The time trickled little by little like sand in an hourglass. As it fell slowly, not only did time pass, but it also scattered away all the enthusiasm Ning Qingqing had toward this relationship.

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She didn’t know how long she had been walking, but when she realized it, she noticed that she had already walked past her community and had come to a small commercial district that was one subway stop away from her home.

It was already the end of the workday, so there were rushing crowds passing by; there were office workers and couples. Everyone had their own destination.

Ning Qingqing stood in the middle of the commercial district in a daze for a while. Afterward, she turned her gaze around and walked towards a cake shop.

On her 25th birthday, she wanted to bid farewell to the past 9 years and embrace life again.

She could cry, she could be sad, but she couldn’t stop loving herself.

Ning Qingqing went inside, chose a fruit cake, an 8-inch formal birthday cake, ordered candles and cake sparklers, and walked home with them.

Behind her, the little tail, Qin Yanyue followed the whole way, and then picked up her phone to report to his brother, “Sister-in-law bought a birthday cake, is it her friend’s birthday today or her own? But she didn’t seem to invite anyone.”

Gu Youchen replied, “It’s her birthday.”

In a certain clubhouse in Beishi, Gu Youchen pushed the door open and went out. Special assistant Zhou Luo chased after him: “CEO Gu, tomorrow is a critical time for the project. If you are not here, our chances of winning will be greatly reduced!”

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Gu Youchen kept on walking, “Try your best to explain to the other party, I believe in your ability.”

Zhou Luo looked distressed, “CEO Gu, the Shen Group also participated in this bidding. Although the overall strength of their group is not as strong as ours, they are more experienced than us in this field. We don’t actually have any advantage.”

Gu Youchen replied, “I will try to delay the time. I will come back after I finish my business.”

Zhou Luo was gloomy: “Alright CEO Gu, I will try my best…”

Gu Yuchen spoke as he walked, “I arranged for Zhou Linghang to come over tonight. Although his family is in a different industry, he has some contacts. You can go to tomorrow’s meeting together.”

Zhou Luo nodded, “Okay.” He regained a little bit of his confidence.

When Ning Qingqing returned to her community, Gu Youchen was on his way to the private airport.

That night’s plane tickets back to Beijing were already sold out, so Gu Youchen called for the group’s private jet in Beishi.

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As he got on the plane and flew high above the clouds, Ning Qingqing’s take-out also arrived.

She opened each box, plated the food using the complete set of celadon tableware that she bought herself, and placed the cake in the center.

The dining table was fully covered, and it was particularly sumptuous. 

Ning Qingqing opened the candle box, placed two candles with the numbers 2 and 5 on both sides of the cake, and inserted the sparklers in the center of the cake.

Putting on the birthday princess headband gifted by the cake shop, Ning Qingqing lit the candles and then turned off the lights.

After lighting the fuse of the sprinklers, a beautiful flame burned above the cake. In front of the dancing lights and shadows, Ning Qingqing closed her eyes, clasped her hands together and made a wish——

“May my family and friends be healthy and safe.”

“May I soar in my own blue sky after I turn 25.”

She opened her eyes and blew out the candle.

The flame burnt out, leaving only a bit of black ash, which was captured by the wrapping paper, preventing it from falling on the cake.

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Ning Qingqing took off the candles and sprinklers one by one and cut a piece of cake for herself.

“Qingqing, happy birthday!” she said to herself.

She ate the cake earnestly bite by bite and ate the dishes she ordered until her belly was bulging.

At this time, the phone on the table rang. It was her mother.

“My baby, happy birthday!” Ms. Ning Ruojun was almost fifty years old, but she was still a frequent flyer. At this moment, she had just gotten off the plane and was at the airport near Manhattan.

“Thank you, mom.” Ning Qingqing’s throat choked with emotion.

She didn’t feel much before, but when she heard her mother’s voice, she wanted to cry.

Trying not to let her mother hear the strangeness in her voice, she asked, “Where are you?”

“There is a project in Manhattan, and I have to take care of it myself. Alas, Qingqing, I heard from Nie Yu that you plan to come back. That kid didn’t lie to me, did he?” Ning Ruojun asked.

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Ning Qingqing replied, “He didn’t. I think my current job is no longer suitable for me. I want to challenge myself.”

“Okay, then mom will wait for you.” After Ning Ruojun said that she turned her head, looked to her side, and was stunned. After a moment, she sneered, “Guess who I saw? Your dad!”

Ning Qingqing was shocked, “Ahhh, he went to Manhattan too?”

“God knows what he’s here for.” Ning Ruojun and her husband divorced 20 years ago. She got custody, and her daughter changed to her surname.

When the two were still husband and wife, they quarreled every day. They became strangers after the divorce, but they would occasionally attend the same business events and bicker whenever they met. In short, when they met it couldn’t be peaceful.

Remembering that it was her daughter’s birthday today, Ning Ruojun decided to ignore that man, and asked instead, “Qingqing, are you at your apartment now, or…?”

Ning Qingqing replied, “I’m at my apartment.”

“Okay, mom bought you a birthday present, and it will be delivered soon.” Ning Ruojun revealed.

“En, thank you, mom!”

Just as Ning Qingqing hung up the phone, the phone in her hand rang again. It was her father, Tan Haize.

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