Chapter 5 part 2: Hospital Needle injection

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- April 12, 2021

 "I just took him to see the doctor to check on him. There is nothing wrong with him. He can leave the hospital after he finished up the bag of IV drip." Zhou Han added.

Lin Li nodded, then smiled and asked the child: "Is Xiao Bin hungry? Auntie will buy you porridge, okay?"

The little guy shook his head habitually, then he suddenly remembered that he has to talk, hurriedly said: "I'm not hungry, Daddy just fed me porridge." After speaking, he turned his head cautiously and looked at Zhou Han.

Hearing this, Lin Li was a little dazed, turned her head and looked at Zhou Han, unexpectedly he would feed the child to dinner.

Zhou Han only glanced at her, a trace of uncomfortable flashes across her face, then turned his head directly, walked to the side and closed his computer and put it in his bag. He then turned his head and said to Lin Li, "You don’t need to come to work today, just stay at home to take care of him."

Lin Li fixed her stare at him, and noticed that his left cheek was still a little red and swollen. Knowing that it was from the slap she gave last night, she said embarrassedly, "You, your face..."

Zhou Han subconsciously touched his face, glanced at her, and said unceremoniously: "Looking at your skinny like body that will easily be blown away by wind, didn't expect the strength to be not small." Even up to now, there is still some faint pain.

"Didn't you bring that upon yourself...." Lin Li muttered quietly, not regretting the slap she delivered last night.

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Not sure if Zhou Han heard her, but he just muttered something softly. Lin Li couldn't hear clearly.

"What did you say?"

Zhou Han only glanced at her, picked up the briefcase, and said, "It's nothing." Then he walked out.

After he left, Lin Li grumbled a few words, and then asked Xiao Bin to lie down on the bed first, and waited for the nurse to give him an injection, and then she went to the bathroom to wash her face. 

It was only after arriving in the bathroom that she realized that her eyes were so red and swollen because of the crying episode from last night. The redness and swelling were severe now, and the original double eyelids are now swollen up into single eyelids. Feeling uncomfortable, she put on hot towel over them for a while before she came out of the bathroom.


When she came out, she saw a nurse was giving the kid an injection. Not sure if the child’s blood vessel was too thin, or the little nurse had just come out of the nursing school, she had been injecting a few times, but they were all missed.

The nurse was so anxious, but the more anxious she was, the worse the poke was. But even with such a sting, the little guy did not cry, and just bit down his lip without saying a word.

"Don't poke anymore." Lin Li hurriedly stepped forward to pull the nurse who was still poking the needle. 

She took the little guy's hand and looked at the back of his hand that was full of bloody dots because of the mis-injections. Feeling her heart hurt, she quickly embraced him into her arms.

Lin Li turned her head and looked at the little nurse, her face was full of anger, and angrily reprimanded: "Are you really trying to do injections! Go and find your head nurse!" The voice was a little loud and must be heard by people passing by outside.

The little nurse was so anxious and wanted to cry. She looked back at her and explained, "I... I... He.. His.. his blood vessels are too thin, I can't find it!"

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"The blood vessel is too thin, then do you just keep poking? What is this? This is a human hand. This is human meat. Do you think it is a rag!" 

The more she talked, the angrier she felt, she felt even more distressed for the child, all those one poke after another, how could he not feel hurt!

The little nurse shook her head anxiously and explained, "No, no, I—"

"What's the matter? What's going on?" The head nurse came in through the door, followed by a group of nurses.

Lin Li looked at her and said, "Are all of you graduated from a professional nursing school? How can a single injection can caused people beaten black and blue like this!" Se took Xiao Bin's hand and showed it to them.

The little nurse shed tears when the head nurse came over, "Head nurse, I..."

The head nurse glared at her, turned to look at Lin Li and said, "My apologies, this kid is a newcomer. She just graduated from the nursing school, so she is still lacking of experiences."

"Lack of experience and yet you still allow her to take care of the patients. This is a hospital. If all newcomers are like this, and every time just say that they are lacking of experience, then who would dare to come to see the doctor anymore!" Lin Li scolded.

"It's our fault, it's our fault. In a while, let me give the injection to this kid." As she said, she turned around and asked the others to bring over a new needle.

Without waiting for them to bring the things over, Lin Li quickly interrupted them: "No need, we don't want the injection anymore, let the doctor prescribe some medicine." She didn't want the little guy to suffer like this any more, she felt pain when she looks at it.

"That's also okay, also okay." The head nurse nodded hurriedly, and then ordered the others to find a doctor to prescribe the medicine. She then turned to look at Lin Li a little guiltily and said, "My apologies, Madam." She stretched out her hand and rubbed the little guy in Lin Li's arms, smiled and said to him: "Little kid, auntie apologizes to you, I am so sorry, but little kid, you are so brave, you hurt yet you didn't cry. Later, I will tell the other children and let them know you as an example."

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The little guy just looked at her fixedly, without smiling, nodding or shaking his head.

Lin Li grabbed his hand and looked at him. She held him tighter. Her emotions had eased compared to before. She said, "Actually, I don't want to embarrass you. I just watched the child being poked like this. It’s better to have more experienced nurses and doctors in the pediatric department."

The head nurse nodded repeatedly and replied, "Yes, yes, will do."


When the rest of the people had finally dispersed,  Lin Li looked down at Xiao Bin in her arms and asked anxiously: "Does it hurt?"

The little guy shook his head and said in a low voice, "It hurts more when Mommy pricks." Looking down at the back of his hand innocently, he lowered his head and slid his little finger across the hand lightly.

Upon hearing this, Lin Li couldn't help but stared, and asked him, "Xiao Bin, what did you just say about your mother? Your mommy will prick you with a needle!" 

The little guy looked up at her, then lowered his head again without speaking.

Lin Li just found it hard to believe, how could a mother prick her child with a needle! How could she has the heart to do so! Did Zhou Han know that? Did he just let his kid being pricked like that!

Suddenly there was a sound of someone coming in, she then turned his head, only to see Zhou Han had come back, not sure when he had returned, he just looked at them steadily at this moment.

Lin Li looked at him without saying a word, still thinking about what Xiao Bin said just now, and wondering whether Zhou Han knew that his ex-wife often abused their son with needles like this!

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As if seeing through her thoughts, Zhou Han said directly, "I don't know!"

In fact, Zhou Han came back just a few minutes earlier. It turned out that he had just drove out of the hospital, and suddenly remembered that there was a document that he left here, and that document happened to be used in the morning, so he turned back. And when he just arrived. he saw the noisy state at the door, and there were a lot of people standing there. 

After listening for a while, he realized that it was the little nurse who had injected the needle several times without success. Then Lin Li stopped arguing with them. He was a little surprise that she would be like this, and he could see that she really felt sorry for the child. 

Remembering back on how she got so emotional because the child last night, he was not surprised. When the nurses had left and he was about to go in, unexpectedly, he heard Xiao Bin say that Ling Ran had pricked him like this before. He had no idea about it!

Lin Li returned to her senses, stared at him for a long time, and couldn't help shaking her head, "I really don't understand how there is this kind of parents like you guys." One did not ask about the child at all, the other abused the child with needles. This kid, what mistakes did he actually do!

Zhou Han didn't say a word, but squatted down and took the child's hand and looked at it carefully.




TN: I am not sure if I have to put any trigger warning? What do you prefer if there's another chapter like this in the future? 


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