no choice but to grit his teeth, stepped forward to Lin Li and Xiao Bin and said bitterly, "I'm sorry!" With a tone that seemed to be able to eat people up, with a strong murderous look!

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Lin Li glanced at him, and knew that the matter should be brought to an end. After all, it was a kindergarten, and the matter shouldn't get out of hand. She insisted on asking him to apologize to see his attitude. Without saying anything more, she nodded and accepted his apology.

The man turned around, glared at Zhou Han bitterly, and then yelled at his somewhat frightened wife, "Why are you so dazed, It's so embarrassing! Hurry up and leave!" 

As he said, he hugged the son who was sitting paralyzed on the ground and walked towards the door. While walking, he yelled at his son: "Why are you crying? You shut up! If you're still crying, I'll break your damn leg!"

And his wife just came back to her senses, glanced at them, and ran out of the classroom in a hurry.

----- please read the translation from

After the rude family left, the whole classroom was left with awkwardness and weirdness. Almost everyone present looked at Zhou Han intently.

Teacher Chen on the side quickly came to her senses, smiled and said to the others: "Okay, okay, it's okay, it's all a misunderstanding. Everyone waits in the classroom first, and I will go to the principal to see if it is ready to start." With that, she left the classroom.

And the others also dispersed, taking their children to do various warm-ups before the competition.

Zhou Han then looked at Lin Li and asked, "Are you alright?"

Lin Li just shook her head at him and said, "It's okay."

Zhou Han nodded, and looked down at the little guy standing beside him, only to see the little guy's dark eyes looking at him, with an almost invisible smile on the corner of his mouth.



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There was an indescribable touch in his heart. In fact, he didn't intend to come here, but Lin Li's words kept echoing in his ears, 'No matter what mistakes you adults made, children are innocent!’ 

Yes, the child is innocent, and he chose to keep the child in the first place! Just like what Lin Li said, since he is kept here, he has to be responsible for him, so he has an obligation to take care of the child's life before the child becomes an adult.

Although he doesn't know how long he can hold on to this idea.

Sighing silently, he slowly raised his hand to touch his head. The movements were a little stiff, he was not used to or familiar with such movements, but looking at the expectant eyes of this little guy, he still covered his head and gently rubbed his hair, but he didn't speak.

Lin Li stood aside, looking at the father and son, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Zhou Jiabin." A clear and loud voice sounded behind them, and the three of them turned their heads at the same time, only to see a little girl with pigtails like a doll behind them, looking at them with a smiling face. On the other hand, the little friend Zhou Jiabin just looked at her blankly.

Lin Li crouched down, leaned into the little guy's ear and said, "Xiao Bin, introduce your classmate to us."

Little friend Zhou Jiabin just frowned, thinking about something.

However, before little friend Zhou could think clearly about how to introduce, the doll girl in front had already said with a smile, "Auntie, my name is Yiyi. It's not the Yi from 'Clothes', but Yi from 'Reluctant to let go!'" The slightly exaggerated expression on the face is extremely cute.

(TN: Clothes = 衣服 = yīfú; Reluctant to let go = 依依不舍 = Yīyī bù shě)


Behind them, the mother of the doll Yiyi also came towards them, nodded towards Lin Li and Zhou Han with a smile, patted the child's head dotingly, and said with a smile: "Our Yiyi must have come to talk to Uncle Superman." And the uncle Superman she was talking about was none other than Zhou Han.

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Lin Li raised her eyebrows, and looked at Zhou Han amusedly, only to see that the tip of his eyebrows was raised slightly, and there was a not-so-obvious blush on his slightly dark face. Such a discovery made Lin Li laugh out loud.

While several adults were talking together, the doll broke away from her mother's hand, moved to little friend Zhou Jiabin, and whispered in his ear: "Zhou Jiabin, your father is really amazing! As powerful as Superman!"

Although little friend Zhou Jiabin doesn't like strangers approaching him very much, but in view of what she said, he didn't push her away. Instead, the corner of his mouth raised a nice smile, looked up at his father, and said very proudly, "My daddy is the best daddy in the world"

----- please read the translation from

The kindergarten sports meeting started on time at 1:30. All the students and parents went to the playground to listen to the principal's speech. In fact, he didn't say much. It was nothing more than the purpose and significance of holding this sports meeting. They were all just formality.

At two o'clock, the competitions of various events began. After all, they were children. They said it was a sports meeting, but in fact they were just games in the name of sports. The children had a great time playing.


Lin Li was sitting on the audience stand, watching a group of children running in the small playground, some of them would stop to see if the people behind them were running fast, and the little friend Zhou Jiabin was among them. His face with an overflowing smile was something Lin Li had never seen before.


Looking at the playground, Lin Li said softly, "Look, how happy Xiao Bin is smiling." 

In fact, children are the easiest to be satisfied, because what they want is simple and not much, as long as they are satisfied, they will be happy, and Xiao Bin's happiness today was because Zhou Han is here.

Zhou Han beside her didn't speak, but there was a smile on his mouth that he didn't even realize.

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