Chapter 6 part 1: Mother/Daughter in law talks

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- April 13, 2021

Because of the seafood allergies, Lin Li took some time off for the child. Originally, she had planned to take the time off to stay at home to take care of the child. However, she happened to receive a call from the child’s grandmother in the morning saying that she hadn’t seen the child for a while and wanted her to take the child back to the compound in the evening along with Zhou Han. She also added that although the child's grandfather didn't say anything, he still thought of the child immensely.

Actually, after getting the marriage certificate with Zhou Han, Lin Li realized that Zhou Han’s relationship with his father had always been tense because Zhou Han had robbed his best friend’s girlfriend. Such behavior was unforgivable to Zhou’s father, who had always put 'loyalty' in his words, so Father Zhou was directly angry and cut off his relationship with Zhou Han 

After father and son had broken off their relationship and Zhou Han took the woman, Xiao Bin's mother, to the United States directly, until he returned from the United States with the child at the beginning of this year.

Although Father Zhou broke off his relationship with his son and indifferent to his life outside, as a mother, Mother Zhou still contacted Zhou Han privately behind her husband's back. And all these seven years that Zhou Han had been away, the mother and son did not meet and the contact made was only by phone. 

So when Zhou Han returned with her 6-year-old son seven years later, Mother Zhou was excited at once, and felt distressed for her grandson, but Xiao Bin the child seemed to be affected by the his growing up environment. He looked a little withdrawn, was dull and didn't like to talk. Therefore, he was not enthusiastic about his grandparents who he had never met. But after getting along for a while, he knew that his grandma was kind to him, and slowly became close with grandma. 

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In addition, he was his own grandson after all. Although Father Zhou didn't say anything about it, he didn't comment much about Zhou Han's return to the military compound with his child.

In the past, when Lin Li accompanied these father and son back to the compound, Mother Zhou quietly took her hand and told her that because of the child, Father Zhou had a better attitude towards Zhou Han and asked her to persuade Zhou Han to take the child back more for a visit or a meal.

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Lin Li told Mother Zhou about the child's allergies. She only had this one grandson, Mother Zhou was anxious and hurriedly said, "Why so careless? Where are you now? Are you still in the hospital? I'll come and have a look now."

Lin Li hurriedly explained, "No, no, Mom, we are already home. We just asked for a leave from the kindergarten. I say he just recovered now, let's let the child rest at home for a day, and then send him to class tomorrow. "

"Yes, yes, you have the body recuperate first." After that, she was still a little worried, and said: "Why don't you send the child to me? I'll prepare some soup to help his recovery. "

Lin Li thought for a while, that's not a bad idea. The child just got better. so he should eat more nutritious food. As far as her cooking skills are concerned, it’s still okay to cook some noodles for breakfast. If she (Mother Zhou) really wanted her (Lin Li) to make dinner, soup or something else, then maybe she (Lin Li) can come up with something.

Thinking of this, she nodded and said: "Alright, I will send the child over."

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After hanging up the call, she turned to look at the little guy who was sitting on the sofa in the living room. He was holding the Transformers and playing with it. He played very seriously, his face was not smiling, his little face still had that sullen expression. The little hand was swaying mechanically, and she couldn't help but feel reluctant. 

Suddenly there was a strong thought in her heart. Maybe she had a fate with this little guy to let them meet like this. Regardless of how her future with Zhou Han would be, she wanted that as long as she's still around, she must made this little guy become happier, at least not like now, always hiding alone in the corner.

After regaining her senses, Lin Li met the child’s plain and innocent eyes, Lin Li smiled lightly at him, while walking towards him, squatted halfway in front of him, and asked: "Xiao Bin, auntie will take you to your grandparents’ house. OK?"

The little guy looked at her, his big eyes wandering around, before nodding after a while, then lowered his head again, and continued to play with the Transformers in his hand.

Lin Li touched his head. It was October. The weather was getting colder and colder. She was worried that he would catch a cold when he went out later, so she went directly into the room and gave him a coat, and packed along the medicine that Doctor had prescribed in the hospital in the morning, and then took his hand and went out together.

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It was noon when they arrived at the military compound. Mother Zhou was already waiting at the door. Seeing her car stopped, she hurriedly stepped forward and opened the door of the back seat. When her grandson came down, she couldn’t help but looked at him closely, and touched his face a little distressedly, and said, "You are thinner."

"Grandma." The little guy called out softly. There was a faint smile at the corner of Mother Zhou's mouth.

"Good, good." Mother Zhou touched his head, and then walked into the house while holding his hand, and said as she walked: "Our Xiao Bin must be hungry already, grandma will take you to eat delicious food, and grandma cooked all of Xiao Bin's favorite food."

(TN: the "Good" here is usually to praise a good attitude of a kid)

"Okay." The little guy nodded and replied softly. Unlike other children, he played very carefully, and would not jump up and yell excitedly because of joy.

Lin Li smiled faintly at the corner of her mouth, and followed them in./

Father Zhou did not come back at noon. Speaking of, Zhou family was still an official family, Zhou Han was still a second-generation official, because Father Zhou was the secretary of the Jiang City Municipal Party Committee and usually worked in the city government.

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After having lunch at noon, Mother Zhou coaxed the little guy to nap and said that when he woke up, she would take him out to play. The little guy usually had no friends, and Zhou Han was also busy. In addition to his indifferent attitude towards him, he didn’t take him out much to play. As he heard his grandma said that she would take him out to play, he was still a child after all, he happily pestered his grandma to say where to go and so on.




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TN: It's a little frustrating to translate this story sometimes, as the author has the habit of putting so many sentences in one line so author used a lot of commas. If you read the original, you may found out that I split those sentences into 2 or 3 parts because they were just too long and crammed up together  anyway, thanks for reading my rant. LOL


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