Fix Smile Order

Chapter 143

Naturally, Tang Tianyuan had no appetite during dinner. With his chopsticks stabbed into the rice, his eyes remained dull. Madam Tang was already informed of the quarrel between him and Tan Lingyin, but she was still surprised to see her son like this. His son was seldom angry, and even if he were upset, he was kind on the surface. He would take revenge silently, or just straighten out his mood. In short, it was rare to see him like this, like a moving volcano, ready to erupt at any time, burning innocent passers-by to ashes.

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Although it's bad to be angry, Madam Tang, who had always been used to her son remaining as calm as water, felt Tang Tianyuan was much more human this way. So Madam Tang was in a good mood, and ate happily in front of her son's angry face.


Xueli walked in from the outside and whispered to Tang Tianyuan, "Young Master, Head Commissioner Tan doesn't want to eat." She was quite dense and could not compare with Xianggua’s ability to read the mood. Because Tang Tianyuan ordered to report Tan Lingyin's situation to him at any time, she fearlessly made her report.




Tang Tianyuan slammed his chopsticks down hard, and said angrily, "Whether she eats or not is none of my business!"


Madam Tang glanced at him. She calmly picked up a piece of ribs and threw it to Tang Tang by the table and said, "For just this matter, Head Commissioner Tan seems quite temperamental… Such a person..." She sighed and shook her head. 


Her meaning: Such a person is not worthy to be the Head Madam of the Tang Residence.

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Tang Tianyuan couldn't help but argue, "She's not someone of quick temper."


Madam Tang felt that her son was still not yet mature. He was already so peeved, yet still spoke up for her...


Tang Tianyuan also realized that he had said so much. He became depressed and didn't say anything after that.


After dinner, Tang Tianyuan was still in a bad mood and had nothing to do, so he laid in bed early. He couldn't sleep and thought about Tan Lingyin over and over again. Sometimes indignant, sometimes unhappy, other times regretful. Maybe he should have yielded some more. For such a foodie to skip dinner, one could only imagine how angry she was...


Wait, angry?


Tang Tianyuan sat up abruptly.

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Yes. She was so angry that she didn't even eat dinner.


——Her anger meant that she really cared about him.


Tang Tianyuan slapped his head. How could he be so stupid!?


No one was to blame for the smatter. The thought processes of women and men were completely different. No matter how smart a man was, it was difficult to guess a woman's mind. Every sentence that Tan Lingyin said today stabbed Tang Tianyuan in the heart like a knife. He was so concerned with the pain that he wasn’t able to deeply contemplate anything.


In short, Tan Lingyin was aggrieved and furious at him. What she said to him before was all in the moment of anger.


Tang Tianyuan's mood became the sun after a rainfall; the rainbow after a hurricane. Although he couldn't figure out why Tan Lingyin was angry, the root cause must be that she cared about him. She loved him!


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When a man was happy, so was his stomach—his stomach sang a little song excitedly.


Tang Tianyuan got out of bed and went out to look for food. When the maid in charge of nightwatch found out he was hungry, she hurriedly brought some food from the kitchen. Although it was not as rich as dinner, there were vegetables and soup. It was enough to fill the stomach and it was still hot.


Tang Tianyuan was a little surprised. "So fast?"


The maid replied, "Madam was afraid that you will be hungry at night, so she asked the kitchen to be prepared."


Tang Tianyuan wanted to ask if there was any food set aside for Head Commissioner Tan. What if Tan Lingyin was also hungry at night? But after he thought about it, his mother would definitely not leave any for Tan Lingyin. He pushed a basket of steamed buns to the maid, "Put this back."


The maid complied.


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While eating, Tang Tianyuan thought about how he should coax Tan Lingyin tomorrow. Well, not just coax her, but he also had to teach her well. No matter how angry she was in the future, she shouldn’t mention breaking up again. Those words were too painful to bear.



While having their breakfast, Madam Tang clearly felt that her son's mood was much more stable. But there was an evil smile on Tang Tiangyuan’s face, as if he was ready to tear someone into pieces at any time. Madam Tang couldn't help complaining in her heart: Where this Tan Lingyin demoness came from, she had even turned her precious into an evil-doer.


Before breakfast was finished, Xueli walked in again. After being yelled at yesterday, she had learned to lower voice this time, but Madam Tang still heard her.


"Young Master, Head Commissioner Tan is packing up her things. She seems to be leaving."


Tang Tianyuan's expression changed. He couldn't care less about eating as he put down his chopsticks. "Mother, there is something I need to take care of."


Madam Tang nodded but said nothing. When her son left, she pushed away her half-drunk porridge bowl and followed him. Because she was worried that her son's secret would be overheard by others, Madam Tang specially asked no one to follow them.

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