Chapter 4 part 2: You are not qualified!

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- April 10, 2021

 The dissatisfaction in her heart became even worse, and she gently put the little guy's hand back into the quilt. Lin Li then stood up, walked in front of Zhou Han, and directly reached out her hand to cover his laptop while looking at him. There seemed to be a small flame burning in her eyes.

Zhou Han raised his head, frowned a little displeased, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing!" He could hear his dissatisfaction with her behavior.

Looking at him, Lin Li also lowered her voice because she was afraid of causing noise to the child, and said, "Let's go out and talk."

Zhou Han only glanced at her, turned on the laptop again, lowered his head and returned to work, only saying: "What's the matter?"

Lin Li's frowning brow tightened even more, and then raised her hand to cover his computer again, "Let's go out and talk!" The low tone was more sharp than just now.

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Zhou Han's frowning brows tightened, knowing that she wouldn’t stop if he didn’t go out to talk with her. He put the computer on his lap directly on the sofa with a serious face, and then raised his hand to look at his watch, saying coldly: "I only have 5 minutes." As he finished, he walked out of the ward directly.

Lin Li followed him out and closed the door quietly, fearing that she might disturbed others. She looked at him and said, "Follow me." She then turned and walked towards the elevator.


There was a window right next to the elevator. The sky tonight was good. The night was full of stars, but neither Lin Li nor Zhou Han was in the mood to appreciate the good night.

Following her to walk by the window, Zhou Han raised his hand to look at his watch, and said coldly and without any temperature, "There are still 4 minutes." 

He didn't know what she insisted on coming out to say for, but he really didn't have any time to spare for her. He must rush out a plan in the evening and send it to the American real estate tycoon, Meissen, tomorrow because Meissen will be flying back to the United States tomorrow afternoon. 

This time, his trip to China was very tight. He only stayed in Jiang city for two days. He spent a lot of effort to win the dinner tonight. However, he was obviously not the only one who wanted to cooperate with Meissen. Everyone was looking forward to it. At the end of the dinner, Mr. Meissen’s secretary in particular, whispered to him alone that Mr. Meissen hoped to see his plan before boarding the plane tomorrow afternoon.

He knows how difficult it was to come up with a proposal by tomorrow, but if he didn't grasp this opportunity, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity if he misses it.

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Turning her head, Lin Li was a little agitated, looking at him accusingly and asking: "Whose person was lying on the bed inside the ward, how can you be so cold and ruthless? Towards your own son who is sick to the point that he has to be admitted to the hospital, there is no concern, no sympathy at all. Why don't you take a look at what time is it right now? When the kid was calling for his daddy, where are you! Have you shown a little care for him? You can't even reach out to the hospital bed and touch his face. Wouldn't it be too much!"

After a long series of words, Lin Li's chest was heaving up and down because of being too agitated.


Facing his accusations, Zhou Han's face suddenly became more gloomy. After looking at her for a long time, he only said coldly: "I remember that there is clearly a written clause in the contract, not to interfere with the other party's affairs!"

"Don't tell me about the contract, I am not talking to you as a partner now!" Lin Li yelled at him. 

She just couldn't see it. She couldn't see how he can treat his own child so cruelly and ruthlessly, that was his own flesh and blood! How could he be so cruel, wouldn't he want to give his children endless love as a parent? Did he not know that compared to others how blessed he was? Some people want to spoil or pamper their children yet they did not have a chance!

Zhou Han didn't want to argue with her, tightened the hands hanging on both sides, he took a deep breath, and said: "Recognize your own identity, you are not qualified to control me!" After that, he turned around with a stiff face and started to walk towards the ward.

"You stop there!" Lin Li stretched out her hand to grab him, looked at him angrily, and said: "Even if you are resentful towards your ex-wife, but the child is innocent. What wrong did he make, why treat him like this! How old is he? A kid his age supposed to be at his happiest stage, why would you adult who made the mistakes but let a kid to bear the responsibility!"

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Clenching his hands tightly, he looked up at her, his eyes seemed to want to eat her, he said fiercely: "What do you know, and what do you understand, you don't know anything at all, what rights do you have?" 

Pointing at the direction of the ward, he gritted his teeth and said: "He shouldn't have come into this world at all! "


A crisp hand-slap sounded when Zhou Han's voice just fell. Time seemed to have stopped, and it was so quiet, there was no sound at all.

Zhou Han's face was turned aside, and a bright red palm print appeared on his face. After a while, he slowly recovered, turned his head to look at her abruptly, and wanted to speak angrily, but he saw that the person in front of him had already burst into tears.

She was biting her lips with her teeth tightly, and the bite would cause a bleeding soon, the whole person trembled, and her hand was still trembling because of the slap just now.

"You..." All the words that had just come to the mouth couldn't be said at all, while staring at her, Zhou Han was a little surprised at why she was so emotionally agitated.

"What the hell did he do wrong that you have to treat him like this? Even if you are separated from his mother, but he is innocent. How can you vent your resentment towards his mother on him!" 

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Lin Li couldn't control her tears at all, and said while crying, "What qualifications do you have to say that he shouldn't come to this world? Does he want to come? It was you guys who forced him to come! You gave him life and let him come to this world. You must be responsible for his life, and only now feeling regret, isn't it too late!"

Lin Li kept crying. She squatted down on the ground with her two arms hugging herself tightly, "Do you know what it feels like to lose a child? Do you know the kind of powerlessness that watching his life disappear, but you can't do anything? Do you know that every night, someone in your dreams will always ask you why you don’t want him, why don’t you bring him to this world, do you know that self-blame and guilt can erode you?"

While speaking, Lin Li kept shaking her head, "You don't know anything, you don't know anything..." At the end of her speech, she no longer knew whether she was talking about him or herself...

Zhou Han fixed his stare at her, the anger on his face had all disappeared, replaced by astonishment and shock. Looking at her like this, he didn't know what he should do, so he could only step forward and squat in front of her and hugging her into his arms!



TN: this chapter is very difficult to translate. I have to rack my brain to use the most appropriate words to express her pain  sending air hugs for you, Lin Li!

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