Chapter 7 part 2: Suspected Pregnancy

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- April 19, 2021

 Lin Li nodded, suddenly felt that her stomach tumbling, making her feel uncomfortable. She quickly covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

Seeing this, the housekeeper put down the tableware and hurriedly chased up with some worry. Lin Li was kneeling in front of the toilet and vomited out all the glutinous rice balls that she had just eaten, and even the food that she ate at noon.

"Oh no, what happened to you," The housekeeper stepped forward anxiously, patted her back with her hand.


Lin Li just vomited out everything. After she was done, Lin Li just slumped to the ground weakly, her chest heaving up and down, and her breath was slightly gasping.

"Stomach flu?" The housekeeper asked guessingly.

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Lin Li's whole body was so weak right now, she only shook her head, without any strength left to answer.

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The housekeeper went up and helped her. She carried her to sit down in the living room, and then went to the kitchen, to give her a glass of water. After vomited, she would feel more comfortable to drink some water, but she couldn't help but muttered in her heart, wondering if there was a problem with the glutinous rice balls that she made. Logically it shouldn't be. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, her eyes widened, and exclaimed, "Could it be... pregnant!"

She hurriedly brought the warm boiled water out to Lin Li, she looked at her ambiguously, wondering how to ask her to confirm.

Lin Li took it and thanked her. Just when she wanted to bring it to her mouth to drink, she heard the housekeeper auntie asking in her ear: "Young Madam, do you often vomit like this?"

"No... no... only occasionally." Lin Li shook her head, knowing her own situation. 

She had always been like this in the past few months. She didn't like to eat, and nothing brought up her appetite. If she forced to eat it, she would always be like this. She vomited all out like this, and she wondered if she really had anorexia.

"Was it just recently? Feeling nausea?" Housekeeper auntie asked somewhat eagerly.

Lin Li gulped the water and nodded her head. She didn't want to explain anything, she just responded in a perfunctory manner.

"That's it, it must be!" The housekeeper auntie said with certainty, nodding her head while she said.

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Lin Li was puzzled, looked up at her and asked, "What is it?"

The housekeeper guessed that Lin Li might not even know it, so she wanted to wait until Madam came back and told her (Madam Zhou) to tell her (Lin Li), so she just smiled and shook her head ambiguously, and said, "Nothing, nothing..."

Although Lin Li felt weird and a little confused, she only nodded her head without asking more questions and drank her own water. After vomiting, although she felt more comfortable, she was still a little tired after all.

Housekeeper auntie saw her look a little tired, and she even believed more of her guess and said, "Are you tired, or why don't you go to the room to take a rest?"

Lin Li was indeed really tired. The whole person only felt no strength. She really wanted to go in and lie down, so she nodded, "Okay, I'm going to lie down for a while." Then she entered Zhou Han's room, laid on the single bed, slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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When Lin Li woke up again, the outside sky was already dark, the sun had completely set, and the darkness fell.

She raised her hand to check the time, it was almost 6 o'clock, and Lin Li did not expect that she would sleep for nearly three hours. She quickly turned over, opened the door and went out. 

She saw that Father Zhou was back and he was sitting on the sofa in the living room reading at the newspaper, but his eyes didn't seem to be on the newspaper. His eyes always consciously or unconsciously glanced at the body of the little guy who was sitting on the side and playing with Transformers, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

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At the moment, Mother Zhou and the housekeeper were in the kitchen fixing today's dinner. The two seemed to be talking about something. They sounded very happy. From time to time, there were bursts of laughter coming out of the kitchen.

Mother Zhou came out of the kitchen carrying some dishes. She happened to see Lin Li standing on the side. She hurriedly smiled and said to her, "Xiao Li is awake, it's about to start dinner soon."

Lin Li also smiled at her, and went forward to go to the kitchen to help bring out the dishes.

After entering the kitchen, Lin Li volunteered and said: "Mom, let me take it." She said as she hurried forward to take over the food from Mother Zhou's hand.

Mother Zhou hurriedly avoided her, put the vegetables aside, and hurriedly pulled Lin Li to tell her to go out, "Aiyah, the cooking fume in the kitchen is so heavy, go out quickly."

"Mom, I just want to help." Lin Li explained hurriedly, as she would feel a little embarrassed to just let her sit and wait for dinner.

"No need, no need, just let me and auntie do it. No need for you to help," Mother Zhou insisted, muttering softly, "You are different now, you have to take care carefully."

Lin Li frowned, feeling a little strange, "What do you mean?" Why did she think something was wrong!

Mother Zhou behaved almost similar to housekeeper auntie, only smiled at her ambiguously, changing the subject, and said, "Come, why don't you call to ask where Ah Han is now? Everyone is here, just waiting for him."

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She didn't say anything so Lin Li didn't ask again, she just took out her mobile phone, called Zhou Han, and asked, "Hello, where are you now?"

"Already at the front door," Zhou Han only replied with short words, and then hung up the phone directly.

As expected, Lin Li didn't wait long before Zhou Han came in from outside. He walked in from outside with a briefcase. When he came in, Father Zhou didn't speak, but gave him a faint glance, and then looked down at the newspaper in his hand.

Mother Zhou hurriedly stepped forward, pulled Zhou Han in with a happy face, and smiled, then raised her voice to the housekeeper auntie that everyone was here and it was time for dinner.

Zhou Han raised his eyes just to meet Lin Li, did not speak, only nodded faintly.



TN: ML is back! Yayyy.. It's so funny to see everyone was so excited with their own thoughts, yet FL doesn't know anything LOL

And sorry for all the confusion about the chapters. They are all fixed now. Thank you for your support! 

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