Fix Smile Order

Chapter 142

Because of his mother’s arrival, Tang Tianyuan didn't dare to go to the South Study Room to find Tan Lingyin. The two made an appointment to meet in the Retreat Hall.

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Tan Lingyin arrived first. When Tang Tianyuan walked in, he felt that her expression was off.


Tang Tianyuan walked over and reached out to touch her head. "Yinyin, don't worry."


Tan Lingyin turned her head away, "Sit down and talk, stop trying to get fresh."


Tang Tianyuan had no choice but to sit down. Her attitude was a little cold, which made him even more uneasy.


Tan Lingyin lowered her head and said, "I had never been able to figure it out. With your appearance and family background, why would you like someone like me?"


"Yinyin, don't think about it. Are you concerned that my mother won't agree? Don't worry, I will persuade her."


"I'm not afraid of her, I'm afraid of you," Tan Lingyin suddenly raised her head and looked directly at him, "Tang Tianyuan, tell me, why do you like me?"

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Tang Tianyuan's heart stopped.


Tan Lingyin smiled mockingly.


It seemed that she really heard it. Tang Tianyuan avoided her eyes uncomfortably, and replied, "Don't overthink." His voice was tense, there was nervousness that he couldn't control.


Don't overthink? She couldn't help but think about it!


Tan Lingyin laughed, "Since you refuse to say it, how about I’ll do it for you? Don't you just like my hands and feet, why do you need to marry me? Come, I'll chop off my hands and feet and give them to you, okay?"


"Yinyin!" Tang Tianyuan interrupted her in a deep voice. His face was pale, a little sullen and a little irritable, "Don't say such things in the future."


"Why? Are you guilty?" Tan Lingyin sneered, her eyes were red, "Tang Tianyuan, you liar."

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Tang Tianyuan was very angry. He knew he shouldn't be angry at this time, but he couldn't control it. She couldn't see his kindness and his sincerity, but because of this kind of thing, he became a ‘liar’.


Why is it wrong to like hands and feet? It was not that he liked to eat hands and feet! Was there a need to say such words!?


Tang Tianyuan's face became more and more ugly. Tan Lingyin knew that he must have become angry from embarrassment. She stood up and said coldly, "I am from a humble background. I dare not enter the gate of your Tang Residence."


She dared break up with him! Tang Tianyuan was so angry that his forehead twitched. He clenched his fists tightly, his expression profound, as he spoke in an icy tone, "Tan Lingyin, I misread you."


"My point exactly." Tan Lingyin dropped these words and left without looking back.


Tang Tianyuan did chase her.


After walking out, Tan Lingyin clenched her jaw tightly as tears streamed down her face. She lowered her head and did not wipe her tears. She continued to cry as she walked from Retreat Hall to the Southern Study. When she made it into her room, Tan Lingyin closed the door and continued to cry.

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Heh. But considering it, this was the only possible reason. Afterall, who was Tang Tianyuan? With his appearance and family background, he had endless women to choose from. Why bother with her, a mere daughter of a merchant? Because of love? That only happened in fiction! She was simply delusional!


The more Tan Lingyin thought about it, the more she felt wronged and uncomfortable. When she thought about the gap between her and Tang Tianyuan, it was even harder to take. They are not from the same world anyways, there was no need for wishful thinking.


She was also a bit unreconciled. He didn't like her, he only liked her hands and feet. What a perverted fetish!


It was better off that way. There was no sense of security if her own man would see her as only an object. Tan Lingyin scolded Tang Tianyuan in her heart to comfort herself. She gradually calmed down and stopped crying.


But soon, she accidentally thought of his kindness again. When she was angry, he coaxed without shame, allowing her to beat and scold him. All the things he did for her, he...


Thinking of this, Tan Lingyin's heart felt sore and painful, and she couldn't help crying again.

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Tang Tianyuan couldn't feel much better than Tan Lingyin. However, he was a man and couldn't vent by crying.


He was in pain and distress. She didn't understand him enough, didn't value him enough, didn't love him enough. If she really cared about him, why would she want to separate from him because of this kind of thing? Couldn’t she listen to his explanation? Can't they talk it out?


He admitted that it was his fault keeping this secret, but... how could he tell her this kind of problem? And because he didn’t tell her, he was damned? And they must break up because of it?


She must have already been bored of him, wishing she could get rid of him as soon as possible. Now was just the perfect opportunity!


He was self-indulgent, always believing they were inseparable, but in fact, she may have never taken him seriously!


The more he thought about it, the more angry Tang Tianyuan became, completely unable to calm down. He had a dark face, like a plague god, and the bailiffs hid when they saw him, and no one dared to speak. All of the servants shrank their necks and dared not make any noise, for fear of being swept away by his anger.

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