After she spoke, she realized that Ning Qingqing hadn’t eaten anything in a while, so she asked, “Why don’t we go eat together? I ordered a lot, so I definitely can’t finish it.”

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Ning Qingqing shook her head and replied with a smile, “Thank you, but I’m not hungry. Go and eat, and I’ll keep watch over here.”

After she replied, she subconsciously glanced at the time. It was already half past six in the evening, and Shen Zhiqian hadn’t arrived yet.

Looking at Ning Qingqing’s movements, Qin Yanyue felt a little anxious——

Was the beautiful sister really waiting for someone?

At this moment, Ning Qingqing’s phone rang.

Seeing that it was Shen Zhiqian’s driver calling, she answered it.

The driver Xiao Wang said, “Miss Ning, CEO Shen asked me to bring you something. Are you at home right now?”

The bookstore was not far from Ning Qingqing’s house; she could go back on foot. Once she heard Xiao Wang’s tone, she had a bad premonition, “He hasn’t come back from his business trip?”

Xiao Wang was puzzled, “Yes, I heard from special assistant Wu that CEO Shen originally booked a plane ticket back for tomorrow, but things got thorny over there. Special assistant Wu told me to send the car for maintenance since CEO Shen probably won’t be back in the next day or two.”

When Ning Qingqing heard this, there was a buzzing in her ears.

After a long time, she heard her own voice that had become hoarse, “I’m at the ‘Time Book Café’ which is located at the intersection near the east side of my neighborhood.”

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“Okay, I’ll be there in about 20 minutes.” Xiao Wang said.

Ning Qingqing hung up the phone and leaned back against the chair, only feeling waves of chills.

She tried her best to tell herself that perhaps this was the surprise from Shen Zhiqian. He might be able to come back tonight and give her a clear answer.

No matter what, she would wait for him until midnight.

Not long after, Xiao Wang arrived. Ning Qingqing received the call and went out. She glanced around and only saw Xiao Wang who was alone.

Her heart sank lower and lower into the depths, and when Xiao Wang explained, “CEO Shen said that he will be very busy abroad with meetings in the following days, so he asked me to surely deliver the item to you in person”, her heart completely drowned into the dark abyss!

“Okay, thank you.” Her voice was dry, and she almost tried her best not to show any fragility.

But Xiao Wang still sensed something was wrong, and asked, “Miss Ning, are you all right, are you feeling unwell?”

Ning Qingqing shook her head, “It’s okay, thank you for today, you can go back now.”

Xiao Wang nodded, “Okay, then I’ll leave first.”

Ning Qingqing held a beautifully packaged small box in her hand. She returned to the book cafe as if her soul had been taken out of her.

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The moment she opened the box, she was even thinking, what if it contained a wedding ring?

However, once the box was opened, a car key was inside.

It had a Porsche logo, one that many people dreamed about, but it was not what she wanted.

Since Shen Zhiqian missed the appointment for her 25th birthday, perhaps as compensation, he gave her a million-dollar luxury car.

Ning Qingqing laughed at herself. Then tears suddenly fell down her cheeks.

On the other side, although Qin Yanyue was eating, she kept paying attention to Ning Qingqing’s situation.

She had very good eyesight, so she could see Ning Qingqing crying from afar.

Quickly putting down her chopsticks, Qin Yanyue hurriedly sent a message, “Older brother, what should I do? Older sister just answered a phone call and went out. Then someone delivered something to her, and she cried once she saw it.”

After she sent the message, she continued, “Should I comfort her? Older brother, what should I do?”

Before she could send that message, Gu Youchen’s phone call came in.

“Xiao Yue, did you see the person who gave her the thing? What did he give her?”

Qin Yanyue said, “It’s just a young guy. They stayed at the door for a short time. I couldn’t clearly see what he looked like, but he didn’t look like he could be her boyfriend. The guy gave her a small beautifully packaged box, but I didn’t know what was in it.”

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Gu Youchen thought for a moment and said, “Okay, I’ll buy a plane ticket and come back now.”

Qin Yanyue could sense something in the air, “Older brother, you’re already acquainted with her, right?”

Who was Gu Youchen? It was impossible for him to fall in love with a girl so impulsively at first sight with just a photo.

When she sent the photo to Gu Youchen her intention was purely to amuse her older cousin.

Because Gu Youchen was already 26, yet had never had a girlfriend, the elders worried a lot during the Chinese New Year. Even her aunt secretly told her mother she was worried that her son liked men.

This was because Gu Youchen was surrounded by either his business clients or his childhood friends, all of whom were men.

Just as Qin Yanyue became curious, Gu Youchen said, “When I got to know her, you were still in your first year of kindergarten.”

“Ah?!” Qin Yanyue was shocked. Then she was pleasantly surprised, “So my older brother isn’t gay1! Good luck, older brother! I will continue to help you keep an eye on Sister-in-law!”

With one phone call, the way she addressed her had changed.

She was afraid of disturbing Ning Qingqing. Once she saw that Ning Qingqing had calmed down a little, she carefully returned to her seat, “Thank you, older sister, I’m done eating!”

After stating so, she looked at Ning Qingqing’s slightly red eyes and asked, “Did Older sister encounter some trouble?”

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Ning Qingqing couldn’t even pull on a smile. She just shook her head, “I’m fine.”

After that, she started packing her things.

Seeing that she was leaving, Qin Yanyue felt a little restless.

After waiting for Ning Qingqing to pack up and leave, she paid the tab and left like a thief to follow her out secretly.

Fortunately, Ning Qingqing walked very slowly, and her mind was obviously not on this matter, so she didn’t notice that she was being followed by a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

She walked slowly along the road. Clearly, she was already in the abyss, yet she was still waiting for the last ray of hope.

Shen Zhiqian promised her that day that he would give her an answer today.

There were still four more hours until midnight, and she was still waiting.



She says this in English

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