Fix Smile Order

Chapter 141

Tang Tianyuan was able to grasp the conversation very well. If he praised Tan Lingyin at this moment, it would probably arouse his mother's disgust, so he pushed the topic aside. "It's time for dinner. I asked the kitchen to prepare some of mother's favorite dishes."

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After lunch, Tang Tianyuan told his mother that her housing was ready.


Yes. Again, he showed his hospitality by vacating the main area where he lived.


When Madam Tang listened to his arrangement, she said, "Why are you so stingy, making me stay with you? Do you lack living arrangements in the county government office?"


Although Tang Tianyuan was not young, he has not married yet. Living in the same yard with his mother was not a taboo.


Tang Tianyuan laughed and said, "I haven’t seen my mother in more than half a year. This way I can see you more often."


Madam Tang glanced at her son suspiciously. She suddenly asked, "Do you still remember my birthday?"


"The sixth day of April, what's the matter? It's still several months before your birthday."


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Madam Tang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he wasn’t possessed. Don't blame her for thinking wildly. The main reason was that her son had changed too much, and the direction of this change was too unexpected. If Tang Tianyuan had become more stable, more calm, more pragmatic, etc., it could be explained due to his new environment and low official position. However, he had become glib, as if his mouth had been smeared with honey.


In short, he had mastered the art of coaxing others.


Could it be because of that Tan Lingyin?


Even if this was the reason, it was still unbelievable. Men that could coax women, this type of skill was either innate or a honed experience. Her son had lived to the age of twenty-two, but was never good at coaxing women. How did he suddenly become enlightened when he arrived here? Objectively speaking, the women in Tongling County were definitely not as beautiful as the women in the Imperial City.


Madam Tang couldn't help recalling her son's previous short lived passion. Suddenly a thought flashed in her mind and it jolted her heart. A guess quickly emerged, her face immediately became gloomy.


Tang Tianyuan was very surprised. How come his mother’s face suddenly changed for the worse?


"Mom, do you feel unwell? I'll call the physician."


"No need," Madam Tang shook her head and sighed, "Tianyuan, are you still blaming me?"

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No matter how smart Tang Tianyuan was, he couldn't keep up with his mother's thoughts. He asked, "What am I to blame you for? Firstly, there is no reason, and secondly, I am not ignorant." How could he resent his own elders?


"After all these years you had refused to get close to any maids. Do you still hate me for executing Lizhi?"


Tang Tianyuan lowered his head. "It's been so many years, why bother to mention it again?" If he wanted to put blame, he would have done so at the time. Afterall, it was a life and she was his favorite maid. But it was also impossible for him to hold a grudge for so many years because of a maid. To put it cruelly, the life of a servant was only worth a little bit of money. It was impossible to affect the relationship between their mother and child.


However, time could eliminate resentment, but it could not eliminate psychological shadow. Tang Tianyuan didn't want to recall this kind of thing. He didn't want to mention it and he didn't want to touch the maid—it would make him extremely uncomfortable.


Madam Tang sighed again, "I thought you would be fine when you grew up, but I didn't expect this to happen. I have to make it clear to you now. Do you know why I had her killed?"


Tang Tianyuan was stunned. "Was there a hidden secret?"


"She was gossiping with her older sister behind your back. My maid overheard her. Do you know what she said about you?"


"Said… about me?" Tang Tianyuan was surprised. He treated Lizhi well, and they even shared their feelings. How could Lizhi have spoken ill of him behind his back?

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"Yes," Madam Tang nodded, "She said you had a peculiarity."


Tang Tianyuan's expression changed instantly.


"She said that she also discovered it by accident. As long as they could peak your interest, they would rise in status in no time. Not only her, but she also wanted to push her sister to you. You probably don't remember her older sister. Her name was Chuntao, assigned as an embroiderer maid. —she’s dead now. As sisters of the same mother, she looked somewhat similar to Lizhi. Her hands and feet were very much alike..."


"Stop talking." Tang Tianyuan interrupted her, his lips trembling.


As if not hearing his plea, Madam Tan continued slowly, "Lizhi said, you liked beautiful hands and feet."


How could Madam Tang allow her son to be used like this? If word got out, what would happen to his reputation? Moreover, others with ill intent could use this to seduce her son according to his preference; he’ll be under someone else’s control for the rest of his life. Mrs. Tang was extremely angry at the time, but now she was surprisingly calm when reciting the story.


Tang Tianyuan couldn't help but feel ashamed that his deepest secret was so bluntly told by his mother. He blushed and lowered his head, "Mother, stop talking."


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"I'm already finished. It’s up to you to believe it or not."


How could Tang Tianyuan not believe it? He had kept this secret for all his life.


"Now I want to ask you a question. After so many years of avoiding other women, how could you suddenly fall in love with Tan Lingyin?"


Tang Tianyuan suddenly looked up at her, "Mother..."


"Is it because she has beautiful hands and feet? Although I can't see anything, you must have your own vision."


Tang Tianyuan shook his head. He was about to speak when he suddenly heard a slight noise outside. In a deep voice he asked, "Who’s there?!" He opened the door to look, but there was no one outside.


"You don't need to be so startled." Madam Tang advised.


Tang Tianyuan still felt uneasy.

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