Chapter 7 part 1: Suspected pregnancy

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- April 18, 2021

When Zhou Han called back in the evening, Lin Li was surprised that he was asking about Xiao Bin's condition. No matter how surprised she was, Lin Li still told him truthfully that she had brought Xiao Bin back to the military compound. Zhou Han only responded casually, without any objection, and then casually asked her a few business matters. 

Just when Lin Li was about to hang up, Mother Zhou came in with a freshly homemade snack. She heard that she was calling her son and hurriedly asked Lin Li to ask him to come home for dinner at night.

Zhou Han was quiet on the phone for a long time, before finally nodded in agreement, "Okay, I understand."

Lin Li nodded, and just said: "Okay, then I'll hang up first." After finishing her words, she hung up the call.

Seeing her hung up, Mother Zhou hurriedly asked, "How is it, does Ah Han promise to go home for dinner?"

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Lin Li nodded at her with a smile, "En, he promised." 

(TN: you will see a lot of this phrase in Chinese novel "En", basically is like "Mm" or "Okay")

She (Lin Li) knew that she (Mother Zhou) missed her son, just like her mother missed herself. Thinking of this, Lin Li suddenly really missed Daddy Lin and Mommy Lin. Mom and Dad had been back for more than a month, and she didn't know if his health was better now. Perhaps, she should take some time to go back and have a look.

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"Xiao Li, Xiao Li?" Mother Zhou whispered from the side, "What are you thinking about?"

Lin Li came back to her senses, looked at her with a smile, shook her head and said, "It's nothing."

She didn't want to say, Mother Zhou also didn't want to ask too much. She suddenly remembered something, frowned and muttered in a low voice: "I just saw you on the phone with Ah Han. How did I feel it's a little weird?"

"How is it weird?" Lin Li was puzzled. At the same time, she recalled the phone call between her and Zhou Han just now. The voice was normal and the content was normal. There should be no strange things!

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Mother Zhou looked at her, thinking carefully. She knew it was a weird feeling, but to let her spell it out, she somehow didn't know how to say it either.

"Huh?" Lin Li eyed her suspiciously.

It was really hard to tell. In the end, Mother Zhou shook her head and smiled: "Nothing... It's nothing." Then she took the glutinous rice balls that had just been brought in, handed it to her, and said, "Come.. come.. This is what Mother cooked just now. It's glutinous rice balls, eat them while they are hot. If it's not enough, there are still more."




Lin Li hurriedly reached out and took it from her. Looking down at the big bowl of glutinous rice balls, she looked at Mother Zhou embarrassedly and said, "Mom, I haven't digested what I ate at noon." 

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Since the last incident, her appetite had always been poor, and nothing tasted good when she eats. She used to like to eat, but now she felt disgusted and repelled. Eating had become a task for her, it was a torment. When she was hungry, then she would force herself to eat something. Otherwise, she would absolutely not eat.

"Now you reminded me. In the afternoon you ate so little, even less than Xiao Bin," Mother Zhou sternly said, "No, you have to eat this bowl of glutinous rice balls."

Lin Li smiled bitterly, "I..." She tried to explain, but she was stared back by Mother Zhou.

"Xiao Li, don't learn whatever those girls outside talking about dieting or whatever... You look at yourself now. Even if you want to lose weight, there's nothing else to lose anymore. You are too thin." Zhou's mother persuaded Lin Li.

Everything was good with this girl. After meeting her for several times, her attitude and personality were good, except that she was too thin. The whole person was as thin as a piece of paper. It felt like she could be easily blown away by the wind. It’s really heartbreaking to look at. 

In the future, she should get Zhou Han to bring her back more frequently. So she could get more nutritious food to replenish her body.

"No... I... It's just, no matter how much I eat, I can't get fat." Lin Li smiled, but her heart was warm, and she could really feel her care for herself, and the feeling in her heart was very comfortable.

"Just look at your mouse-like appetite, how much you can eat, of course you can't get fat." Mother Zhou gave her an angry look, then stood up, "No can't do, I have to go and see how Xiao Bin is eating. You eat this bowl of glutinous rice balls too, don't leave anything behind." She said as she was walking out.

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Lin Li smiled bitterly at the glutinous rice balls, she must really finish this bowl~!

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In order to not waste Mother Zhou's kindness, Lin Li forced herself to finish the big bowl of glutinous rice balls, and when she went out with the empty bowl and chopsticks, there were already no figures of Mother Zhou or the little guy in the living room.

The housekeeper auntie saw her came out, smiled and stretched out her hand to take the bowl and chopsticks in her hand, seeming to see her doubts, and proactively said: "Madam brought the young master to go out and play."

Lin Li nodded, suddenly felt that her stomach tumbling, making her feel uncomfortable. She quickly covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.



TN: There are a lot of types of glutinous rice balls, this one in the picture is one of my favorite, the black sesame fillings. Yumm!

Also, gomen  I am still adjusting my schedule to do this translation and made a blunder for the release of these 2 chapters (Le Sigh...) Thank you for your support!

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