Ning Qingqing turned off her phone, turned off the lights, and lay back down in bed.

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Darkness was the best cover for her fragile emotions. In the end, she cried.

Breaking up was not so simple as just sending a sentence. It was like digging out all the memories and promises from the past directly from the flesh so that those areas could become empty.

Her tears were unrestrained in the dark. She curled up under her covers and told herself that everything would be fine.

At the gate of the community, Gu Youchen stood for a long time in his suit.

Although the security guard thought that he looked wealthy, he did not let him in.

After he called and Ning Qingqing didn’t answer, he stopped calling, but continued to stand at the gate and posted jokes.

At one o’clock that night, he posted more than twenty jokes.

He didn’t know which room was Ning Qingqing’s, but as the night progressed, the lights of many night owls in the community gradually went out.

Gu Youchen returned to his car and rested on the seat.


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Occasionally, a stray kitten would sprint past the grassy sidewalk next to him, and cabs would speed past his car as they rushed to reach their next customer.

The city ushered in the first light of dawn after a night of sleep.

Gu Youchen opened his eyes from his light sleep, stretched his sore neck, and turned his head to look at the community.

It was very early, just past five o’clock in the morning. Only a few elderly people came in and out of the community to do their morning exercises.

As the sky got brighter, those who had work and school finally came out one after another.

Gu Youchen sat up straight and carefully scanned the cars driving out.

He wasn’t sure if Ning Qingqing planned to come out this morning. Moreover, it wasn’t his place to proactively ask her about her plans, so he could only wait.

Finally, at 8:10, Gu Youchen saw Ning Qingqing exit the community.

She was carrying a rather large bag and was walking toward the subway station in professional attire.

She was probably heading to work.

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Gu Youchen watched the girl’s face through the car window, wondering if it was his own imagination, but was certain that Ning Qingqing’s eyes were slightly swollen.

He started the car, followed her slowly, and watched her enter the subway station with his own eyes.

Afterward, he drove in Shen Group’s direction.

During the morning rush hour, driving was slower than the subway. It was already 9:10 when Gu Youchen arrived at Shen Group.

He got out of the car and went straight to ask the security guard who was standing at the Shen Group gate, “May I ask, Miss Ning Qingqing is working here, right?”

He was sure that the security guard knew of Ning Qingqing, after all, she was the CEO’s girlfriend.

Sure enough, the security guard nodded, “Miss Ning has already gone upstairs. You are? “

Gu Youchen thanked him with a nod, “I’ll call her.”

After that, he walked to the side.

Upstairs, Ning Qingqing arrived at her office and turned on the computer.

She started typing a letter of resignation, which she typed countless times in her mind during her insomnia last night. She finished writing it in just over ten minutes.

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She printed out the resignation letter, and while she signed, fine beads of sweat formed on her palm.

She barely slept last night. First, she started crying, then she couldn’t stop herself from endlessly recalling the past.

Recalling the past nine years, recalling the sweetness of the past.

It wasn’t until she traversed each memory that those moments deeply imprinted in her heart could finally be gradually released.

The empty places were still empty but maybe numbed, so that they wouldn’t hurt as much anymore.

She would be fine, there was still a long future ahead. Perhaps, when she looked back many years later, this pain would already be healed by time.

One at a time, Ning Qingqing put away her things from inside the drawer. She carried a big bag today, and she did not have many personal items at the company, so she could fit them all inside.

Subsequently, she labeled each of the contracts she prepared before so that her replacement could quickly find everything he or she needed.

It was already ten o’clock in the morning after she finished her tasks. Ning Qingqing got up and knocked on the door of the legal affairs director’s office.

“Come in. ” Director Wang said.

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Ning Qingqing walked in, “Morning, Director Wang. “

” Qingqing—— ” Director Wang saw her, and said with a smile, “CEO Shen has been busy with projects in Beishi these days. If the negotiation is successful over there, our legal department will probably be busy again!”

Ning Qingqing nodded slightly at him, and in the next second, she handed over the letter of resignation in her hands, “Director Wang, I plan to resign. “

Director Wang was stunned, “What? “

He was so shocked that he even forgot to receive the resignation letter.

Ning Qingqing nodded and repeated, “Director Wang, I have already sorted out all my work documents; I don’t have any incomplete contracts on hand, so I can hand over my work at any time.”

Only then did Director Wang realize that Ning Qingqing was serious, and he raised his eyes, “Qingqing, did you encounter any difficulties at work? Could it be that because I let you oversee Si Luoqing’s contract a few days ago, your girlish heart felt troubled? “

Although Director Wang was usually in his own office, but whenever there was the slightest whiff of trouble, his confidants would inform him.

“It’s not because of this.” Ning Qingqing took a deep breath, “It’s because I have a double degree, so now that I have trained a lot here in the last two years, I hope to make further improvements. This can be regarded as a career advancement case, right? That’s why I can’t stay at Shen Group. Thank you for your guidance and mentorship in the past two years. “

Director Wang couldn’t help but ask, “Did CEO Shen agree to this?”

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