Chapter 5 part 1: Hospital Needle Injection

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- April 11, 2021

Zhou Han didn’t know what he should do, so he could only hugged her into his arms like this. It was only just now that he remembered what Gu Anran had said to him, he remembered that her husband left her alone on the wedding day. He ran out of the wedding hall, and also on that day, after being pushed to the ground by her husband, she fell and lost her child in her tummy. 

He had no experience in comforting people. He looked at her and he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t care about the slap that she just gave him. He could only slowly raise his hand awkwardly, and then gently patting her back again and again.

The elevator sound arrived, and the doctor on night shift came out of the elevator and saw the two people outside. He couldn't help but was stunned. He was about to ask something, but saw the palm print on Zhou Han's face and then he was stunned again. The doctor finally looked at him strangely; glanced at them and then left.

Zhou Han didn't know how long he held her in this way, until the crying in his arms slowly faded, and then he lowered his head, and saw that she actually fell asleep while leaning in his arms with traces of tears still lingering in the corners of her eyes.

He lifted her up by the waist and directly returned to the ward. The little guy in the ward didn't seem to be awaken and still lying quietly on the hospital bed. Zhou Han quietly holding Lin Li, put her on the sofa to lay down. He put his computer on the coffee table in front of him, and then took his coat to cover her.

After finishing all this, he went out again to find a nurse and asked for a clean blanket. He took off the coat that was covering Lin Li and covered her with the quilt.

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After helping to cover her with a quilt, Zhou Han just wanted to turn around and leave, but he heard her muttering helplessly in between her dreams. Her small face wrinkled and her mouth kept saying, "I'm sorry... I'm sor... It's Mommy's not good..."

After the words fell, there were tears falling from the corners of her eyes again.

Zhou Han looked at her silently, not moving for a long time. After a while, he slowly squatted down and reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

When he got up and turned his head to look at the little guy on the hospital bed, he couldn't help but letting out a bitter smile. She said that the child was innocent, but he really couldn't bring himself to care about him at all.

Raising his hand to check the time, it was right at midnight. If he didn't start to make that proposal, afraid that he really would have no time. 

Zhou Han turned back to the bathroom and washed his face to make himself more awake. When he looked up to see his reflection in the mirror, he noticed the bright red palm print on his left face. He didn't pay any attention just now. 

And now when he reached out to touch it, he felt a bit hot and painful. He pulled a paper towel to wipe off the water stains from his face. When he saw the slightly red and swollen left face, Zhou Han couldn't help shaking his head and muttering softly, "Looking at her thin and small figure and she didn't eat much, how come she has so much strength."


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When she woke up, the night had passed. The morning light came in through the sheer curtains, and Lin Li was sleeping on the sofa by the window. The light made her a little dazzled, and she could only raise her hand to block her forehead for a while to adapt to the brightness of the room.

She stretched out her hand and pressed the temple only to feel that the temple was a bit painful as if needles were poking through her side temples. But compared to her head, she felt that her eyes were more uncomfortable. She felt that the eyes were so dry, so sore, and so swollen.

The memory rolled over like a tide. 

She remembered that she took Xiao Bin* to eat KFC last night, but when she arrived at home, she found that the child was holding his stomach and had a severe stomachache. 

Only when he was sent to the hospital did she find out that the child had a serious seafood allergy, and he couldn't be touched at all. But luckily, it was not really serious this time, just needed to have some IV drips and took some medicine. 

Later after that, she called Zhou Han. After all, the child was his. She didn’t expect Zhou Han to simply ask a few words and then just hung up. His attitude throughout the call was too cold, and Zhou Han only came after 11 o'clock in the evening. 

She remembered that he was too cold and indifferent in his attitude, and did not fulfill the responsibilities of a father at all. She was so angry and she remembered that she gave him a slap. And then she also remembered that she thought of her child and raised some emotions within. She remembered crying, but she didn't remember anything after that.


She slowly sat up and looked around. The ward was still the same as yesterday, but she was the only one in the room now, even Xiao Bin was not on the bed. 

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She lifted the quilt and got up. When she was wondering where Xiao Bin was going, the door of the ward was pushed in from the outside. She saw Zhou Han held the child's hand and walked in. When Zhou Han saw her, he just glanced at her and didn't say anything.

The little guy who was led by him looked good, his face was slightly red, he was no longer as pale as last night. Moreover, because he was held in hand by his father, he seemed to be in a good mood. On his usually expressionless face, now there was a slight smile at the corners of the mouth. Not so obvious, but it was clearly visible.

Lin Li was still worried about the child's body, she stepped forward, squatted in front of the little guy, and asked, "Xiao Bin, is the stomach still feel uncomfortable?"

The little guy looked at her, only shook his head.

"Don't just shake your head. Speak well." Zhou Han frowned slightly, letting go of his small hand, and said with a slightly serious expression: "If someone asks you a question, answer it carefully. It is called being polite, do you understand?"

The little guy was still a little afraid of him, and he only nodded quietly.

Zhou Han was displeased, his tone was heavier than before, and he looked at him and said: "I ask you to answer, not asking you to nod, are you mute!"

"I ... I understand..." The little guy responded in a low voice.

Lin Li on the side couldn't stand it anymore, she pulled the little guy into her arms. She glared at Zhou Han with her big, round eyes and a little dissatisfied, she said: "What are you doing so fiercely, how can you teach children like this!" As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at the little guy, "Xiao Bin, don't be afraid, tell Auntie, is your stomach still hurt, is there any discomfort?"

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The little guy stole a glance at Zhou Han, saw him staring back at him, then turned his eyes hurriedly, looked at Lin Li and said, "No, it doesn't hurt anymore, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable." His voice was so soft, and it was very pitiful to listen to.



*I forgot to explain then you will see a lot of terms of endearment called "Xiao" here. Literally means "little", Chinese people instead of calling the full name of someone, when they have close relationship with younger person, they will simply address them as "Xiao + name"

TN: For those who have read the first story, probably already knew the reason why Zhou Han was like this. But please be patience, as this novel explores how all of these main characters (Zhou Han, Lin Li and Xiao Bin) learn how to co-exist together.

It will get better 


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